Biscuit is a bearer token that supports offline attenuation, can be verified by any system that knows the root public key, and provides a flexible authorization language based on logic programming. It is serialized as Protocol Buffers 1, and designed to be small enough for storage in HTTP cookies.
- Datalog: a declarative logic language that works on facts defining data relationship, rules creating more facts if conditions are met, and queries to test such conditions
- check: a restriction on the kind of operation that can be performed with the token that contains it, represented as a datalog query in biscuit. For the operation to be valid, all of the checks defined in the token and the authorizer must succeed
- allow/deny policies: a list of datalog queries that are tested in a sequence until one of them matches. They can only be defined in the authorizer
- block: a list of datalog facts, rules and checks. The first block is the authority block, used to define the basic rights of a token
- (Verified) Biscuit: a completely parsed biscuit, whose signatures and final proof have been successfully verified
- Unverified Biscuit: a completely parsed biscuit, whose signatures and final proof have not been verified yet. Manipulating unverified biscuits can be useful for generic tooling (eg inspecting a biscuit without knowing its public key)
- Authorized Biscuit: a completely parsed biscuit, whose signatures and final proof
have been successfully verified and that was authorized in a given context, by running
checks and policies.
An authorized biscuit may carry informations about the successful authorization such as the allow query that matched and the facts generated in the process - Authorizer: the context in which a biscuit is evaluated. An authorizer may carry facts, rules, checks and policies.
A Biscuit token is defined as a series of blocks. The first one, named "authority block", contains rights given to the token holder. The following blocks contain checks that reduce the token's scope, in the form of logic queries that must succeed. The holder of a biscuit token can at any time create a new token by adding a block with more checks, thus restricting the rights of the new token, but they cannot remove existing blocks without invalidating the signature.
The token is protected by public key cryptography operations: the initial creator of a token holds a secret key, and any verifier for the token needs only to know the corresponding public key. Any attenuation operation will employ ephemeral key pairs that are meant to be destroyed as soon as they are used.
There is also a sealed version of that token that prevents further attenuation.
The logic language used to design rights, checks, and operation data is a variant of datalog that accepts expressions on some data types.
A biscuit is structured as an append-only list of blocks, containing checks, and describing authorization properties. As with Macaroons2, an operation must comply with all checks in order to be allowed by the biscuit.
Checks are written as queries defined in a flavor of Datalog that supports expressions on some data types3, without support for negation. This simplifies its implementation and makes the check more precise.
A Biscuit Datalog program contains facts and rules, which are made of predicates over the following types:
- variable
- integer
- string
- byte array
- date
- boolean
- null
- set a deduplicated list of values of any type, except variable or set
- array an array of values of any type, expect variable (nested arrays are allowed)
- map a map of key/value pairs. keys must be either strings or integers, values can be of any type, except variable (nested maps are allowed)
While a Biscuit token does not use a textual representation for storage, we use one for parsing and pretty printing of Datalog elements.
A predicate has the form Predicate(v0, v1, ..., vn)
A fact is a predicate that does not contain any variable.
A rule has the form:
Pr(r0, r1, ..., rk) <- P0(t0_1, t0_2, ..., t0_m1), ..., Pn(tn_1, tn_2, ..., tn_mn), E0(v0, ..., vi), ..., Ex(vx, ..., vy)
The part of the left of the arrow is called the head and on the right, the
body. In a rule, each of the ri
or ti_j
terms can be of any type. A
rule is safe if all of the variables in the head appear somewhere in the body.
We also define an expression Ex
over the variables v0
to vi
. Expressions
define a test of variable values when applying the rule. If the expression
returns false
, the rule application fails.
A query is a type of rule that has no head. It has the following form:
?- P0(t1_1, t1_2, ..., t1_m1), ..., Pn(tn_1, tn_2, ..., tn_mn), C0(v0), ..., Cx(vx)
When applying a rule, if there is a combination of facts that matches the
body's predicates, we generate a new fact corresponding to the head (with the
variables bound to the corresponding values).
A check is a list of query for which the token validation will fail if it cannot produce any fact. A single query needs to match for the fact to succeed. If any of the cheks fails, the entire verification fails.
An allow policy or deny policy is a list of query. If any of the queries produces something, the policy matches, and we stop there, otherwise we test the next one. If an allow policy succeeds, the token verification succeeds, while if a deny policy succeeds, the token verification fails. Those policies are tested after all of the checks have passed.
We will represent the various types as follows:
- variable:
(the variable name is converted to an integer id through the symbol table) - integer:
- string:
(strings are converted to integer ids through the symbol table) - byte array:
- date in RFC 3339 format:
- boolean:
- null:
, supported since v3.3 - set:
{"a", "b", "c"}
(the empty set is{,}
) - array:
[ "a", true, null]
, supported since v3.3 - map:
{ "a": true, 12: "a" }
(the empty map is{}
), supported since v3.3
As an example, assuming we have the following facts: parent("a", "b")
parent("b", "c")
, parent("c", "d")
. If we apply the rule
grandparent($x, $z) <- parent($x, $y), parent($y, $z)
, we will try to replace
the predicates in the body by matching facts. We will get the following
grandparent("a", "c") <- parent("a", "b"), parent("b", "c")
grandparent("b", "d") <- parent("b", "c"), parent("c", "d")
The system will now contain the two new facts grandparent("a", "c")
grandparent("b", "d")
. Whenever we generate new facts, we have to reapply all of
the system's rules on the facts, because some rules might give a new result. Once
rules application does not generate any new facts, we can stop.
An integer is a signed 64 bits integer. It supports the following operations: lower than, greater than, lower than or equal, greater than or equal, strict equal, strict not equal, set inclusion, addition, subtraction, mutiplication, division, bitwise and, bitwise or, bitwise xor, lenient equal, lenient not equal, typeof.
A string is a suite of UTF-8 characters. It supports the following
operations: prefix, suffix, strict equal, strict not equal, set inclusion, regular
expression, concatenation (with +
), substring test (with .contains()
), lenient equal, lenient not equal, typeof.
A byte array is a suite of bytes. It supports the following operations: strict equal, strict not equal, set inclusion, lenient equal, lenient not equal, typeof.
A date is a 64 bit unsigned integer representing a UTC unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). It supports
the following operations: <
, <=
(before), >
, >=
(after), strict equal,
strict not equal, set inclusion, lenient equal, lenient not equal, typeof.
A boolean is true
or false
. It supports the following operations:
(strict equal), !==
(strict not equal), eager or, eager and, set inclusion, ==
(lenient equal), !=
(lenient not equal), typeof, short-circuiting or, short-circuiting and.
A null is a default type indicating the absence of value. It supports ===
(strict equal), !==
(strict not equal), ==
(lenient equal) and !=
(lenient not equal), typeof. null
is always equal to itself.
A set is a deduplicated list of terms of the same type. It cannot contain variables or other sets. It supports strict equal, strict not equal, intersection, union, set inclusion, lenient equal, lenient not equal, any, all, typeof.
An array is an ordered list of terms, not necessarily of the same type. It supports ===
(strict equal), !==
(strict not equal), ==
(lenient equal) and !=
(lenient not equal), contains, prefix, suffix, get, typeof.
A map is an unordered collection of key/value pairs, with unique keys. Keys are either strings or integers, values can be any term. It supports ===
(strict equal), !==
(strict not equal), ==
(lenient equal) and !=
(lenient not equal), contains, get, typeof.
The logic language is described by the following EBNF grammar:
<origin_clause> ::= <sp>? "trusting " <origin_element> <sp>? ("," <sp>? <origin_element> <sp>?)*
<origin_element> ::= "authority" | "previous" | <signature_alg> "/" <bytes>
<signature_alg> ::= "ed25519" | "secp256r1"
<block> ::= (<origin_clause> ";" <sp>?)? (<block_element> | <comment> )*
<block_element> ::= <sp>? ( <check> | <fact> | <rule> ) <sp>? ";" <sp>?
<authorizer> ::= (<authorizer_element> | <comment> )*
<authorizer_element> ::= <sp>? ( <policy> | <check> | <fact> | <rule> ) <sp>? ";" <sp>?
<comment> ::= "//" ([a-z] | [A-Z] ) ([a-z] | [A-Z] | [0-9] | "_" | ":" | " " | "\t" | "(" | ")" | "$" | "[" | "]" )* "\n"
<fact> ::= <name> "(" <sp>? <fact_term> (<sp>? "," <sp>? <fact_term> )* <sp>? ")"
<rule> ::= <predicate> <sp>? "<-" <sp>? <rule_body>
<check> ::= "check" <sp> ( "if" | "all" ) <sp> <rule_body> (<sp>? " or " <sp>? <rule_body>)* <sp>?
<policy> ::= ("allow" | "deny") <sp> "if" <sp> <rule_body> (<sp>? " or " <sp>? <rule_body>)* <sp>?
<rule_body> ::= <rule_body_element> <sp>? ("," <sp>? <rule_body_element> <sp>?)* (<sp> <origin_clause>)?
<rule_body_element> ::= <predicate> | <expression>
<predicate> ::= <name> "(" <sp>? <term> (<sp>? "," <sp>? <term> )* <sp>? ")"
<term> ::= <fact_term> | <variable>
<fact_term> ::= <boolean> | <string> | <number> | ("hex:" <bytes>) | <date> | <null> | <set>
<set_term> ::= <boolean> | <string> | <number> | <bytes> | <date> | <null>
<number> ::= "-"? [0-9]+
<bytes> ::= ([a-z] | [0-9])+
<boolean> ::= "true" | "false"
<null> ::= "null"
<date> ::= [0-9]* "-" [0-9] [0-9] "-" [0-9] [0-9] "T" [0-9] [0-9] ":" [0-9] [0-9] ":" [0-9] [0-9] ( "Z" | ( ("+" | "-") [0-9] [0-9] ":" [0-9] [0-9] ))
<set> ::= "{" "," | (<sp>? ( <set_term> ( <sp>? "," <sp>? <set_term>)* <sp>? ) )"}"
<array> ::= "[" <sp>? ( <term> ( <sp>? "," <sp>? <term>)* <sp>? )? "]"
<map_entry> ::= (<string> | <number>) <sp>? ":" <sp>? <term>
<map> ::= "{" <sp>? ( <map_entry> ( <sp>? "," <sp>? <map_entry>)* <sp>? )? "}"
<expression> ::= <expression_element> (<sp>? <operator> <sp>? <expression_element>)*
<expression_element> ::= <expression_unary> | (<expression_term> <expression_method>? )
<expression_unary> ::= "!" <sp>? <expression>
<expression_method> ::= "." <method_name> "(" <sp>? (<term> ( <sp>? "," <sp>? <term>)* )? <sp>? ")"
<method_name> ::= (extern::)?([a-z] | [A-Z] ) ([a-z] | [A-Z] | [0-9] | "_" )*
<expression_term> ::= <term> | ("(" <sp>? <expression> <sp>? ")")
<operator> ::= "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "===" | "!==" | "&&" | "||" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "==" | "!=="
<sp> ::= (" " | "\t" | "\n")+
The name
, variable
and string
rules are defined as:
:- first character is any UTF-8 letter character
- following characters are any UTF-8 letter character, numbers,
:- first character is
- following characters are any UTF-8 letter character, numbers,
- first character is
:- first character is
- any printable UTF-8 character except
which must be escaped as\"
- last character is
- first character is
The order of operations in expressions is the following:
- parentheses;
- methods;
(left associative)+
(left associative)&
(left associative)|
(left associative)^
(left associative)<=
(not associative: they have to be combined with parentheses)&&
(left associative)||
(left associative)
Since the first block defines the token's rights through facts and rules, and later blocks can define their own facts and rules, we must ensure the token cannot increase its rights with later blocks.
This is done through execution scopes: by default, a block's rules and checks can only apply on facts created in the authority, in the current block or in the authorizer. Rules, checks and policies defined in the authorizer can only apply on facts created in the authority or in the authorizer.
- the token contains
right("file1", "read")
in the first block - the token holder adds a block with the fact
right("file2", "read")
- the verifier adds:
check if resource($res), operation($op), right($res, $op)
The verifier's check will fail because when it is evaluated, it only sees
right("file1", "read")
from the authority block.
Rules (and blocks) can specify trusted origins through a special trusting
annotation. By default,
only the current block, the authority block and the verifier are trusted. This default can be overriden:
- at the block level
- at the rule level (which takes precedence over block-level annotations)
The scope annotation can be a combination of either:
(default behaviour): the authorizer, the current block and the authority one are trusted;previous
(only available in blocks): the authorizer, the current block and the previous blocks (including the authority) are trusted;- a public key: the authorizer, the current block and the blocks carrying an external signature verified by the provided public key are trusted.
is only available in blocks, and is ignored when used in the authorizer.
When there are multiple scope annotations, the trusted origins are added. Note that the current block and the authorizer are always trusted.
This scope annotation is then turned into a set of block ids before evaluation. Authorizer facts and rules are assigned a dedicated block id that's distinct from the authority and from the extra blocks.
Only facts which origin is a subset of these trusted origins are matched. The authorizer block id and the current block id are always part of these trusted origins.
Checks are logic queries evaluating conditions on facts. To validate an operation, all of a token's checks must succeed.
One block can contain one or more checks.
Their text representation is check if
, check all
or reject if
followed by the body of the query.
There can be multiple queries inside of a check, it will succeed if any of them
succeeds (in the case of reject if
, the check will fail if any query matches). They are separated by a or
- a
check if
query succeeds if it finds one set of facts that matches the body and expressions - a
check all
query succeeds if all the sets of facts that match the body also succeed the expression. - a
reject if
query succeeds if no set of facts matches the body and expressions
check all
can only be used starting from v3.1
reject if
can only be used starting from v3.3
Here are some examples of writing checks:
This first token defines a list of authority facts giving read
and write
rights on file1
, read
on file2
. The first check ensures that the operation
is read
(and will not allow any other operation
fact), and then that we have
the read
right over the resource.
The second check ensures that the resource is either file1
or file2
The third check ensures that the resource is not file1
right("file1", "read");
right("file2", "read");
right("file1", "write");
Block 1:
check if
right($0, "read") // restrict to read operations
Block 2:
check if
or resource("file2") // restrict to file1 or file2
Block 3:
reject if
resource("file1") // forbid using the token on file1
The verifier side provides the resource
and operation
facts with information
from the request.
If the verifier provided the facts resource("file1")
, the rule application of the first check would see
resource("file1"), operation("read"), right("file1", "read")
with X = "file1"
, so it would succeed, the second check would also succeed because it expects resource("file1")
or resource("file2")
. The third check would then fail because it would match on resource("file1")
If the verifier provided the facts resource("file2")
, all checks would succeed.
In this example, we have a token with very large rights, that will be attenuated before giving to a user. The authority block can define rules that will generate facts depending on data provided by the verifier. This helps reduce the size of the token.
// if there is an ambient resource and we own it, we can read it
right($0, "read") <- resource($0), owner($1, $0);
// if there is an ambient resource and we own it, we can write to it
right($0, "write") <- resource($0), owner($1, $0);
Block 1:
check if
right($0, $1),
Block 2:
check if
owner("alice", $0) // defines a token only usable by alice
These rules will define authority facts depending on verifier data.
If we had the facts resource("file1")
owner("alice", "file1")
, the authority rules will define
right("file1", "read")
and right("file1", "write")
which will allow check 1 and check 2 to succeed.
If the owner ambient fact does not match the restriction in the second check, the token verification will fail.
Allow and deny policies are queries that are tested one by one, after all of the checks have succeeded. If one of them succeeds, we stop there, otherwise we test the next one. If an allow policy succeeds, token verification succeeds, while if a deny policy succeeds, the token verification fails. If none of these policies are present, the verification will fail.
They are written as allow if
or deny if
followed by the body of the query.
Same as for checks, the body of a policy can contain multiple queries, separated
by "or". A single query needs to match for the policy to match.
We can define queries or rules with expressions on some predicate values, and restrict usage based on ambient values:
right("/folder/file1", "read");
right("/folder/file2", "read");
right("/folder2/file3", "read");
check if resource($0), right($0, $1)
check if time($0), $0 < 2019-02-05T23:00:00Z // expiration date
check if source_IP($0), ["", ""].contains($0) // set membership
check if resource($0), $0.starts_with("/folder/") // prefix operation on strings
Executing an expression must always return a boolean, and all variables appearing in an expression must also appear in other predicates of the rule.
Expressions are internally represented as a series of opcodes for a stack based virtual machine. There are four kinds of opcodes:
- value: a raw value of any type. If it is a variable, the variable must also appear in a predicate, so the variable gets a real value for execution. When encountering a value opcode, we push it onto the stack
- unary operation: an operation that applies on one argument. When executed, it pops a value from the stack, applies the operation, then pushes the result
- binary operation: an operation that applies on two arguments. When executed, it pops two values from the stack, applies the operation, then pushes the result
- closure: a function definition containing the name of parameters and the body of the function expressed as a list of opcodes. Closures can be nested.
After executing, the stack must contain only one value, of the boolean type.
Closures are evaluated recursively. When executing a closure, a new empty stack is created, and the closure opcodes are evaluated. After evaluation, the stack must contain only one value, of any type, which is then pushed on the parent stack.
The closure arguments are treated the same way as datalog variables and are replaced by their value when the corresponding opcode is evaluated.
Shadowing (defining a parameter with the same name as a variable already in scope) is not allowed and should be rejected before starting the evaluation.
Short-circuiting boolean operators (&&
and ||
) are implemented using closures: the right-hand side is defined in a closure (taking zero arguments) and is only evaluated as needed.
Here are the currently defined unary operations:
- negate: boolean negation
- parens: returns its argument without modification (this is used when printing the expression, to avoid precedence errors)
- length: defined on strings, byte arrays and sets (for strings, length is defined as the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoded string; the alternative of counting grapheme clusters would be inconsistent between languages)
- type, defined on all types, returns a string (v3.3+)
- external call: implementation-defined, allows the datalog engine to call out to a function provided by the host language. The external call name is an interned string, stored in the symbol table (v3.3+)
Here are the currently defined binary operations:
- less than, defined on integers and dates, returns a boolean
- greater than, defined on integers and dates, returns a boolean
- less or equal, defined on integers and dates, returns a boolean
- greater or equal, defined on integers and dates, returns a boolean
- strict equal, defined on integers, strings, byte arrays, dates, set, null, returns a boolean
- strict not equal, defined on integers, strings, byte arrays, dates, set, null, returns a boolean (v3.1+)
- contains takes a set and another value as argument, returns a boolean. Between two sets, indicates if the first set is a superset of the second one. between two strings, indicates a substring test.
- prefix, defined on strings, returns a boolean
- suffix, defined on strings, returns a boolean
- regex, defined on strings, returns a boolean
- add, defined on integers, returns an integer. Defined on strings, concatenates them.
- sub, defined on integers, returns an integer
- mul, defined on integers, returns an integer
- div, defined on integers, returns an integer
- eager and, defined on booleans, returns a boolean
- eager or, defined on booleans, returns a boolean
- intersection, defined on sets, return a set that is the intersection of both arguments
- union, defined on sets, return a set that is the union of both arguments
- bitwiseAnd, defined on integers, returns an integer (v3.1+)
- bitwiseOr, defined on integers, returns an integer (v3.1+)
- bitwiseXor, defined on integers, returns an integer (v3.1+)
- lenient equal, defined on all types, returns a boolean (v3.3+)
- lenient not equal, defined on all types, returns a boolean (v3.3+)
- any, defined on sets, takes a closure term -> boolean, returns a boolean (v3.3+)
- all, defined on sets, takes a closure term -> boolean, returns a boolean (v3.3+)
- short circuiting and, defined on booleans, takes a closure () -> boolean, returns a boolean (v3.3+)
- short circuiting or, defined on booleans, takes a closure () -> boolean, returns a boolean (v3.3+)
- get, defined on arrays and maps (v3.3+)
on arrays, takes an integer and returns the corresponding element (or
, if out of bounds)
on maps, takes either an integer or a string and returns the corresponding element (ornull
, if out of bounds) - external call: implementation-defined, allows the datalog engine to call out to a function provided by the host language. The external call name is an interned string, stored in the symbol table (v3.3+)
Integer operations must have overflow checks. If it overflows, the expression fails.
Strict equality fails with a type error when trying to compare different types.
Lenient equality returns false when trying to compare different types.
External calls are implementation defined. External calls carry a function name, which can be used to call a user-defined function provided to the biscuit library. The function name is an interned string, stored in the symbol table.
The expression $a + 2 < 4
will translate to the following opcodes: $a, 2, +, 4, <
Here is how it would be executed, given $a is bound to the value 1:
Context: a ~> 1
Op | stack
| [ ]
$a | [ 1 ]
2 | [ 2, 1 ]
+ | [ 3 ]
4 | [ 4, 3 ]
< | [ true ]
The stack contains only one value, and it is true
: the expression succeeds.
The expression [1,2].any($x -> $x == $a)
will translate to the following opcodes: [1,2], x->[$x, $a, ==], any.
Here is how it would be executed, given $a is bound to the value 2:
Context: a ~> 2
Op | stack
| [ ]
[1,2] | [ [1,2] ]
x->[$x,$a,==] | [ x->[$x,$a,==],[1,2] ]
any | … starting recursive evaluation …
Beginning new evaluation
Context: a ~> 2, x ~> 1
Op | stack
| []
$x | [ 1 ]
$a | [ 2, 1 ]
== | [ false ]
The stack contains one value, false. So the evaluation must continue with the next set element.
Beggining new evaluation
Context: a ~> 2, x ~> 2
Op | stack
| []
$x | [ 2 ]
$a | [ 2, 2 ]
== | [ true ]
The stack contains one value, true. The evaluation can stop here, the evaluation of any can return true.
Resuming parent stack
Context: a ~> 2
Op | stack
any | true
The stack contains only one value, and it is true
: the expression succeeds.
Datalog fact generation works by repeatedly extending a Datalog world until no new facts are generated.
A Datalog world is:
- a set of rules, each one tagged by the block id they were defined in
- a set of facts, each one tagged by its origin: the block ids that allowed them to exist
Then, for each rule
- facts are filtered based on their origin, and the scope annotation of the rule
- available facts are matched on the rule predicates; only fact combinations that match every predicate are kept
- rules expressions are computed for every matched combination; only fact combinations for which every expression returns true succeed
- new facts are generated by the rule head, based on the matched variables
A fact defined in a block n
has for origin {n}
(a set containing only n
A fact generated by a rule defined in block rule_block_id
that matched on facts fact_0…, fact_n
has for origin
Union({rule_block_id}, origin(fact_0) …, origin(fact_n))
The verifier provides information on the operation, such as the type of access ("read", "write", etc), the resource accessed, and more ambient data like the current time, source IP address, revocation lists. The verifier can also provide its own checks. It provides allow and deny policies for the final decision on request validation.
The token must first be deserialized according to the protobuf format definition,
of Biscuit
The cryptographic signature must be checked immediately after deserializing. The verifier must check that the public key of the authority block is the root public key it is expecting.
A Biscuit
contains in its authority
and blocks
some byte arrays that must be deserialized as a Block
The authorizer will first create a default symbol table, and will append to that table the values
from the symbols
field of each block, starting from the authority
block and all the
following blocks, ordered by their index.
The verifier will create a Datalog "world", and add to this world its own facts and rules: ambient data from the request, lists of users and roles, etc.
- the facts from the authority block
- the rules from the authority block
- for each following block:
- add the facts from the block.
- add the rules from the block.
The verifier will generate a list of facts indicating revocation identifiers for
the token. The revocation identifier for a block is its signature (as it uniquely
identifies the block) serialized to a byte array (as in the Protobuf schema).
For each of these if, a fact revocation_id(<index of the block>, <byte array>)
will be generated.
From there, the authorizer can start loading data from each block.
- load facts and rules from every block, tagging each fact and rule with the corresponding block id
- run the Datalog engine on all the facts and rules
- for each check, validate it. If it fails, add an error to the error list
- for each allow/deny policy:
- run the query. If it succeeds:
- if it is an allow policy, the verification succeeds, store the result and stop here
- if it is a deny policy, the verification fails, store the result and stop here
- run the query. If it succeeds:
Returning the result:
- if the error list is not empty, return the error list
- check policy result:
- if an allow policy matched, the verification succeeds
- if a deny policy matched, the verification fails
- if no policy matched, the verification fails
The verifier can also run queries over the loaded data. A query is a datalog rule, and the query's result is the produced facts.
Appending a new block to an existing biscuit token requires deserializing blocks to extract symbol tables. Signature verification is not required at this step.
The current version of the format is in schema.proto
The token contains two levels of serialization. The main structure that will be transmitted over the wire is either the normal Biscuit wrapper:
message Biscuit {
optional uint32 rootKeyId = 1;
required SignedBlock authority = 2;
repeated SignedBlock blocks = 3;
required Proof proof = 4;
message SignedBlock {
required bytes block = 1;
required PublicKey nextKey = 2;
required bytes signature = 3;
optional ExternalSignature externalSignature = 4;
optional uint32 version = 5;
message ExternalSignature {
required bytes signature = 1;
required PublicKey publicKey = 2;
message PublicKey {
required Algorithm algorithm = 1;
enum Algorithm {
Ed25519 = 0;
SECP256R1 = 1;
required bytes key = 2;
message Proof {
oneof Content {
bytes nextSecret = 1;
bytes finalSignature = 2;
The rootKeyId
is a hint to decide which root public key should be used
for signature verification.
Each block contains a serialized byte array of the Datalog data (block
the next public key (nextKey
) and the signature of that block and key
by the previous key. The version
field indicates the version of the signature
payload format.
The proof
field contains either the private key corresponding to the
public key in the last block (attenuable tokens) or a signature of the last
block by the private key (sealed tokens).
The block
field is a byte array, containing a Block
structure serialized
in Protobuf format as well:
message Block {
repeated string symbols = 1;
optional string context = 2;
optional uint32 version = 3;
repeated FactV2 facts_v2 = 4;
repeated RuleV2 rules_v2 = 5;
repeated CheckV2 checks_v2 = 6;
repeated Scope scope = 7;
repeated PublicKey publicKeys = 8;
Each block contains a version
field, indicating at which datalog version it
was generated. Since a Biscuit implementation at version N can receive a valid
token generated at version N-1, new implementations must be able to recognize
older formats. Moreover, when appending a new block, they cannot convert the
old blocks to the new format (since that would invalidate the signature). So
each block must carry its own version.
- An implementation must refuse a token containing blocks with a newer format than the range they know.
- An implementation must refuse a token containing blocks with an older format than the range they know.
- An implementation may generate blocks with older formats to help with backwards compatibility, when possible, especially for biscuit versions that are only additive in terms of features.
The format version is encoded as a single integer:
is encoded as3
is encoded as4
is encoded as5
is encoded as6
The lowest supported datalog version is
; -
The highest supported datalog version is
This is the format for the 3.x version of Biscuit.
It transport expressions as an array of opcodes.
When transmitted as text, a Biscuit token should be serialized to a
URLS safe base 64 string. When the context does not indicate that it
is a Biscuit token, that base 64 string should be prefixed with biscuit:
Biscuit tokens are based on public key cryptography, with a chain of signatures. Each block contains the serialized Datalog, the next public key, and the signature by the previous key. The token also contains the private key corresponding to the last public key, to sign a new block and attenuate the token, or a signature of the last block by the last private key, to seal the token.
Biscuit supports multiple signature algorithms for its blocks, that can change
between blocks in one token. The algorithm kind is defined in the Algorithm
enum of the protobuf serialization of the public key. The nextSecret
in the proof section of the token uses the same algorithm as the nextKey
of the last block.
The following algorithms are supported:
The default signature algorithm is Ed25519 as introduced in Bernstein, Daniel J.; Duif, Niels; Lange, Tanja; Schwabe, Peter; Bo-Yin Yang (2012). "High-speed high-security signatures" (PDF). Journal of Cryptographic Engineering and specified in RFC 8032.
The protobuf encoding is defined as follows:
field of thePublickey
message: compressed Edwards Y formatnextSecret
in theProof
message: 32 bytes of cryptographically secure random data in little-endiansignature
field inSignature
messages: concatenation of R and S values
Biscuit supports the ECDSA algorithm over the secp256r1 curve as defined in SEC2v1, using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. It is recommended to use a deterministic signature algorithm version like the one defined in RFC 6979.
The protobuf encoding is defined as follows:
field of thePublickey
message: compressed SEC1 format, defined in section 2.3.3. Allowed prefixes:02
in theProof
message: big endian representation of the secret scalarsignature
field inSignature
messages: SEC1 ASN.1 format, defined in section C5, only using ther
ECDSA-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE {
The data covered by the signature algorithm depends on the version
field of
the SignedBlock
message. If the field is absent, it defaults to version 0.
Signature version 1 must be used for third-party blocks.
This defines the block signature payload v0.
The authority block signature payload v0 is the concatenation of:
: the serialized Datalogpk_1
: the next public keyalg_1
: the little endian representation of the signature algorithm forpk_1
To sign the block at index n+1
, the signed payload format is the concatenation of:
: the serialized Datalogpk_n+2
: the next public keyalg_n+2
: the little endian representation of the signature algorithm forpk_n+2
if external_sig_n+1
is present, the signed payload format is instead the concatenation of:
: the serialized Datalogexternal_sig_n+1
: the optional external signature of the blockpk_n+2
: the next public keyalg_n+2
: the little endian representation of the signature algorithm forpk_n+2
This format is deprecated and will be gradually replaced by version 1.
The signed payload format for external signatures, thereafter referred as "external signature payload v0", is the concatenation of:
: the serialized Datalogpk_n+1
: the public key for the next blockalg_n+1
: the little endian representation of the signature algorithm forpk_n+1
This format is not supported anymore and should be replaced by version 1.
This defines the block signature payload v1.
The authority block signature payload v1 is the concatenation of:
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0BLOCK\0"
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0VERSION\0"
- the little endian representation of the version of the signature payload format
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0PAYLOAD\0"
: the serialized Datalog- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0ALGORITHM\0"
: the little endian representation of the signature algorithm forpk_1
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0NEXTKEY\0"
: the next public key
To sign the block at index n+1
, the signed payload format is the concatenation of:
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0BLOCK\0"
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0VERSION\0"
- the little endian representation of the version of the signature payload format
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0PAYLOAD\0"
: the serialized Datalog- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0ALGORITHM\0"
: the little endian representation of the signature algorithm forpk_n+2
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0NEXTKEY\0"
: the next public key- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0PREVSIG\0"
: the signature of the previous block- if
is present:- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0EXTERNALSIG\0"
: the optional external signature of the block
the signed payload format for external signatures, thereafter referred as "external signature payload v1", is the concatenation of:
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0EXTERNAL\0"
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0VERSION\0"
- the little endian representation of the version of the signature payload format
- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0PAYLOAD\0"
: the serialized Datalog- the binary representation of the ASCII string "\0PREVSIG\0"
: the signature of the previous block
(pk_0, sk_0)
the root public and private keysdata_0
the serialized Datalog(pk_1, sk_1)
the next key pair, generated at randomalg_1
the little endian representation of the signature algorithm frpk1, sk1
(see protobuf schema)- the signed block version indicates the version of the signature payload format, either "block signature payload v0" or "block signature payload v1"
is the signature of the payload bysk_0
The token will contain:
Token {
root_key_id: <optional number indicating the root key to use for verification>
authority: Block {
blocks: [],
proof: Proof {
nextSecret: sk_1,
With a token containing blocks 0 to n:
Block n contains:
The token also contains sk_n+1
The new block can optionally be signed by an external keypair (epk, esk)
and carry an external signature esig
the signed block version indicates the version of the signature payload format, either "block signature payload v0" or "block signature payload v1".
We generate at random (pk_n+2, sk_n+2)
and the signature sig_n+1
is the signature of the payload by sk_n+1
The token will contain:
Token {
root_key_id: <optional number indicating the root key to use for verification>
authority: Block_0,
blocks: [Block_1, .., Block_n,
Block_n+1 {
epk?, esig?
proof: Proof {
nextSecret: sk_n+2,
Blocks generated by a trusted third party can carry an extra signature to provide a proof of their origin. Same as regular signatures, they rely on public key cryptography.
The external signature for block n+1
, with (external_pk, external_sk)
is external_sig_n+1
, the signature of the payload in format "external signature payload v1" by external_sk
The authority block can't carry an external signature. This is necessary to make sure an external signature can't be used for any other token.
The presence of an external signature affects the regular signature: the external signature is part of the payload signed by the regular signature.
The token will contain:
Token {
root_key_id: <optional number indicating the root key to use for verification>
authority: Block_0,
blocks: [Block_1, .., Block_n,
Block_n+1 {
proof: Proof {
nextSecret: sk_n+2,
Blocks signed with an external keypair must be at least v5.
For each block i from 0 to n:
: the signature payload for block iverify(pk_i, sig_i, payload_i)
If all signatures are verified, extract pk_n+1 from the last block and sk_n+1 from the proof field, and check that they are from the same key pair.
For each block i from 1 to n, where an external signature is present:
: the external signature payload for block iverify(external_pk_i, external_sig_i, external_payload_i)
With a token containing blocks 0 to n:
Block n contains:
The token also contains sk_n+1
We generate the signature sig_n+1 = sign(sk_n+1, data_n + alg_n+1 + pk_n+1 + sig_n)
(we sign
the last block and its signature with the last private key).
The token will contain:
Token {
root_key_id: <optional number indicating the root key to use for verification>
authority: Block_0,
blocks: [Block_1, .., Block_n]
proof: Proof {
finalSignature: sig_n+1
For each block i from 0 to n:
- verify(pk_i, sig_i, data_i+alg_i+1+pk_i+1)
If all signatures are verified, extract pk_n+1 from the last block and
sig from the proof field, and check verify(pk_n+1, sig_n+1, data_n+alg_n+1+pk_n+1+sig_n)
A block is defined as follows in the schema file:
message Block {
repeated string symbols = 1;
optional string context = 2;
optional uint32 version = 3;
repeated FactV2 facts_v2 = 4;
repeated RuleV2 rules_v2 = 5;
repeated CheckV2 checks_v2 = 6;
repeated Scope scope = 7;
repeated PublicKey publicKeys = 8;
The block index is incremented for each new block. The Block 0 is the authority block.
Each block can provide facts either from its facts list, or generate them with its rules list.
To reduce the token size and improve performance, Biscuit uses a symbol table, a list of strings that any fact or token can refer to by index. While running the logic engine does not need to know the content of that list, pretty printing facts, rules and results will use it.
The symbol table is created from a default table containing, in order:
- read
- write
- resource
- operation
- right
- time
- role
- owner
- tenant
- namespace
- user
- team
- service
- admin
- group
- member
- ip_address
- client
- client_ip
- domain
- path
- version
- cluster
- node
- hostname
- nonce
- query
Symbol table indexes from 0 to 1023 are reserved for the default symbols. Symbols defined in a token or authorizer must start from 1024.
When creating a new block, we start from the current symbol table of the token. For each fact or rule that introduces a new symbol, we add the corresponding string to the table, and convert the fact or rule to use its index instead.
Once every fact and rule has been integrated, we set as the block's symbol table
(its symbols
field) the symbols that were appended to the token's table.
The new token's symbol table is the list from the default table, and for each block in order, the block's symbols.
It is important to verify that different blocks do not contain the same symbol in their list.
Blocks that are signed by an external key don't use the token symbol table
and start from the default symbol table. Following blocks ignore the symbols
declared in their symbols
Similarly such blocks don't use the token public keys table and start from an empty table. Following blocks ignore the public keys defined in the public_keys
The reason for this is that the party signing the block is not supposed to have access to the token itself and can't use the token's symbol table or its public keys table.
Public keys carried in SignedBlock
s are stored as is, as they are required for verification.
Public keys carried in datalog scope annotations are stored in a table, to reduce token size.
Third-party blocks use an isolated public keys table, same as for symbols.
Building a symbol table for a token can be done this way:
for each block (if it does not have an external signature):
- add the contents of the
field of theBlock
Blocks with an external signature use their own table and don't affect the rest of the token.
Same as for symbols, the publicKeys
field should only contain public keys
that were not present in the table yet.
Third party blocks are special blocks, that are meant to be signed by a trusted party, to either expand a token or fulfill special checks with dedicated public key constraints.
Unlike first-party blocks, the party signing the token should not have access to the token itself. The third party needs however some context in order to be able to properly sign block contents. Additionally, the third party needs to return both the serialized block and the external signature.
To support this use-case, the protobuf schema defines two message types: ThirdPartyBlockRequest
and ThirdPartyBlockContents
message ThirdPartyBlockRequest {
optional PublicKey legacyPreviousKey = 1;
repeated PublicKey legacyPublicKeys = 2;
required bytes previousSignature = 3;
message ThirdPartyBlockContents {
required bytes payload = 1;
required ExternalSignature externalSignature = 2;
contains the necessary context for serializing and signing a datalog block:
was needed for the signature. It is not needed anymore withv1
signatures and must be empty.legacyPublicKeys
was needed for serialization but is not used anymore, it must be empty (a non-empty field indicates that the request has been generated by an outdated implementation).previousSignature
is needed for the signature (to make sure that a third-party block can only be used for a specific biscuit token).
contains both the serialized Block
and the external signature.
The expected sequence is
- the token holder generates a
from their token; - they send it, along with domain-specific information, to the third party that's responsible for providing a third-party block;
- the third party creates a datalog block (based on domain-specific information), serializes it and signs it, and returns
to the token holder - the token holder now uses
to append a new signed block to the token
An implementation must be able to:
- generate a
from a token (by extracting its last ephemeral public key) - apply a
on a token by appending the serialized block like a regular block
Same as biscuit tokens, the ThirdPartyBlockRequest
and ThirdPartyBlockContents
values can be transfered in text format
by encoding them with base64url.
Third-party blocks must at least have datalog version 3.2
(implementations not supporting at least version 3.2
have different symbol tables mechanisms and may interpret third-party blocks incorrectly).
We provide sample tokens and the expected result of their verification at
- "Trust Management Languages"
"Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the Cloud" ↩
"Datalog with Constraints: A Foundation for Trust Management Languages" ↩