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A python client for browsing and analyzing SHARE data (, gathered with scrAPI ( It builds heavily (almost completely) on the elasticsearch-dsl package for handling Elasticsearch querying and aggregations, and contains some additional utilities to help with graphing and analyzing the data.


You can install sharepa using pip: pip install sharepa

Getting Started

Here are some basic searches to get started parsing through SHARE data.

Basic Search

A basic search will provide access to all documents in SHARE - in 10 document slices.


You can use sharepa and the basic search to get the total number of documents in SHARE

from sharepa import basic_search


Iterating through results

Executing the basic search will send the actual basic query to the SHARE API and then let you iterate through results

results = basic_search.execute()

for hit in results:

If we don't want 10 results, or we want to offset the results, we can use slices

results = basic_search[5:10].execute()
for hit in results:

Advanced Search

You can make your own search object, which allows you to pass in custom queries for certain terms or SHARE fields. Queries are formed using lucene query syntax.

from sharepa import ShareSearch

my_search = ShareSearch()

my_search = my_search.query(
    'query_string', # Type of query, will accept a lucene query string
    query='NOT tags:*', # This lucene query string will find all documents that don't have tags
    analyze_wildcard=True  # This will make elasticsearch pay attention to the asterisk (which matches anything)

This type of query accepts a 'query_string'. Other options include a match query, a multi-match query, a bool query, and any other query structure available in the elasticsearch API.

We can see what that query that we're about to send to elasticsearch by using the pretty print helper function:

from sharepa.helpers import pretty_print

    "query": {
        "query_string": {
            "analyze_wildcard": true, 
            "query": "NOT tags:*"

When you execute that query, you can then iterate through the results the same way that you could with the simple search query.

new_results = my_search.execute()
for hit in new_results:

Aggregations for data analysis

While searching for individual results is useful, sharepa also lets you make aggregation queries that give you results across the entirety of the SHARE dataset at once. This is useful if you're curious about the completeness of data sets. For example, we can find the number of documents per source that are missing titles.

We can add an aggregation to my_search that will give us the number of documents per source that meet that previously defined search query (in our case, items that don't have tags). Here's what adding that aggregation will look like -

    'sources',  # Every aggregation needs a name
    'terms',  # There are many kinds of aggregations, terms is a pretty useful one though
    field='_type',  # We store the source of a document in its type, so this will aggregate by source
    size=0,  # These are just to make sure we get numbers for all the sources, to make it easier to combine graphs

We can see which query is actually going to be sent to elasticsearch by printing out the query.

    "query": {
        "query_string": {
            "analyze_wildcard": true, 
            "query": "NOT tags:*"
    "aggs": {
        "sources": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "_type", 
                "min_doc_count": 0, 
                "size": 0

This is the actual query that will be sent to the SHARE API. You can see that it added a section called "aggs" to the basic query that we made earlier.

You can access the aggregation data for basic plotting, and analysis, by accessing the bucket

Basic Plotting

Sharepa has some basic functions to get you started making plots using matplotlib and pandas.

Raw sharepa data is in the same format as elasticsearch results, represented as a nested structure. To convert the data into a format that pandas can recognize, we have to convert it into a dataframe.

Creating a dataframe from sharepa data

We can use the bucket_to_dataframe function to convert the elasticsearch formatted data into a pandas dataframe. To do this, we pass the title of the new column we want created, and the place to find the nested aggregation data.

Let's re-execute the my_search command including the updated query and update the new_results variable.

new_results = my_search.execute()

To convert these results to a pandas dataframe, we'll look within the appropriate results search bucket, in this case within new_results.aggregations.sourceAgg.buckets

from sharepa import bucket_to_dataframe
from matplotlib import pyplot

my_data_frame = bucket_to_dataframe('# documents by source - No Tags', new_results.aggregations.sources.buckets)

This will create a bar graph showing all of the sources, and document counts for each source matching our query of items that do not have tags.

You can also sort the data based on a certain column, in this case, '# documents by source - No Tags'

my_data_frame.sort(ascending=False, columns='# documents by source - No Tags').plot(kind='bar')

Advanced Aggregations

Let's make a more interesting aggregation. Let's look at the documents that are missing titles, by source.

from elasticsearch_dsl import F, Q

    'missingTitle',  # Name of the aggregation
    'filters', # We'll want to filter all the documents that have titles
        'missingTitle': F(  # F defines a filter
            'fquery',  # This is a query filter which takes a query and filters document by it
            query=Q(  # Q can define a query
                'query_string', # The type of aggregation
                query='NOT title:*',  # This will match all documents that don't have content in the title field
).metric(  # but wait, that's not enough! We need to break it down by source as well

We can check out what the query looks like now:

    "query": {
        "query_string": {
            "analyze_wildcard": true, 
            "query": "NOT tags:*"
    "aggs": {
        "sources": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "_type", 
                "min_doc_count": 0, 
                "size": 0
        "missingTitle": {
            "aggs": {
                "sourceAgg": {
                    "terms": {
                        "field": "_type", 
                        "min_doc_count": 0, 
                        "size": 0
            "filters": {
                "filters": {
                    "missingTitle": {
                        "fquery": {
                            "query": {
                                "query_string": {
                                    "query": "NOT title:*", 
                                    "analyze_wildcard": true

Wow this query has gotten big! Good thing we don't have to define it by hand.

Now we just need to execute the search:

my_results = my_search.execute()

Let's check out the results, and make sure that there are indeed no tags.

for hit in my_results:
    print(hit.title, hit.get('tags'))  # we can see there are no tags in our results

Let's pull out those buckets and turn them into dataframes for more analysis

missing_title = bucket_to_dataframe('missingTitle', my_results.aggregations.missingTitle.buckets.missingTitle.sourceAgg.buckets)
matches = bucket_to_dataframe('matches', my_results.aggregations.sources.buckets)

It'd be great if we could merge this dataframe with another that has information about all of the documents. Luckilly we have a built in function that will give us that data frame easily, called source_counts.

We can use that dataframe and merge it with our newly created one:

from sharepa.helpers import source_counts
from sharepa.analysis import merge_dataframes

merged = merge_dataframes(source_counts(), matches,  missing_title)

We can also easily do computations on these columns, and add those to the dataframe. Here's a way to get a pandas dataframe with a column for a percent from each source that is missing tags and a title:

merged['percent_missing_tags_and_title'] = (merged.missingTitle / merged.total_source_counts) * 100


The following examples cover some of the more common use cases of sharepa. They are by no means exhaustive, for more information see the elasticsearch and elasticsearch-dsl documentation.

Query examples

Queries and Filters are very similar, and have many overlaping search types (e.g. filter by range vs query by range) Queries sort returned hits by relevance (using the _score feild), filters ignore revelence and just find documents that match the search criteria given.

From Elastic search docs: As a general rule, queries should be used instead of filters: -for full text search -where the result depends on a relevance score

Ex: Lets get all the documents with titles containing the word 'cell' with regex:

my_search = ShareSearch() #create search object
my_search = my_search.query(
    "regexp", #the first arg in a query or filter is the type of filter/query to be employed
    title='.*cell.*' #then come the arguments, these are different depending on type of query is used, but generally: name_of_the_feild_to_be_operated_on='argument_values'

Ex: Or we can get all documents from MIT:

my_search = ShareSearch() #create search object
my_search = my_search.query(
    "match", #the first arg in a query or filter is the type of filter/query to be employed
    source='mit' #then come the arguments, these are different depending on type of query is used, but generally: name_of_the_feild_to_be_operated_on='argument_values'

For more information on query types, see the elasticsearch docs


From Elastic search docs: `` As a general rule, filters should be used instead of queries:

  • for binary yes/no searches
  • for queries on exact values ``

For more filter types see: Elasticsearch Filter Docs

Ex: Applying a filter to a search. Here, results will only contain hits between 14-06-01 and 15-06-01

my_search = ShareSearch() #create search object
my_search = my_search.filter( #apply filter to search
    "range", #applied a range type filter
    providerUpdatedDateTime={ #the feild in the data we compare
        'gte':'2014-01-01', #hits must be greater than or equal to this date and...
        'lte':'2015-01-01' #hits must be less than or equal to this date

Ex: We can add a second filter to the first, now hits will match both filters (date range and tags that start with 'ba'). Note: there are many ways to write filters/queries depending on the level of abstraction you want from elasticsearch.

# Here is a pure elasticsearch-dsl filter
my_search = my_search.filter(

# Here is the same search as a mix of elasticsearch-dsl and elasticsearch where the args are input as a dictionary a la elasticsearch
my_search = my_search.filter(
     **{"tags": "ba"}

# We can also match elasticsearch syntax exactly, and input the raw dictionary into the filter method
my_search = my_search.filter(
        "prefix": {"tags": "ba"}