Deployment commands / notes
- Single-node:
- Multi-node:
- Workshop Materials:
- EFS Provisioner:
- Kubernetes v1.8 Documentation:
- Interactive Kubernetes Tutorial:
In order to deploy a Cloud9 AWS from a CloudFormation template and deploy new Kubernetes clusters via kops
, you will need to have the following permissions:
- AWSCloud9EnvironmentMember
- AWSCloud9Administrator
- AWSLambdaFullAccess
- IAMFullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonVPCFullAccess
- AWSCloud9User
- AmazonSNSFullAccess
- CloudFormationFullAccess (inline)
- EC2CreateModifyDeleteNetworkInterfaces (inline)
- EFSFullAccess (inline)
NOTE: this was easily the least pleasant part
The following section describes the basics of working with clusters. You would likely need to learn this as a developer/user working with and debugging applications on Kubernetes, to spin up test clusters during development, or as to test the deployment process.
There is a lot of new terminology involved in Kubernetes.
Their official glossary does a much better job of formally defining their terms than I ever could.
- ->
If you're only looking for the Cloud9 can function as a standalone developer instance - it even comes with Docker pre-installed!
Simply clone this repo and follow the ./
to start up Kubernetes. (In this case, you will need to choose a larger machine size when deploying Cloud9, since the default is t2.micro
While untested, that's really it! Now you should be able to follow the rest of the instructions from the README to get started!
Furthermore, this could be a more secure drop-in replacement for our existing knowdev
VMs - instead of running Cloud9 as a container and SSHing back to the host, we are simply running Cloud9 on the host.
This is a bit more involved, depending on how much of it you will need.
Run the following command in your Cloud9 terminal:
aws s3 cp s3://aws-kubernetes-artifacts/ . && \
chmod +x && \
. ./
This will perform the following in your Cloud9 instance:
- Install kubectl
- Install kops
- Install jq
- Configure the aws CLI
- clones the Workshop Materials into your Cloud9 workspace with git
If you plan to use kops
, you'll want to disable temporary credntials, as described at the end of the Build Script section of the workshop tutorial setup
Choose a Cluster Name:
export CLUSTER_NAME="knowkube.cluster.k8s.local"
Add any exported environment variables to Cloud9's ~/.bash_profile, so they are restored in case your session is terminated
For example:
Run kops
to deploy a new cluster
kops create cluster \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--node-size="m4.large" \
It can take several minutes to set up your cluster - be patient. You can run the following command to check if your cluster is completely ready.
kops validate cluster
is how you interact with the cluster as an admininstrator.
kubectl get
can be used to list existing resources -
kubectl create
can be used to create new resources -
kubectl apply
orkubectl replace
can be used to update existing resources, or create them if they do not already exist -
kubectl delete
can be used to teardown existing resources -
kubectl run
can be used to run a new application -
kubectl logs
can be used to check the logs of existing containers -
kubectl expose
can be used to expose your application to other containers in the cluster
You can run a simple application using kubectl run
Using kubectl run --help
will list some examples:
$ kubectl run --help
Create and run a particular image, possibly replicated.
Creates a deployment or job to manage the created container(s).
# Start a single instance of nginx.
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
# Start a single instance of hazelcast and let the container expose port 5701 .
kubectl run hazelcast --image=hazelcast --port=5701
# Start a single instance of hazelcast and set environment variables "DNS_DOMAIN=cluster" and "POD_NAMESPACE=default"
in the container.
kubectl run hazelcast --image=hazelcast --env="DNS_DOMAIN=cluster" --env="POD_NAMESPACE=default"
# Start a single instance of hazelcast and set labels "app=hazelcast" and "env=prod" in the container.
kubectl run hazelcast --image=nginx --labels="app=hazelcast,env=prod"
# Start a replicated instance of nginx.
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=5
# Dry run. Print the corresponding API objects without creating them.
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run
# Start a single instance of nginx, but overload the spec of the deployment with a partial set of values parsed from
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { ... } }'
# Start a pod of busybox and keep it in the foreground, don't restart it if it exits.
kubectl run -i -t busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never
# Start the nginx container using the default command, but use custom arguments (arg1 .. argN) for that command.
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx -- <arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>
# Start the nginx container using a different command and custom arguments.
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --command -- <cmd> <arg1> ... <argN>
# Start the perl container to compute π to 2000 places and print it out.
kubectl run pi --image=perl --restart=OnFailure -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
# Start the cron job to compute π to 2000 places and print it out every 5 minutes.
kubectl run pi --schedule="0/5 * * * ?" --image=perl --restart=OnFailure -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
Some other examples:
- Running an NGINX Deployment:
- Redis/PHP Guestbook application:
kubectl expose
can be used to expose one or more ports of your application to other containers in the cluster.
kubectl expose --help
will provide more usage examples:
$ kubectl expose --help
Expose a resource as a new Kubernetes service.
Looks up a deployment, service, replica set, replication controller or pod by name and uses the selector for that
resource as the selector for a new service on the specified port. A deployment or replica set will be exposed as a
service only if its selector is convertible to a selector that service supports, i.e. when the selector contains only
the matchLabels component. Note that if no port is specified via --port and the exposed resource has multiple ports, all
will be re-used by the new service. Also if no labels are specified, the new service will re-use the labels from the
resource it exposes.
Possible resources include (case insensitive):
pod (po), service (svc), replicationcontroller (rc), deployment (deploy), replicaset (rs)
# Create a service for a replicated nginx, which serves on port 80 and connects to the containers on port 8000.
kubectl expose rc nginx --port=80 --target-port=8000
# Create a service for a replication controller identified by type and name specified in "nginx-controller.yaml",
which serves on port 80 and connects to the containers on port 8000.
kubectl expose -f nginx-controller.yaml --port=80 --target-port=8000
# Create a service for a pod valid-pod, which serves on port 444 with the name "frontend"
kubectl expose pod valid-pod --port=444 --name=frontend
# Create a second service based on the above service, exposing the container port 8443 as port 443 with the name
kubectl expose service nginx --port=443 --target-port=8443 --name=nginx-https
# Create a service for a replicated streaming application on port 4100 balancing UDP traffic and named 'video-stream'.
kubectl expose rc streamer --port=4100 --protocol=udp --name=video-stream
# Create a service for a replicated nginx using replica set, which serves on port 80 and connects to the containers on
port 8000.
kubectl expose rs nginx --port=80 --target-port=8000
# Create a service for an nginx deployment, which serves on port 80 and connects to the containers on port 8000.
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port=80 --target-port=8000
kubectl logs <pod-name>
can be used to view the logs of the containers running in a pod.
If there is more than one container in the pod, you can use -c
to specify which container's logs to view.
kubectl logs --help
will also provide more usage examples:
$ kubectl logs --help
Print the logs for a container in a pod or specified resource. If the pod has only one container, the container name is
logs, log
# Return snapshot logs from pod nginx with only one container
kubectl logs nginx
# Return snapshot logs for the pods defined by label app=nginx
kubectl logs -lapp=nginx
# Return snapshot of previous terminated ruby container logs from pod web-1
kubectl logs -p -c ruby web-1
# Begin streaming the logs of the ruby container in pod web-1
kubectl logs -f -c ruby web-1
# Display only the most recent 20 lines of output in pod nginx
kubectl logs --tail=20 nginx
# Show all logs from pod nginx written in the last hour
kubectl logs --since=1h nginx
# Return snapshot logs from first container of a job named hello
kubectl logs job/hello
# Return snapshot logs from container nginx-1 of a deployment named nginx
kubectl logs deployment/nginx -c nginx-1
You would likely need to learn this to run/configure new applications on Kubernetes, or to administrate multi-node clusters.
For more details, see:
In order to pull Docker images from private repositories, you'll need to embed your Docker credentials in ` Secret.
"Secrets" are Kubernetes way of packaging and mounting sensitive data into your containers, and are usually mounted into your container as files.
To create a secret from your Docker credentials, run the following:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>
NOTE: The "registry-server" for DockerHub is
"Services" are static internal IPs that your containers can use to talk to one another
Discovering services:
Exposing applications externally using Ingress rules: "Ingress" rules map a particular hostname and path to a Kubernetes Service, allowing it to accept external requests from the public internet
There are slight differences between NGINX ILB and the Google Cloud LoadBalancer
- Requires Google Cloud (obviously):
- For everyone else:
There are also some community customized Ingress controllers, such as the AWS LoadBalancer
For more details, see: 201: Cluster Monitoring
Start up the Kubernetes Dashboard by running the following:
kubectl apply -f
Start up Heapster / InfluxDB / Grafana by running the following:
kubectl apply -f aws-workshop-for-kubernetes/02-path-working-with-clusters/201-cluster-monitoring/templates/heapster/
Once those services come online, you should be able to run a new kubectl
command to print node resource utilization:
kubectl top nodes
For more details, see:
For this next trick, you'll need to install kubectl
Once installed, you'll want to copy the contents of ~/.kube/config
from your Cloud9 AWS instance to the same file on your local machine. This way, your local kubectl
calls will be sent to the same cluster that you just set from in Cloud9!
Test it out with kubectl get nodes
- you should see the same nodes as if you were running from your Cloud9 AWS terminal.
Both Heapster and the Kubernetes Dashboard have web interfaces, but are not exposed externally. We could expose them with Ingress rules and configure authentication (Basic Auth or OAuth2) over those rules, but instead lets try using kubectl proxy
kubectl proxy
is a way to open a secure tunnel from your local machine to a cluster service that hasn't been exposed externally. kubectl
will authenticate using the token in you ~/.kube/config
This effectively uses your kubectl access token to tunnel your localhost port 8001 to the cluster's unexposed admin monitoring services.
Your local machine's browser should now resolve the following link(s):
- Kubernetes Dashboard: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/overview?namespace=default
- Grafana: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana/proxy/?orgId=1
kops create ig pipes
- Edit minSize (1) / maxSize (8) / instanceType (m4.xlarge) and add any additional node labels you want to apply
kops update cluster --name $CLUSTER_NAME --yes
kops rolling-update cluster
(this shouldn't be needed, but run it anyways just in case any changes need to be applied)vi aws-workshop-for-kubernetes/02-path-working-with-clusters/205-cluster-autoscaling/templates/2-10-autoscaler.yaml
- Edit region in env var
- Edit group name and pool size
argument of the container command- NOTE: this argument is formatted as `--nodes=minSize:maxSize:instanceGroupName.clusterName
- In my example above, this
kubectl apply -f aws-workshop-for-kubernetes/02-path-working-with-clusters/205-cluster-autoscaling/templates/2-10-autoscaler.yaml
You would likely need to learn this to setup and adminstrate a production Kubernetes cluster
NOTE: I did not follow the steps to enable logging (I was unsure about costs), but the rest of this repo worked very well so I expect it should be fairly straight forward
- Volumes:
- Persistent Volumes:
- Dev (uses hostPath):
- Production (requires EFS):
- To set up EFS: