This exporter allows to automatically generate a graphql schema that can represent VSS data. The resulting schema does only allow querying information. Mutations are not supported.
The resulting schema will look something like this:
type Query {
"""VIN of the vehicle that you want to request data for."""
id: String!
Filter data to only provide information that was sent from the vehicle after that timestamp.
after: String
): Vehicle
"""Highlevel vehicle data."""
type Vehicle {
"""Attributes that identify a vehicle"""
vehicleIdentification: Vehicle_VehicleIdentification
type Vehicle_VehicleIdentification {
Leaves look like this:
"""Vehicle brand or manufacturer"""
type Vehicle_VehicleIdentification_Brand {
"""Value: Vehicle brand or manufacturer"""
value: String
"""Timestamp: Vehicle brand or manufacturer"""
timestamp: String
Every leaf has a timestamp. This is supposed to contain the date of the last modification of the value. Queries can then filter data that has been recorded after a given timestamp.
As for timestamp
in some scenarios it makes sense to add certain metadata like the source
of a
served signal or additional privacy information. Therefore the tool has an additional calling parameter
--gqlfield <name> <description>
, which takes the name and description of the additional field, like:
--gqlfield "source" "Source System"
Resulting in the following leaf in the schema:
"""Vehicle brand or manufacturer"""
type Vehicle_VehicleIdentification_Brand {
"""Value: Vehicle brand or manufacturer."""
value: String
"""Timestamp: Vehicle brand or manufacturer."""
timestamp: String
""" Source System: Vehicle brand or manufacturer."""
source: String