Our thanks to the many open-source projects that we rely on for Pepper, each of which has been made available subject to its own copyright and license.
- Alamofire
- JWTDecode
- ResearchKit
- Auth0
- Apache Commons
- Google Guava
- Google Cloud
- Logback
- Typesafe Config
- Zeroturnaround Exec
- SendGrid
- Apache Http Components
- Spark Java
- Liquibase
- Hsqldb
- Mysql ConnectorJ
- Google GSON
- OpenCSV
- Bouncy Castle
- Auth0
- Apache Velocity
- JSoup
- Google API Client
- Lombok
- Hibernate Validator
- Glassfish EL
- EasyPost
- RestAssured
- Reflections
- Junit
- Mockito
- Mockserver
- iText PDF
- TestContainers
- ElasticSearch Client
- Quartz
- Google API
- ActiveJDBC
- EasyPost
- jruby
- postgresql
- lombok
- easymock
- slf4j
- dbcp2
- pdfbox
- Angular
- ngx-translate
- angular2-cookie
- angular2-jwt
- Auth0 Lock
- Auth0 JS
- Enum Values
- HammerJS
- kaop-ts
- npm-sass
- Package
- rxjs
- underscore
- zone js
- angular2 datatable
- bootstrap
- core-js
- file-saver
- jquery
- json2csv
- ng2-dragula
- ngx-bootstrap
- ngx-cookie
- ngx-pagescroll
- Typescript
- Retrofit
- Okhttp
- Koin
- JWTDecode
- junit4
- Kotlin
- Kotlin coroutines
- Android open source project
- RxTerms