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Lecture 17 - Nov. 10, 2015

Missed last lecture...

Apparently they went over:

System modelling

  • composition, aggregation, inheritance
  • Private really means private
  • Protected keyword
    • Visible to that class or any of its subclasses
class Book {
        string author;

class TextBook : public Book {
        void addAuthor(string auth) {
            this->author += auth;    

If the author field was private, we would not be able to do the above.

The following is still invalid!

TextBook tb(); = "___";

author is protected.

General rule:

  • Keep fields private
  • Provide protected methods (accessors/mutators)


  • Private: -
  • Protected: #
  • Public: +

Suppose Book has a public isItHeavy method.

class Book {
        int numPages;
        int getNumPages() { return this->numPages; }
        bool isItHeavy() { return this->numPages > 200; }

What if we want to have a different definition of isItHeavy for a TextBook class or a Comic class?

We can override the inherited isItHeavy method.

class TextBook : public Book {
        bool isItHeavy() { return getNumPages() > 400; }

class Comic : public Comic {
        bool isItHeavy() { return getNumPages() > 30; }

Note: notice the use of getNumPages() instead of this->numPages. This is because numPages is private and can only be accessed by either protected or public methods.

Now we can do this:

Book b(50);
Comic c(50);

std::cout << std::boolalpha << b.isItHeavy() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::boolalpha << b.isItHeavy() << std::endl;

>> false
>> true


Suppose we did the following:

Book b2 = Comic(50);

b2.isItHeavy() // Book::isItHeavy

It is valid for us to declare a Comic object as a Book object.

This is because in memory, a Comic object is actually a Book object and a Comic object in a contiguous set of memory.

When we do

Book b2 = Comic(50);

We are slicing away the Comic part of the object.

Thus, the call to isItHeavy will call Book's isItHeavy.

To prevent slicing we can declare the object as a pointer!


Book *bp = new Comic(50);
Comic *cp = new Comic(50);

bp->isItHeavy() // Book::isItHeavy
cp->isItHeavy() // Comic::isItHeavy

However, we still see that calling isItHeavy with a Book pointer still invokes the Book::isItHeavy method!

This is because the compiler decides which method to call based on the declared type of the variable (static dispatch).

Static meaning that it was decided upon compilation.

To mitigate this issue, we now examine the concept of virtual methods.

Virtual Methods

What is the problem?

The default behaviour of the compiler is to look at the declared type of the variable.

Instead of this, we want to be able to invoke methods that pertain to the actual type of the object.

Virtual Method: choose which method to run based on the runtime type of the object. (dynamic dispatch)

Now we can do things like this:

Book *collection[100];

for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {

Depending on what type the book is, the correct isItHeavy will be called.

This is the essence of polymorphism.

Polymorphism: ability to accomodate multiple types in a single abstraction.

We have already seen this.

ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, ---);

cout << g;
ofstream f(---);
f << g;

This is possible because:

ofstream is a ostream object.

Virtual Destructors

Before we move on to virtual destructors we establish one thing.

Rule: When a subclass destructor is called, it will call the base class' destructor as well.

Similar to virtual methods, we want to use virtual destructors so that when a inheriting object is destroyed, it calls the correct destructor.

class X {
    int *x;
        X (int n) : x(new int[n]) {}
        virtual ~X() { delete[] x; }

class Y : public X {
    int *y;
        Y (int n) : y(new int[n]) {}
        ~Y () { delete[] y; }

X *xp = new Y(5);
delete xp;

The above will not memory leak since it will first call Y's destructor, then X's destructor.


In UML: virtual is italics (i.e) the function name is in italics)

Pure Virtual/abstract/concrete

Suppose we have the following classes:

class Student {
        int numCourses;
        int numCourses() { return this->numCourses; }

class Regular : public Student {
        int fees() {}

class Coop : public Student {
        int fees() {}

We see that Regular and Coop are classes that inherit from Student.

However, we see that there really is no Student that is not a Regular student or a Coop student.

fees is undefined for Student. We do not want an implementation for it.

We make the method pure virtual.

We do this like so:

class Student {
        virtual int fees() = 0;

Pure virtual methods have no implementations.

Abstract: classes that contain at least one pure virtual method is considered abstract.

We cannot create objects of abstract classes.

(This is as expected since what happens with a Student object that invokes fees()? It is undefined behaviour)


In UML: abstract classes are in italics (i.e.) the class name is in italics)

A derived class inherits all pure virtual methods.

This would make the derived class also abstract unless all pure virtual methods are implemented.

Concrete: a class which contains no pure virtual methods is called concrete.