Agent packages for all the supported platforms are built using
Omnibus, which can be run via invoke
Omnibus creates a package for your operating system, so you'll get a DEB
package on Debian-based distros, an RPM package on distros that use RPM, an MSI
installer on Windows, or a .pkg
package bundled in a DMG archive on Mac.
For Linux, we provide Docker images (one to build DEB packages and one for RPM), with the build dependencies installed, so you don't have to install them on your system.
Use the provided Docker images to build a DEB or RPM package for Linux. You need to have Docker already running on your machine.
From the datadog-agent
source folder, use the following command to run the
task in a Docker container:
docker run -v "$PWD:/go/src/" -v "/tmp/omnibus:/omnibus" -v "/tmp/opt/datadog-agent:/opt/datadog-agent" -v"/tmp/gems:/gems" --workdir=/go/src/ datadog/agent-buildimages-deb_x64 inv -e agent.omnibus-build --base-dir=/omnibus --gem-path=/gems
The container will share 3 volumes with the host to avoid starting from scratch at each Omnibus run:
, containing the Omnibus base dir/tmp/opt/datadog-agent
, containing the Omnibus installation dir/tmp/gems
, containing all the ruby gems installed with Bundler
Note that you can change deb_x64
for rpm_x64
to get an RPM package instead.
If you want to find the Dockerfiles for these images, they are available in the datadog-agent-buildimages git repo. To build them from scratch, you can do so like this:
docker build -t datadog-agent-buildimages:deb_x64 -f deb-x64/Dockerfile .
If the build images crash when you run them on modern Linux distributions, you might be affected by this bug.
The project will be built locally then compressed in the final deb/rpm/dmg artifact.
Most of the files will be copied or created under the same installation path of
the final package, /opt/datadog-agent
, but if you run Omnibus from Linux, some
files will be copied into /etc
. This means two things:
- If you already have a Datadog Agent installed, you might need to move it to a different location before operating Omnibus.
- You need root privileges to build the packages (Linux only).
For these reasons, if you're running Linux we strongly suggest to use a dedicated virtual machine or a Docker container where Omnibus can safely move things around the filesystem without disrupting anything.
To run Omnibus and build the package, make the /opt
folder world readable and run:
inv agent.omnibus-build --base-dir=$HOME/.omnibus
On Mac, you might want to skip the signing step by running:
inv agent.omnibus-build --base-dir=$HOME/.omnibus --skip-sign
The path you pass with the --base-dir
option will contain the sources
downloaded by Omnibus in the src
folder, the binaries cached after building
those sources in the cache
folder and the final deb/rpm/dmg artifacts in the
folder. You can fine tune an Omnibus run passing more options, see
inv agent.omnibus-build --help
for the list of all the available options.
Note: it's strongly advised to pass --base-dir
and point to a directory
outside the Agent repo. By default Omnibus stores packages in the project folder
itself: running the task multiple times would recursively add those artifacts to
the source files for the datadog-agent
software definition.
To build on Windows, Docker Desktop must be installed and configured to use Windows containers.
Start a Powershell prompt and navigate to your local clone of the datadog-agent
Run the following command:
docker run -v "$(Get-Location):c:\mnt" -e OMNIBUS_TARGET=main -e RELEASE_VERSION=nightly -e MAJOR_VERSION=7 -e PY_RUNTIMES=3 -e TARGET_ARCH=x64 datadog/agent-buildimages-windows_x64:1809 c:\mnt\tasks\winbuildscripts\buildwin.bat
Downloading the Docker image may take some time in the first run.
Alternatively here's a small Powershell script to facilitate using the docker image:
param (
if ($MAJOR_VERSION -eq 7) {
} else {
$cmd = "docker run"
$cmd += " --rm "
if ($DEBUG) {
$opts += " -e DEBUG_CUSTOMACTION=yes "
$cmd += " -m 4096M -v ""$(Get-Location):c:\mnt"" $opts datadog/agent-buildimages-windows_x64:1809 c:\mnt\tasks\winbuildscripts\buildwin.bat"
Write-Host $cmd
Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd
If the build succeeds, the build artifacts can be found under omnibus\pkg
in the repo.