- Add script to convert allelecount output to JSON
- Update so docker and native install use same install scripts behind the scenes
- Docker now actually has htslib 1.11
- htslib compiled with libdeflate for improved performance
- Updated to hstlib 1.11
- Created Docker file and build scripts to generate a containeraized code
- Added checking of iterator error codes when calling sam_itr_next
When the proper pair filter flag is used, this code now checks that the paired-end orientation is also used. This will mean that mate-pair orientation (F/F or R/R) will be rejected
- Where a proper pair filter is used, now check for the correct paired-end orientation of F/R.
- If this is not met the read is ignored.
- alleleCounter now counts per-fragment rather than per-read when overlaps occur.
- Reworked perl to wrap C alleleCounter and just handle the extra format changes.
- No dep on Bio::DB::HTS now.
- Update to HTSlib 1.7
- Merged #43, providing 10X processing mode.
- Fix setup.sh bug skipping samtools install
- Added -d commandline option. It triggers 'dense' mode. Best used where there
- are many SNPs for example AscatNGS and Battenberg allelecount steps
- Added -f commandline option. Flag value of reads to retain in allele counting
- Added -F commandline option. Flag value of reads to exclude in allele counting
- Adds filter and keep flags commandline options for read filtering
- Adds dense SNP option
- Change install of Bio::DB::HTS to use fixed version of htslib and Bio::DB::HTS
- Removes dependancy on legacy versions of samtools in perl code.
- Upgrades to more recent version of htslib not requiring patch.
- Added contig filter commandline option
- Added version info to makefile and option to display to alleleCount C code.
- Fixed bug in c code where region wasn't malloc-ing enough for the contig name.