This document is used to list steps of reproducing TensorFlow Intel® Neural Compressor smooth quantization of language models gpt-j-6B.
# Install Intel® Neural Compressor
pip install neural-compressor
pip install -r requirements
Run the follow script to download gpt-j-6B saved_model to ./gpt-j-6B
Build a TensorFlow pip package from intel-tensorflow spr_ww42 branch and install it. How to build a TensorFlow pip package from source please refer to this tutorial.
The performance of int8 gpt-j-6B would be better once intel-tensorflow for gnr is released.
The dataset will be automatically loaded.
bash --input_model=<FP32_MODEL_PATH> --output_model=<INT8_MODEL_PATH>
bash --input_model=<MODEL_PATH> --mode=benchmark
bash --input_model=<MODEL_PATH> --mode=accuracy
This is a tutorial of how to enable gpt-j-6B model with Intel® Neural Compressor.
User specifies fp32 model, calibration dataloader q_dataloader and a custom eval_func which encapsulates the evaluation dataloader and metric by itself.
Below dataloader class uses generator function to provide the model with input.
class MyDataloader:
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1):
self.dataset = dataset
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.length = math.ceil(len(dataset) / self.batch_size)
def generate_data(self, data, pad_token_id=50256):
input_ids = tf.convert_to_tensor([data[:-1]], dtype=tf.int32)
cur_len = len(data)-1
input_ids_padding = tf.ones((self.batch_size, 1), dtype=tf.int32) * (pad_token_id or 0)
generated = tf.concat([input_ids, input_ids_padding], axis=-1)
model_kwargs = {'attention_mask': prepare_attention_mask_for_generation(input_ids)}
if model_kwargs.get("past_key_values") is None:
input_ids = generated[:, :cur_len]
input_ids = tf.expand_dims(generated[:, cur_len - 1], -1)
return model_kwargs['attention_mask'], input_ids
def __iter__(self):
labels = None
for _, data in enumerate(self.dataset):
cur_input = self.generate_data(data)
yield (cur_input, labels)
def __len__(self):
return self.length
The Quantization Config class has default parameters setting for running on Intel CPUs. If running this example on Intel GPUs, the 'backend' parameter should be set to 'itex' and the 'device' parameter should be set to 'gpu'.
config = PostTrainingQuantConfig(
After prepare step is done, we add the code for quantization tuning to generate quantized model.
Firstly, let's load a INC inner class model from the path of gpt-j-6B saved_model.
from neural_compressor import Model
model = Model(run_args.input_model, modelType='llm_saved_model')
To apply quantization, the function that maps names from AutoTrackable variables to graph nodes must be defined to match names of nodes in different format.
def weight_name_mapping(name):
"""The function that maps name from AutoTrackable variables to graph nodes"""
name = name.replace('tfgptj_for_causal_lm', 'StatefulPartitionedCall')
name = name.replace('kernel:0', 'Tensordot/ReadVariableOp')
return name
Please use the recipe to set smooth quantization.
from neural_compressor import quantization, PostTrainingQuantConfig
calib_dataloader = MyDataloader(mydata, batch_size=run_args.batch_size)
recipes = {"smooth_quant": True, "smooth_quant_args": {'alpha': 0.52705}}
conf = PostTrainingQuantConfig(quant_level=1,
excluded_precisions=["bf16"],##use basic tuning
model.weight_name_mapping = weight_name_mapping
q_model = model,
if run_args.mode == "performance":
from neural_compressor.benchmark import fit
from neural_compressor.config import BenchmarkConfig
conf = BenchmarkConfig(warmup=10, iteration=run_args.iteration, cores_per_instance=4, num_of_instance=1)
fit(model, conf, b_func=evaluate)
elif run_args.mode == "accuracy":
acc_result = evaluate(model.model)
print("Batch size = %d" % run_args.batch_size)
print("Accuracy: %.5f" % acc_result)
The Intel® Neural Compressor function will return a best quantized model under time constraint.