This repository is a collection of examples which leverage the Python-based database adapter for Apache Phoenix.
All of the below examples rely on PhoenixDB from Apache Phoenix. This library is not exposed
via the cdp opdb describe-client-connectivity
call or "Client Connectivity" tab on COD's UI.
If not explicitly stated, you will have to install phoenixdb by hand (ideally, inside a virtualenv)
before running these examples.
$ pip install 'phoenixdb>=1.0.0'
Flask is a well-known microframework for building web application in Python.
This example is an adaptation of the de-facto Flask example "Flaskr" which is a weblog. Flaskr creates two tables in the database (Phoenix, in this case): one for blog posts and one for registered users. Users can register an account, login, and then create blog posts.
A Flask web application that uses Apache Phoenix as a backing store. Here, we use virtualenv
to ensure that
there are no conflicting Python packages for the application.
$ virtualenv e
$ source e/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cp config.ini.template config.ini
$ <modify config.ini with your credentials>
Finally, initialize the database and start the application
$ FLASK_APP=flaskr FLASK_DEBUG=true flask init-db
$ FLASK_APP=flaskr FLASK_DEBUG=true flask run
Note: depending on your $PATH
and local Python installation, you may need to
run ./e/bin/flask
instead of flask