Pomodoro Technique
- 25 Minutes complete focus.
- Mandatory 5 minutes. *
- 25 Min.
- 5 Minutes break
- 25 mins
- 5 minutes
- 25 min
- 20 minutes (lunch) AVOID: Take a break whenever you are stuck!
Maintain - To Read List
- Linear Regression
- Gradient Descent
- Neural Network
- 1000s
- Maintain your calendly
- Block Calendar with "Learn XYZ" in your work time.
- Waking up early
- Writing down
- There is a book "UpTime" . Highly recommend for time management and focus
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2616?q=xxyz https://cloudxlab.com/blog/understanding-embeddings-and-matrices-with-the-help-of-sentiment-analysis-and-llms-hands-on/ https://github.com/cloudxlab/Hands-On-LLMs-with-OpenAI-and-Langchain/blob/main/Sentiment%20Analysis%20with%20LLMs/Sentiment%20Analysis%20with%20LLMs.ipynb