A service for streaming, storage and query of log data.
This is the client-side implementation for both Nodejs and the browser. For the server-side implementation and server public API, see log-sink-server.
npm install log-sink --save
var sink = require('log-sink'),
fs = require('fs')
// Connect to log sink server using a secure connection
sink.connect('my-user', 'my-password', {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8018,
secure: true,
// If the server is using a self-signed certificate,
// include it here
ca: fs.readFileSync('keys/self-signed-cert.pem')
// In the browser, use:
sink.connect('my-user', 'my-password', 'wss://localhost:8019')
// Write
// sink.{debug,info,warn,error,fatal}(name, [message], [extra])
// If the connection is not ready yet, it will be buffered and
// executed when it gets ready
sink.info('readme', 'My first log', ['custom data', 17])
sink.error('readme', new Error('We had a problem'))
// Or avoid typing the required name every time
var logger = sink.bindName('readme')
logger.debug('Got here!')
// Streaming
sink.stream(function (err, stream) {
if (err) throw err
// stream is a ReadableStream in object mode
stream.on('data', function (log) {
// call stream.stop() when you are done
// Querying
level: {
min: sink.LEVEL.WARN
}, function (err, logs) {
if (err) throw err
The only difference between the use in Nodejs and browsers is the third connect
parameter. In Nodejs, it's an object; for browser it's the WS url.
Browsers will connect using WebSocket and Nodejs will use TCP directly. Note that the ports are NOT the same.
var sink = require('log-sink'),
conn = new sink.Connection,
conn2 = new sink.Connection
conn.connect('user', 'pass', options)
conn2.connect('user2', 'pass2', options2)
To understand more about log sink, read the doc on the server project
All public methods are described in the generated docs