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Felicity documentation

This is a work in progress

The aim of this document is to explain how to use Felicity. For a complete, working example of a simple API, check out the sample API in this repo. For a very brief overview, check out the Quick Start section of the readme.

This documentation assumes working F# knowledge. If you’re new to F#, Scott Wlaschin’s blog F# for fun and profit is a great place to start (and continue) learning the ins and outs of F# and functional programming. His book Domain Modeling Made Functional is also a great resource for learning F# (and in particular how it can be used for domain modeling). You can find many more excellent resources at

This documentation also assumes some knowledge of ASP.NET Core, Giraffe, and of course JSON:API.

Suggestions for improvements are welcome. For large changes, please open an issue. For small changes (e.g. typos), simply submit a PR.

Table of contents



Felicity is centered around the concept of a resource module. For each resource type, simply define a module and use Felicity’s fluent-style API to define public let-bound values representing attributes, relationships, operations, etc. (Felicity will ignore non-public values.)

On startup, Felicity will use reflection to parse all resource modules and set up suitable routing/handlers.


The goal of Felicity is to enable you to easily implement an idiomatic JSON:API on top of your functional F# domain logic with minimal boilerplate.

Felicity is a framework, not a library. It places constraints on what you can do and is opinionated regarding how you should do it. If you find the Felicity API to be unnecessarily limiting or awkward for a certain use-case, please open an issue so we can discuss it. That said, if you want full control over everything, at the expense of a lot more boilerplate, you should use a library instead of a framework, such as FSharp.JsonApi (no longer actively maintained).


You get access to the entire Felicity API using open Felicity.

An example resource module

Below is an example of a simple resource module from the sample API. Each definition (attribute, relationship, operation) mostly uses the bare minimum of configuration (which is often all that’s needed).

The rest of the documentation explains everything shown below as well as additional features.

module Article =

  let define = Define<Context, Article, ArticleId>()

  let resId = define.Id.ParsedOpt(ArticleId.toString, ArticleId.fromString, fun a -> a.Id)

  let resourceDef = define.Resource("article", resId).CollectionName("articles")

  let title =
      .Parsed(ArticleTitle.toString, ArticleTitle.fromString)
      .Get(fun a -> a.Title)

  let body =
      .Parsed(ArticleBody.toString, ArticleBody.fromString)
      .Get(fun a -> a.Body)

  let articleType =
      .Enum(ArticleType.toString, ArticleType.fromStringMap)
      .Get(fun a -> a.Type)

  let createdAt =
      .Get(fun a -> a.CreatedAt)

  let updatedAt =
      .Get(fun a -> a.UpdatedAt)

  let author =

  let comments =

  let getCollection =
      .GetCollection(fun ctx parser ->
          .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))
          .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTypes, Filter.Field(articleType).List)
          .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setSort, Sort.Enum(ArticleSort.fromStringMap))
          .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setOffset, Page.Offset)
          .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setLimit, Page.Limit.Max(20))

  let post =
      .Post(fun ctx parser -> parser.For(Article.create, author, title, body))

  let lookup =

  let get =

  let patch =
      .AfterUpdateAsync(fun a -> async {
        let a = a |> Article.setUpdated (Some DateTimeOffset.Now)
        do! a
        return a

  let delete =


All parts of Felicity’s API gives you optional access to a globally defined context type you define (often abbreviated 'ctx in the API). This context type may, for example, authentication information, as demonstrated below. Felicity also needs to know how to create your context type from the ASP.NET Core HttpContext.

type Principal =
  | Anonymous
  | Authenticated of Username

type Context =
  { Principal: Principal }

module Context =

  // Simulate asynchronous authentication (e.g. DB or external auth service)
  let getCtx (ctx: HttpContext) =
    async {
      if false then return Error [unauthorized]
      else return Ok { Principal = Anonymous }

You use the getCtx function when setting up Felicity in ConfigureServices as explained in the next section. In the code above, unauthorized represents a JSON:API error object created using Felicity’s API, as shown further below.

Startup configuration

You need to set up Felicity in ConfigureServices and Configure. The below code shows an example of a Startup class. You must supply the function that creates your context.

type Startup() =

  member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =

  member _.Configure(app: IApplicationBuilder, env: IWebHostEnvironment) : unit =
      .UseGiraffeErrorHandler(fun ex _ ->
        Log.Error(ex, "Unhandled exception while executing request")
    |> ignore

Apply a HttpHandler before/after the endpoints, or perform other modifications

UseJsonApiEndpoints accepts an optional function of type Endpoint list -> Endpoint list. You can for example use this together with applyBefore and applyAfter from Giraffe.EndpointRouting to apply a HTTP handler before/after the Felicity endpoints:

.UseJsonApiEndpoints<Context>( (applyBefore (setHttpHeader "Cache-Control" "no-cache, private")))

Top-level meta

You can return top-level meta for any response. To enable this, use the .GetMeta method after .AddJsonApi(). This lets you specify a function 'ctx -> Map<string, obj>, where the map will be serialized as the response document’s top-level meta.

This implies that 'ctx should be mutable. You set the appropriate field(s) on 'ctx during the request processing, and your function is called before writing the response to add meta to the document.

Meta is only returned for success responses. If the map is empty, meta is omitted from the response.

Omitting links from the response

If there are API clients that do not make use of the links in the response, omitting links from the response may significantly reduce the response size. You can specify query parameters that allows API clients to control this:

member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =
      .SkipStandardLinksQueryParamName("skipStandardLinks", "skipLinks")
      .SkipCustomLinksQueryParamName("skipCustomLinks", "skipLinks")

With the configuration above:

  • If the request contains the query parameter skipStandardLinks, any standard JSON:API links will be omitted (e.g. the resource self link and the relationship self and related links).
  • If the request contains the query parameter skipCustomLinks, any links for custom operations ( from define.Operation.CustomLink) will be omitted.
  • If the request contains the query parameter skipLinks (or both skipStandardLinks and skipCustomLinks), both standard and custom links will be omitted.

Note that the query parameter does not accept a value; for example, GET /articles?skipStandardLinks is correct. If a value is supplied (skipStandardLinks=true or any other value), an error will be returned.

The reason standard and custom links are separated, is because the presence/absence of custom links may be used by API clients to know whether an operation is available, even if they do not directly use the actual URL. (If you wish to skip links for conditional custom operations, you may need to signify the operation availability in other ways, e.g. with boolean attributes.)

Placing the JSON:API routes in a subroute

If you want your JSON:API endpoints available within a sub-route, e.g., you can use RelativeJsonApiRoot (leading/trailing slashes don’t matter):

member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =

The subroute can also be configured using BaseUrl as described below.

Custom base URL

JSON:API responses contain resource/relationship links. By default, Felicity infers these links from the HTTP request. For example, if your API is available both on and, then GET will return resources with in their links, and for GET the resources will have in their links.

If you want, you can use the .BaseUrl method to specify the base URL that will be used for all links (trailing slashes don’t matter):

member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =

The specified URL will be used as the base URL for all links in the responses. This may be useful if your API is behind a reverse proxy.

If the specified base URL contains a path (/foo/bar in the example above), this will also have the same effect as calling RelativeJsonApiRoot with that path, i.e., making the JSON:API endpoints available at the specified path.

You can, however, override this by also calling RelativeJsonApiRoot with your desired path (which can be / or empty if you want the endpoints available at the base of the domain). This may be needed e.g. if your API is behind a reverse proxy and the path of the public URL does not match the path used internally by the API/proxy. For example:

member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =

With the configuration above, the links in the response would be like, but the actual calls to your API (e.g. the reverse proxy) would have to call /articles (and not /foo/bar/articles).

Multiple context types

You may call AddJsonApi and UseJsonApiEndpoints multiple times for different context types. This may be useful if you have some collections/resource types that are only accessible to privileged users, which you can model with a different context type.

Note that Felicity also supports transforming the context (e.g. for authorization) for individual operations; see the section TODO for details.

Handling uncaught errors

Giraffe has UseGiraffeErrorHandler which you can use to handle uncaught exceptions. If you want to return a JSON:API error object with status 500 and a generic “An unknown error has occurred” message, you can use returnUnknownError. If you want to return custom errors, you can use returnErrorDocument which accepts a list of errors to return.

Configuring the JSON serializer

Felicity uses System.Text.Json and FSharp.SystemTextJson for serialization. If you need to configure the serialization options, you can add .ConfigureSerializerOptions to the chain shown above, which accepts a parameter of type JsonSerializerOptions -> unit.


Felicity uses ASP.NET Core’s endpoint routing. The startup sample above shows how to configure and add Felicity to your pipeline.

Note that while ASP.NET Core’s endpoint routing is case insensitive, Felicity will check for correct casing of all JSON: API routes and return an error if the casing in the request is incorrect.

Combining with other non-JSON:API routes

You may trivially add other non-Felicity routes in Configure. For example, you can add a Giraffe HttpHandler using UseGiraffe(...), Giraffe.EndpointRouting routes using UseEndpoints(fun e -> e.MapGiraffeEndpoints ...), or any other routing method supported by ASP.NET Core. Simply add the routes to your pipeline as you normally do.

Enforce case sensitive custom routes

If you use Giraffe.EndpointRouting for non-Felicity routes, you may find verifyPathCase useful. It is available in the Routing module. It takes a single argument, which is the expected path (case sensitive), and returns an HttpHandler that will return an error if the request path does not match the expected path. Use this inside your endpoints:

let myEndpoints : Endpoint list = [
    routef "/%s/foo" (fun str ->
      let expectedPath = $"/{str}/foo"
      verifyPathCase expectedPath >=> myOtherHttpHandler


Returning helpful errors to API clients is important, and robust and helpful error handling is one of Felicity’s main strengths. Felicity already returns helpful errors for almost 100 common error conditions you don't need to think about, from content negotiation to referencing non-existent related resources to errors while parsing your custom attribute types. The only errors you need to define and return are the custom errors your API needs to return.

Defining errors

You define errors like this:

let unauthorized =
  Error.create 401
  |> Error.setTitle "Unauthorized"
  |> Error.setDetail "The authorization was missing or invalid for this operation"

You never need to set the Error object's source pointer/parameter. Felicity will take care of that wherever relevant, even for your custom errors.

Furthermore, all errors already have the id property set to a random GUID (formatted without dashes to make it easier to select/copy). You can override the id property if you need to.

For convenience, there is also an Error.setDetailf function that works similar to sprintf.

Returning errors

Almost all parts of Felicity’s API allows you to return Result<'a, Error list>, meaning that if you return a list of errors, the request will fail and the specified errors will be returned to the client. (Your domain logic may of course return error DUs which you map to Error objects at a higher, API-specific level.)

The status code for the entire response will be most frequent status code among all the returned error objects (often, there is only one error anyway, or all error objects share the same status code). Please open an issue if this turns out not to be sufficient for you.

Returning headers in error responses

Felicity allows you to modify all success responses, but not directly error responses. However, you can still return custom HTTP headers in error responses using Error.addHeader. The error response will contain any headers added to any of the returned error objects.

Logging returned errors

All returned errors are automatically logged at information level using the ASP.NET Core logger you have configured. The log message includes the id, status, code, title, and detail.

If you want to suppress error logs, the category name is Felicity.ErrorHandler.

Compile-time safety

Most of Felicity’s API is type-safe, meaning you’ll get compile-time errors if you try to do things that don’t make sense. However, to allow the convenient syntax demonstrated above, some sacrifices had to be made. Rest assured that the errors that are not caught at compile-time will be caught immediately at startup.

An example of an error that will be caught at startup is if a resource module contains a resource-specific operation such as PATCH, but does not contain a lookup operation (meaning Felicity has no way of actually retrieving the entity with ID 1 given PATCH /articles/1).

Only the following very specific errors can occur later at run-time (if you haven’t read the rest of the documentation, these may not make much sense at this point):

  • If you define a polymorphic relationship without ID parsers (meaning the relationship is read-only), and then try to manually parse the relationship from a response body in a request parser
  • If you define a polymorphic relationship and then try to use this to parse an ID in a filter query parameter in a request parser (since there is no resource type information in the query parameter, there is no way to know which ID parser to use)

Requirements for your domain logic

Felicity is a framework, not a library, and is opinionated on how your domain logic works. Fortunately, Felicity drives you toward a good, functional design.

Your core logic must be “pure” in the sense that it must not cause observable state changes (such as mutate objects or persist changes to a database). For example, field “setters” should have signatures like 'arg -> 'entity -> 'entity, returning a new entity (typically an updated record). This is a requirement because any setter is allowed to return an error, in which case an error response should be returned, which means that no observable state changes must have taken place while executing the setters.

It’s no problem for your domain logic to be asynchronous; for example, a setter (or even just an attribute parser) may require a database lookup to ensure the value is valid. The only requirement is that your domain logic should not cause observable state changes, in case the request fails and Felicity needs to throw away the updated entity.

Therefore, any part of your domain logic may be asynchronous and/or return Result. It may also accept the context type you define. For example, the general signature for a “setter” is

'ctx -> 'arg -> 'entity -> Job<Result<'entity, Error list>>

(Job is from Hopac.) Felicity has tons of overloads for simpler/alternative signatures for all operations (e.g. without context, Async instead of Job, synchronous, no Result, etc.). The goal is to enable you to simply plug your existing domain functions directly into Felicity without needing to use lambdas or lifting to Job, Async or Result.

Here is an example of simple domain logic that works well with Felicity:

type PersonId = private PersonId of Guid with
  static member toString (PersonId x) = string x
  static member fromString = Guid.tryParse >> PersonId

type FirstName = private FirstName of string with
  static member toString (FirstName x) = x
  static member fromString = FirstName

type LastName = private LastName of string with
  static member toString (LastName x) = x
  static member fromString = LastName

type Person = {
  Id: PersonId
  FirstName: FirstName
  LastName: LastName

module Person =

  let create firstName lastName = {
    Id = Guid.NewGuid () |> PersonId
    FirstName = firstName
    LastName = lastName

  let setFirstName firstName (person: Person) =
    { person with FirstName = firstName }

  let setLastName lastName (person: Person) =
    { person with LastName = lastName }

Sparse fieldsets and included resources

Felicity automatically supports sparse fieldsets and includes for all operations (currently except resource self endpoints; please open an issue if you need that functionality). By default, all fields are included, and no related resources are included. For attributes, you can override that by using .RequireExplicitInclude(). In that case, the attribute is excluded by default and will only be present if it is specified using sparse fieldsets.

Included resources are fetched asynchronously and on-demand. If your related resources are fetched from the database when needed, you may encounter the “N+1 problem”; for example fetching a list of 1000 resources with an included relationship will cause 1000 queries to the database to fetch the related resource(s) for each of the main data resources. The problem gets even worse for multi-level includes. There are no trivial solutions, but it might be relatively simple to write (more complicated) batched SQL queries and use e.g. BatchIt to abstract away the batching in code.

Resource ID and resource definition

The very first thing you should define in a resource module is a “definition helper” that fixes the types of the context, entity, and ID, and is used to define everything else in the module:

let define = Define<Context, Article, ArticleId>()

You should then define the how the resource ID is converted to/from a string, and how it is obtained from the entity:

let resId = define.Id.ParsedOpt(ArticleId.toString, ArticleId.fromString, fun a -> a.Id)

Above, we use ParsedOpt because (implied in this example) ArticleId.fromString returns ArticleId option. There are Parsed* methods that allow you to use a function that returns a raw string, async, result, option, or a combination of these. In the event that your ID type is a simple string, you can use define.Id.Simple.

The final core definition is called the “resource definition”, and it is where you specify the resource type name and, optionally, a collection name:

let resourceDef = define.Resource("article", resId).CollectionName("articles")

Above, we define a resource with type name article where the ID is parsed/obtained as specified in resId, and we further specify that this resource has a self URL using the collection name articles. In other words, its self URL is https://base.url/articles/{id}.

When is a collection name required?

You may define resources without collection names. These resources will not have self links, and may only be included as related resources in compound documents.

For example, if

  • article is defined with collection name articles,
  • person is defined without a collection name, and
  • article has a relationship author to person,

then you can GET /articles/{id}?include=author to get the article with its author, but you can not fetch any persons directly using GET /persons, because there is no such collection.

The following table describes the definitions supported and not supported for modules without a collection name:

Definition Supported
GET collection No
POST collection No
GET resource No
PATCH resource No
DELETE resource No
Custom links No
Relationship getters Yes
Relationship setters (including to-many add/remove) No


You define attributes using define.Attribute:

let title =
    .Parsed(ArticleTitle.toString, ArticleTitle.fromString)
    .Get(fun a -> a.Title)

Here, we have defined an attribute with the domain type ArticleTitle which uses the functions ArticleTitle.toString : ArticleTitle -> string and ArticleTitle.fromString : string -> ArticleTitle to convert between ArticleTitle and string.

The attribute above is defined with a getter of type Article -> ArticleTitle, and a setter Article.setTitle : ArticleTitle -> Article -> Article.

Parsed and Set has overloads accepting returning Async and/or Result.

Get has Async overloads, but not Result, because an attribute getter must never fail – if that was the case, you could end up in a situation where you perform and persist changes, but no success response can be returned to the client because a getter fails.

Domain vs. serialized types

There are two important type when defining attributes: The domain type, e.g. a DU wrapper, and the “raw” type that is used for serializing and deserializing, for example primitives like string and int, or non-JSON types like DateTimeOffset if you’re happy with the default serialization of these or are otherwise willing to configure it. Remember that you can always explicitly convert e.g. a DateTimeOffset to and from string manually to have full control over the serialized representation.

Simple attributes

If the domain type can be serialized and deserialized directly (e.g. in the case of an unwrapped DateTimeOffset), you can use Simple instead of Parsed.

Enum attributes

If the attribute value can only accept a limited set of string values (e.g. if the backing domain type is a field-less DU), and you want these values automatically mentioned in the error message if they try to set it to an invalid value, you can use Enum instead of Parsed.

Enum works like Parsed, but instead of the second parameter being string -> DomainType option (or Result) you supply a (string * DomainType) list. Felicity will map the input values to your DomainType according to this list, and will mention all possible values in the error message returned to the client if an invalid value is encountered.

Note that the automatic error message is the only benefit of Enum over Parsed.

Note also that the first parameter to Enum is the same as with Parsed, namely DomainType -> string. While Felicity could swap the mapping and use it to also transform the other way, that would fail if the domain type had an invalid value, and you’d have no compile-time guarantees that the mapping contained all values. Furthermore, you might want to restrict the settable values to a subset of the possible values.

Skippable attributes

Get has overloads allowing you to return a value wrapped in Skippable<_>, defined by FSharp.SystemTextJson in namesapce System.Text.Json.Serialization. This type is similar to Option<_> and has the cases Skip and Include of 'a, but whereas Option indicates null (more on nullable attributes below), Skippable indicates that a value should not be present at all in the response.

One use-case for this is if the requesting user has partial access to a resource, in the sense that the user has access to only some of a resource’s fields. Then you can have the getter return Skip if the user does not have access to the field, and the field will not appear in the response.

Note however that clients may be surprised to only get some of the fields they expect. Document well and use with care.

Nullable attributes

To define a nullable attribute, it must be wrapped in option on the domain side. Then, simply insert .Nullable after define.Attribute:

let updatedAt =
    .Get(fun a -> a.UpdatedAt)

Here, the getter returns the field Article.UpdatedAt : DateTimeOffset option.

Read-only/write-only attributes

To define a read-only attribute, simply define an attribute without a setter. Errors will be returned if the client supplies the field in a request. The updatedAt attribute shown above is a read-only attribute.

You may still use read-only fields when parsing responses for e.g. POST requests, as described in section TODO. That means you can have a read-only attribute that may not be set in PATCH requests, but which you can still use as a parameter in POST requests when creating new resources.

To define a write-only attribute (e.g. a user’s password, or Base64-encoded file contents for upload), simply define an attribute without a getter.

You can even define an attribute with neither a getter nor a setter. This attribute may then only be used when parsing, and will never be returned to the client.


Much of what is said above for attributes is relevant for relationships, too, and won’t be repeated here. Additionally, relationships add further levels of complexity in several ways. Thankfully, Felicity makes it almost as simple to define relationships as it does attributes.

A basic relationship definition looks like this:

let author =

You start with define.Relationship and can choose between ToOne, ToOneNullable, or ToMany. Each of these accepts the resource definition for the related resource.

The relationship above automatically supports include (all gettable relationships do), GET for its related and self links, and PATCH to the relationship’s self link (as well as PATCH to the resource’s self link, of course).

The getter above is asynchronous and loads the related resource from DB whenever it’s included. See section TODO for notes about the N+1 problem and possible solutions.

ID setters vs. related resource setters

The setter above has signature AuthorId -> Article -> Article. However, the safest and most convenient option is using a setter accepting the full entity:

.Set(Article.lookup, Article.setAuthor)

The setter above accepts a lookup operation (see section TODO) and a setter with signature Author -> Article -> Article. Even if you don’t need more than the ID, using this variant provides the benefit that Felicity will return a suitable error if the resource is not found.

If you instead use an ID setter as shown first, you yourself have to ensure that Article.setAuthor checks if the ID actually corresponds to an existing resource (including, if relevant, whether the requesting user has access to it, which is assumedly built into Article.lookup above) and return a suitable 404 error. Furthermore, you can‘t easily add a pointer to that error, because the setter may be run as part of either a PATCH resource request or a PATCH relationship self link request, and you don’t know which (and therefore the pointer to use).

Modifying to-many relationships

To-many relationships does not have Set. They instead have the following:

  • SetAll, which is just Set by another name, and completely replaces the relationship members
  • Add, which adds support for POST to the relationship’s self link to add members
  • Remove, which adds support for DELETE to the relationship’s self link to remove members

As always, simply define what you want to be available, and Felicity will take care of returning suitable errors for invalid requests.

Skippable relationships

As with attributes, relationships getters may return Skippable-wrapped values. However, an important caveat is that * you must never return Skip after a relationship has been updated*. If you do, and if the update happened via the relationship’s self link, no success response can be returned to the client, as required by JSON:API. Instead an error will be logged and an embarrassing 500 error will be returned to the client.

Including resource linkage by default

There may be situations where the resource linkage itself (the relationship’s data member) provides valuable information even when the resource itself is not included using the include query parameter, and where it is much cheaper to display the linkage than the included resource. For example, for the author relationship above, the main article entity may have a “foreign key” property (in .NET, not in the API) that contains the author ID. Displaying the resource linkage alone does therefore not require an extra trip to the DB.

If you want to always display resource linkage, simply use one of the GetLinkageIfNotIncluded overloads. For example:

let author =
    .GetLinkageIfNotIncluded(fun p -> p.AuthorId)

The above will make the author relationship always contain the data member with the specified resource linkage, even when the author relationship is not included using the include query parameter.

When you do this, you must ensure that the linkage is correct. It is possible to specify different linkage than would be present if the resource is included using include. This would be a bug in your API. (For the record, if the resource is included, the linkage specified in GetLinkageIfNotIncluded is ignored.)

In order to use GetLinkageIfNotIncluded with polymorphic relationships, you must specify an ID resolver using ResolveId after .Polymorphic().

GET/PATCH/POST/DELETE relationship self

Relationships have self links which support GET, PATCH, POST, and DELETE operations. As with other operations ( detailed later), you can configure how these work.

Persisting changes

Use AfterModifySelf to persist the changes. You can normally pass the same function here as you pass to AfterCreate and AfterUpdate for POST and PATCH, respectively.

AfterModifySelf is the only function that may cause observable state change.

An exception will be thrown at startup if you don’t specify AfterModifySelf.

Returning 202 Accepted

If you need PATCH/POST/DELETE to return 202 Accepted, simply add ModifySelfReturn202Accepted() to the relationship definition. This makes all of these three operations return 202 Accepted instead of 200 OK.

Modifying the response

If you need to modify the response, e.g. to add cache headers, specify one or more of these functions:

  • ModifyPatchSelfOkResponse
  • ModifyPatchSelfAcceptedResponse
  • ModifyPostSelfOkResponse
  • ModifyPostSelfAcceptedResponse
  • ModifyDeleteSelfOkResponse
  • ModifyDeleteSelfAcceptedResponse

All of them allow you to modify the HttpContext, either directly or by using a Giraffe HttpHandler.

Performing pre-update work

Use BeforeModifySelf to perform (potentially failing and/or asynchronous) work before modifying the relationship. Note that this work must not cause observable state changes; the request may still fail after this stage.

HTTP preconditions

See section TODO for how to do precondition validation (using ETag/Last-Modified and If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since) for these requests.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Validate preconditions
  3. BeforeModifySelf
  4. Parse ID(s) of relationship data
  5. Related resource lookup (if using related setter and not ID setter)
  6. Set/SetAll/Add/Remove, including transforming the context, if specified (see section TODO)
  7. AfterModifySelf
  8. Modify*Response
  9. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

Attribute/relationship constraints

Felicity supports informational field constraints as described in this post. In an attribute or relationship definition, use AddConstraints or its alternatives to add constraints to the field. If you use this feature, you may not define a separate field called constraints.

GET collection operation

At its simplest, a GET collection operation just needs to get a list of entities to return:

let getCollection = define.Operation.GetCollectionAsync(Db.Article.getAll)

Parsing parameters

It may be useful to allow the client to filter the collection. For this, you use the request parser overload. You can read more about request parsing in section TODO, but for parsing filters with GET collection operations, it can look like this:

let getCollection =
    .GetCollection(fun ctx parser ->
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTypes, Filter.Field(articleType).List)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setOffset, Page.Offset)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setLimit, Page.Limit.Max(20))

Modifying the response

If you need to modify the response, e.g. to add cache headers, use ModifyResponse. This function allows you to modify the HttpContext, either directly or by using a Giraffe HttpHandler.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  3. Get the collection (including any request parsing)
  4. ModifyResponse
  5. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

POST collection operation

At its simplest, a POST operation simply requires a function that creates an entity, and a function to persist the changes:

let post =
    .Post(fun _ -> Article.defaultArticle)

Parsing fields and parameters

It is likely that some fields are required when creating a resource. For this, use the request parser overload. You can read more about request parsing in section TODO, but for creating resources where some attributes and relationships are required, it can look like this:

let post =
    .Post(fun ctx parser -> parser.For(Article.create, author, title, body))

Above, author, title, and body are attributes and relationships in the Article resource module.

Additional settable fields

After creating the resource, the POST operation will mimic the PATCH operation by running the setters for any extra fields present in the request. Fields which have been parsed as shown above will be ignored.

Client-generated ID

To support client-generated IDs, simply parse the resource ID. If you do not parse the resource ID, Felicity returns a suitable error to the client if an ID is supplied.

Modifying the response

If you need to modify the response, e.g. to add cache headers, use ModifyResponse. This function allows you to modify the HttpContext, either directly or by using a Giraffe HttpHandler.

Returning 202 Accepted

If you need the operation to return 202 Accepted, simply add Return202Accepted() to the operation definition.

HTTP preconditions

See section TODO for how to do precondition validation (using ETag/Last-Modified and If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since) for POST requests.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  3. Validate resource creation preconditions
  4. Create the entity (including any request parsing)
  5. AfterCreate
  6. ModifyResponse
  7. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

Custom POST collection operation

The normal POST operation described above requires you to supply at least two functions – one for creating an entity that does not cause any observable state change, and one for persisting the entity. You also have to choose whether or not to always return 202 Accepted.

This is very simple, but you may come across use-cases where this at best would require you to twist your domain logic quite a bit, or at worst is not sufficient at all. For these use-cases, you can use a custom POST operation instead. Here you are entirely free, and you get a helper that you can use for common POST tasks, but you’re not guided as much as with the normal POST operation.


Let’s say you have an account service with these requirements:

  • A user can have multiple emails
  • Emails must be verified before being added
  • For anonymity/misuse reasons, you can not return an error indicating that an email address is taken – instead, when adding an email address, you always send an email to the specified address, either with a verification code/link, or with a message indicating that the email is already registered.

There are undoubtedly many ways to model this. One way is like this:

  • You have a user resource with an emails relationship which is to-many email
  • You have an email resource with attributes email (the address) and token (write-only, used when verifying), and a relationship user (back-reference for use when creating using POST)
  • Add email, step 1: POST /emails with fields email and user. Returns 202 Accepted. Internally a token is generated and stored along with the email address and user ID, and an email is sent to the specified address.
  • Add email, step 2: POST /emails with field token. The “pending email request” is looked up by the token, and the email is added to the user. Returns 201 Created with the new email resource.

The custom POST operation might look like this (note that all of the steps below are optional – you can do whatever you want):

let post =
    // PostCustomAsync accepts context, parser helper, and a special helper for
    // the PostCustom operation, and returns Async<Result<HttpHandler, Error list>>
    // just like custom operations.
    .PostCustomAsync(fun ctx parser helper ->
      asyncResult {
        // First set up a parser. The implication below is that User.addEmail
        // returns Async<Result<Choice<unit,Email>, Error list>>. It returns
        // unit after stage 1, Email after stage 2, and errors if there is an invalid
        // combination of parameters.
        let parser =
            User.addEmail, email.Optional, user.Optional, token.Optional
        // Then validate the request (pass in the parser to indicate which fields
        // are used). For example, if you don't parse the resource ID, an error is
        // returned if the ID is present in the request.
        do! helper.ValidateRequest parser
        // Parse and call User.addEmail
        match! parser.ParseAsync() with
        | Choice1Of2 () ->
            // This simply returns 202 Accepted
            return helper.Return202Accepted ()
        | Choice2Of2 email ->
        		// Returns 201 with the entity, and also sets the Location header if relevant
        		return helper.ReturnCreatedEntity email

Parsing fields and parameters

The parser works just like it does in the normal POST operation. However, you have to call .ParseAsync() yourself when you need it.

Checking for client-generated IDs

Call helper.ValidateRequest, optionally with the parser you have created if you are parsing the request. If you have not parsed the resource ID and the ID is present in the request, an error is returned.

Running additional setters

Call helper.RunSettersAsync(entity) (or RunSettersJob). It optionally also accepts a parser, which you should supply if you have parsed any fields. It will skip fields you have already parsed.

Returning 201 or 202

Call helper.ReturnCreatedEntity(entity) to return a proper JSON:API 201 Created response (automatically supporting sparse fieldsets and includes as usual), or helper.Return202Accepted() to return an empty 202 Accepted response.

HTTP preconditions

The helper shown in the examples above contains methods for checking preconditions (using ETag/Last-Modified and If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since). See section TODO for more details on precondition validation for POST requests.

Reading the request body manually

After .PostCustomAsync, call .AllowReadingBody() to enable reading the request body manually for this operation, preventing Felicity reading the request body. This lets you for example create a POST collection operation for uploading files, and still return a valid JSON:API response. Such an endpoint is not a valid JSON:API endpoint, but can still be useful. Using AllowReadingBody means that there must be no other POST collection operations for the same collection, since Felicity can't use the resource's type in the request body to determine which POST collection operation to use.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  3. Run the custom operation
  4. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

ID lookup operation

This is not a HTTP operation; the lookup operation simply tells Felicity how to find a resource with a given ID. For example, in the request GET /articles/123, the lookup operation tells Felicity how to get the article with ID 123.

The lookup operation simply needs a function 'id -> 'entity (which may return Async and/or Result):

let lookup = define.Operation.LookupAsync(Db.Article.byId)

A lookup operation is required for any operations against the resource’s self link or its relationships’ self links.

The following table describes the definitions supported and not supported for modules without a lookup operation:

Definition Supported
GET collection Yes
POST collection Yes
GET resource No
PATCH resource No
DELETE resource No
Custom links No
Relationship getters Yes
Relationship setters (including to-many add/remove) No

GET resource operation

The GET resource operation does not accept any parameters:

let get = define.Operation.GetResource()

Like the lookup operation, a GET resource operation is a fundamental operation that is required for any all other operations against the resource’s self link or its relationships’ self links.

The following table describes the definitions supported and not supported for modules without a GET resource operation:

Definition Supported
GET collection Yes
POST collection Yes
PATCH resource No
DELETE resource No
Custom links No
Relationship getters Yes
Relationship setters (including to-many add/remove) No

Modifying the response

If you need to modify the response, e.g. to add cache headers, use ModifyResponse. This function allows you to modify the HttpContext, either directly or by using a Giraffe HttpHandler.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Resource lookup
  3. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  4. ModifyResponse
  5. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

PATCH resource operation

The PATCH operation automatically runs all field setters, and returns suitable errors for failing setters. It simply requires a function to persist the changes:

let patch = define.Operation.Patch().AfterUpdateAsync(

Setting two fields together

You may need to set two fields together. For this, you can use define.Operation.Set2. Alternatively, if both fields are nullable and you require that both fields must be either null or non-null, use Set2SameNull. Example:

// Illustration purposes only; you'd probably want to constrain valid lat/lon values
let latitude = define.Attribute.Nullable.SimpleDecimal()
let longitude = define.Attribute.Nullable.SimpleDecimal()

let setLatitudeLongitude =
    .Set2SameNull(MyEntity.setLatLon, latitude, longitude)

In the example above, MyDomain.setLatLon has type (decimal * decimal) option -> MyEntity -> MyEntity.

If only one of the fields are present, an error will be returned. For Set2SameNull, an error will also be returned if one of the fields is null and the other is not.

As with other setters, there are overloads that allow you to return errors and/or use Async, and the setters are run for both PATCH and POST requests.


  • Only use fields without their own setters. If the fields you use in Set2/Set2SameNull have separate setters, the behavior is undefined.
  • Only fields (attributes and relationships) are supported. If you use query parameters or headers, an exception will be thrown at startup.

Custom setters

Note: First consider using Set2 as described above if that meets your needs.

You may come across the need for PATCH requests that can not be cleanly described using separate field setters. For example, a set operation may require two fields simultaneously. There are several ways to accommodate this by adapting or wrapping your domain code, but the point of Felicity is to allow you to write write idiomatic, functional F# domain code and use that directly.

You can use AddCustomSetter to create a custom setter where you can parse anything from the request (see section TODO for details about the request parser and its capabilities). For example, let’s say you have a resource with two attributes, protectedValue and authorizationCode, and if you want to set protectedValue, you have to supply authorizationCode, too. You could add a custom setter like this:

let patch =
    .AddCustomSetter(fun ctx entity parser ->
        .Add(Entity.setProtected, protectedValue, authorizationCode)

Here, setProtected has signature ProtectedValue -> AuthCode -> Entity -> Entity, i.e. an “immutable setter” that takes not one, but two “value arguments”. The setter is only run if protectedValue is present in the request, and will fail if protectedValue is present but authorizationCode is not.

If you want to make the additional argument(s) optional, simply append .Optional (to authorizationCode above) and you’ll get an Option-wrapped value instead. If you need higher-arity Add variants than what is available, please open an issue.

The fields you parse in the manner shown above do not need their own setters. Any such setters, if defined, will be skipped if they are used in the custom setter.

You can add as many custom setters as you want in a PATCH request.

Limitations of custom setters

  • Custom setters run only for PATCH requests, not POST. If you have fields without their own setters and use them in a custom setter, then if the fields are supplied in POST, the request will fail with a “field read-only” error.
  • As mentioned above, the setter is only run if the first field is present. If only the second field is present, it is ignored.

Modifying the response

If you need to modify the response, e.g. to add cache headers, use ModifyResponse. This function allows you to modify the HttpContext, either directly or by using a Giraffe HttpHandler.

Returning 202 Accepted

If you need the operation to return 202 Accepted, simply add Return202Accepted() to the operation definition.

Performing pre-update work

Use BeforeUpdate to perform (potentially failing and/or asynchronous) work before modifying the resource. Note that this work must not cause observable state changes; the request may still fail after this stage.

HTTP preconditions

See section TODO for how to do precondition validation (using ETag/Last-Modified and If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since) for PATCH requests.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Resource lookup
  3. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  4. Validate preconditions
  5. BeforeUpdate
  6. Custom setters
  7. Normal field setters (only those not already used in custom setters), including setter-specific context transformations, if specified (see section TODO)
  8. AfterUpdate
  9. ModifyResponse
  10. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

DELETE resource operation

The DELETE operation simply needs the function that performs the deletion:

let delete = define.Operation.DeleteAsync(Db.Article.delete)

Note that if you use a Result returning variant and you return Error, no observable state changes must have taken place.

Modifying the response

If you need to modify the response, e.g. to add cache headers, use ModifyResponse. This function allows you to modify the HttpContext, either directly or by using a Giraffe HttpHandler.

Returning 202 Accepted

If you need the operation to return 202 Accepted, simply add Return202Accepted() to the operation definition.

Performing pre-update work

Use BeforeDelete to perform (potentially failing and/or asynchronous) work before modifying the resource. Note that this work must not cause observable state changes; the request may still fail after this stage.

HTTP preconditions

See section TODO for how to do precondition validation (using ETag/Last-Modified and If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since) for PATCH requests.

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Resource lookup
  3. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  4. Validate preconditions
  5. BeforeDelete
  6. Delete
  7. ModifyResponse

Custom operations/links

Note: Custom links in the resource's links object are not supported by the JSON:API specification, and were implemented based on a misunderstanding of the specification. Please always use SkipLink when using custom operations, as demonstrated below. It is not enabled by default for backward compatibility reasons.

Custom resource operations/links allow you to do more or less anything you want, and may be useful for operations which do not easily map to a CRUD model. You have access to the same request parser as in several other requests (see section TODO), as well as a helper that writes a JSON:API document based on a resource (automatically supporting includes and sparse fieldsets as normal). This helper returns a Giraffe HttpHandler, making it easy to combine with other handlers. Your operation returns Async<Result<HttpHandler, Error list>>, meaning that you don’t have to think about how to format a proper error response; Felicity does that for you.

let linkName =
    .Post(fun ctx parser respond entity ->
      async {
        let! someParam = parser.GetRequiredAsync(Query.Bool("someQueryParam"))
        let! updatedEntity = doSomeUpdate someParam entity
        let handler =
          respond.WithEntity updatedEntity
          >=> setHttpHeader "foo" "bar"
        return Ok handler

As defined above, the URL will be the resource’s self URL plus /linkName. If SkipLink were omitted, the resource would have a link named linkName with this URL.

Conditional availability

Using Condition, you can specify a condition for when the operation is available. You can return either bool ( causing Felicity to return a generic error message) or a custom Error list.


Note that this has no effect if using SkipLink(), which as previously mentioned should always be used.

You can add link meta by using AddMeta and AddMetaOpt. The former allows you to specify the meta key, value, and an optional condition for when to add it, and the latter allows you to return an option-wrapped value where the meta item will only be added if it is Some.

If links have meta, they use the href/meta object form; otherwise they are simple strings.

When is the link present on the resource?

Note that this applies only if not using SkipLink(), which as previously mentioned should always be used.

If the context is successfully transformed (if applicable; see section TODO) and the condition is true/Ok, then the link is present.

If the context is successfully transformed, the condition is false/Error, and the link has meta, then the link is present with "href": null and the specified meta.

If the context is not successfully transformed, or if the condition is false/Error and the link does not have any meta, the resource’s links member does not contain the link at all.

HTTP preconditions

See section TODO for how to do precondition validation (using ETag/Last-Modified and If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since). This applies to POST/PATCH/DELETE requests (not GET).

Execution order

  1. Get the context
  2. Resource lookup
  3. Transform the context if specified (see section TODO)
  4. Condition
  5. Validate preconditions
  6. Your custom operation
  7. Any handler specified in TrackFieldUsage (see section TODO)

Operation-specific authorization

As mentioned previously, the context is a good place to put your authenticated user data. However, you may have different types of authentication, e.g. anonymous (no user), normal users, and administrators.

One solution to access control using Felicity is to design different context types – in this case, one for all users, and one for administrators:

type Principal =
  | Anonymous
  | Normal of User
  | Admin of Administrator

type Context = { Principal: Principal }

type AdminContext = { Admin: Administrator }

If you have resources/collections that are in their entirety only accessible by administrators, you can simply use AdminContext as the context for these resources (remember to separately register it in Startup.cs and insert it in your routes, as mentioned previously).

However, you may have a resource that is available to all users of your API, but where some operations, say PATCH, are only available to administrators.

Felicity allows you to transform the context for arbitrary operations, and specify an error to be returned if the transformation fails. For example:

let unauthorized () =
  Error.create 403
  |> Error.setTitle "Unauthorized"
  |> Error.setDetail "You do not have access to this operation"

let toAdminCtx = function
  | { Principal = Admin a } -> Ok { Admin = a }
  | _ -> Error [unauthorized ()]

Using this, you can define operations like this:

let patch =
    .AfterCreateAsync(fun ctx a -> Db.Article.saveForAdmin ctx.Admin a)

ForContext has several variants, including one allowing you to return an Option-wrapped value, where Felicity will return a generic “operation not available” error message if it returns None.

Field-specific modification authorization

A limitation of the above is that if you need a different context type for attribute and relationship setters, this must be defined per attribute. You can use MapSetContext for this:

let title =
    .Parsed(ArticleTitle.toString, ArticleTitle.fromString)
    .Get(fun a -> a.Title)

In the example above, before title is set during a PATCH resource operation, the context will be transformed according to the specified function. This works similarly to what is described in the previous section.

When used with relationships, the transformed context is also used for the POST, PATCH, and DELETE operations to the relationship’s self URL.

Request parser

Felicity provides a request parser that allows you to parse query parameters, headers, and response body attributes/relationships in a declarative way, and which automatically handles and combines any errors for the parsed values.

The request parser is supported by the following operations:

  • GET collection
  • POST collection
  • DELETE resource
  • Custom operations

The operations above have overloads that provide you access to the request parser.

For example, here is the GET collection operation from earlier that parses several optional filter parameters:

let getCollection =
    .GetCollection(fun ctx parser ->
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTypes, Filter.Field(articleType).List)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setOffset, Page.Offset)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setLimit, Page.Limit.Max(20))

And here is the POST collection operation from earlier that parses several required resource fields in the response body:

let post =
    .Post(fun ctx parser -> parser.For(Article.create, author, title, body))

The underlying concept

In the general case, the parser is used to build up an object of your choice that represents the parsed arguments. You can have required parameters (passed to the function that creates the object) and optional parameters (represented as “immutable setters” for the object, just like attribute/relationship setters).

You use parser.For to specify either an empty object or a function that creates an object and accepts some required parameters that you then also supply in the call to For.

In the GET collection example above, we specify ArticleSearchArgs.empty, which does not require any parameters. We then add a series of optional parameters using “immutable setters” for the values parsed on the right. Finally, because GetCollection requires us to supply a request parser for Article list and not for ArticleSearchArgs, we transform using .BindAsync(, where has signature ArticleSearchArgs -> Article list.

In the POST collection example, we create a parser for the function Article.create, which has signature PersonId -> ArticleTitle -> ArticleBody -> Article. We then supply parsers for the three required arguments: The author relationship parses the corresponding relationship ID (a PersonId), title is an attribute that parses to ArticleTitle, and body is an attribute that parses to ArticleBody. In the POST request, we must return a parse for Author, and since Article.create returns Author, we don’t need to transform the returned value as we did with the GET collection example.

Parsing higher-arity immutable setters

The .Add methods have higher-arity overloads that accept secondary parameters. An example of this was shown in the PATCH section (TODO link):

  .Add(Entity.setProtected, protectedValue, authorizationCode)

When the primary parameter is included (protectedValue above), the secondary parameters are parsed, too, and passed to the immutable setter. If the primary parameter exists but the secondary parameters do not, an error will be returned. You may append .Optional to the secondary parameters to make then optional and Option-wrapped.

Parsing higher arities than is currently available

If you need to parse higher arities than are currently available for the For or Add methods, please open an issue and/or submit a PR. As a workaround, you can always fall back to monadic parsing using the AsyncRes overloads and use a suitable asyncResult CE (e.g. from FsToolkit.ErrorHandling.JobResult). JobRes overloads are also available. For example:

  asyncResult {
    let! a = parser.GetRequiredAsync fieldA
    let! b = parser.GetRequiredAsync fieldB
    return domainFuncTakingManyParams a b ...

The only drawback to this method is that the errors won’t be combined; you will only get the first error.

Parsing in custom operations

For standard operations as shown above, you have to return a request parser for the needed type, and not the needed type itself. This is because the request parser contains important runtime information about which parameters/fields have been parsed, which Felicity needs in order to determine e.g. if an operation supports sorting or client-generated IDs ( JSON:API mandates that errors be returned if these are supplied but not supported).

However, for custom operations, you should have more freedom, and the Felicity API may not be as restrictive.

As we saw earlier, a custom operation can look like this:

let linkName =
    .Post(fun ctx parser respond entity ->
      async {
        let! someParam = parser.GetRequiredAsync(Query.Bool("someQueryParam"))
        let! updatedEntity = doSomeUpdate someParam entity
        let handler =
          respond.WithEntity updatedEntity
          >=> setHttpHeader "foo" "bar"
        return Ok handler

This demonstrates one possible way of using the parser in custom operations: The GetRequired overloads simply parse a single required parameter. There are also GetOptional overloads that returns an Option-wrapped value which is None if the parameter was not present.

The other possible way to use the parser in custom operation is to use it exactly like in the standard operations, i.e. parser.For(…).Add(…), but end with .ParseAsync(). This returns Async<Result<'a, Error list>>, meaning you can bind it using let! in a custom operation. For example:

let linkName =
    .Post(fun ctx parser respond entity ->
      asyncResult {  // asyncResult CE from e.g. FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
        let! myArgs =
          parser.For(MyArgs.create, someAttr)
            .Add(MyArgs.setFoo, Query.Int("foo"))

Parsing response body attributes and relationships

You parse attributes and relationships from the response body simply by using the attribute and relationship directly in the parser. Below, author is a relationship that will be parsed to PersonId (which is the ID type of the related resource), and title and body are attributes that will be parsed to ArticleTitle and ArticleBody (since they are the domain types of the two attributes).

let post =
    .Post(fun ctx parser -> parser.For(Article.create, author, title, body))

You may append .Optional to an attribute or relationship if you want an optional parser that returns None when the field is not present, though depending on the use-case it may be clearer to use the parser’s .Add methods to add optional parameters using “immutable setters” as shown previously. You can, for example, use this to add optional, read-only fields that may be used in POST requests but not in PATCH requests.

Parsing related entities and projections

For relationships, you may also append e.g. .Related(Person.lookup) to get a parser that returns the actual entity, and not just its ID. For example:

parser.For(Article.create, author.Related(Person.lookup))

Here, Article.create accepts a Person parameter instead of a PersonId.

But what if Article.create doesn’t need the whole Person entity, only a subset of it? Or what if it only needs the PersonId, but you still want Felicity to ensure that the resource exists? Then you simply define another lookup operation just for the entity projection you want, and use that instead:

let customLookup =
  Define<Context, MyPersonProjection, PersonId>()

Above, myProjectionLookup has signature PersonId -> MyPersonProjection option. This customLookup is then used in author.Related just like Person.lookup. Article.create can then accept MyPersonProjection instead of Person. Note that you have to create a new Define instance because the define value you already have in the resource module is a different generic instantiation (has different generic parameters).

Parsing filter query parameters

The static class Filter is the entry point for parsing filter query parameters.

The previously shown GET collection example shows several filter parameters:

let getCollection =
    .GetCollection(fun ctx parser ->
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTypes, Filter.Field(articleType).List)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setOffset, Page.Offset)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setLimit, Page.Limit.Max(20))

To filter on a resource field, use Filter.Field with a resource field, as shown above. The query parameter will automatically be named correctly, e.g. filter[title] and filter[articleType] for the filters shown above.

Query parameters are always strings. This means that, in general, when you use Filter.Field with attributes, you need to supply a function that transforms from string to the attribute’s serialized type (from that point, Felicity can do the rest of the parsing). For convenience, Felicity can perform transformations from string if this transformation is fairly standard, i.e. if the serialized field value is string, bool, int, or float.

This is not relevant for relationships, since relationship IDs are always serialized as string.

To filter on a related field, simply include the relationship path and the actual field to filter on:

Filter.Field(author, Person.firstName)

The query parameter will be named filter[author.firstName].


By default, Filter.Field() will parse a single value which may not contain commas. To parse a list of comma-separated values, simply append .List as shown in the example above.


As with parsing optional resource fields, you may append .Optional, but as mentioned previously, it may be clearer to instead use the parser’s .Add methods to add optional parameters using “immutable setters”.


If you want to add an “operator” to the filter parameter name, e.g. filter[firstName][contains], you can use .Operator("contains"). This is just a parameter name change; it has no effect on the parsing.

If you use an operator that indicates the query parameter should accept a boolean value, you can append .Bool and the parser will be replaced with a bool parser. In other words, the field(s) you specify in Filter.Field() are then only used to construct the filter parameter’s name, not for parsing. For example, the following will parse a query parameter filter[firstName][isNull] which may be true or false.


Filtering on nullable attributes and relationships

Query strings have no standard representation of null which can be used unambiguously. Therefore, Felicity only allows you to filter on non-null values of nullable attributes and relationships. The parsed attribute value will then not be Option-wrapped.

If you need a filter for whether the value is null, you can use e.g.


which will give you a filter parameter called filter[updatedAt][isNull] accepting true or false.

Filtering on to-many relationships

Filtering on to-many relationships work just like to-one and to-one nullable relationships. Each relationship type only provides information about how to parse a single string to the related resource’s ID type. It is up to you to append .List to the filter if you want multiple values, and to determine what single or multiple values mean in each case (AND, OR, contains, identical, ordered/unordered, etc.).

Custom filter parameters

You can use Filter.Parsed(...) to specify fully custom names and parsing behavior. You may find it useful to use the .Name property of the resource fields to create the filter parameter name. For example:

Filter.ParsedRes(firstName.Name, myResultReturningParseFunction)

Filtering on polymorphic relationship IDs

You may not use polymorphic relationships in Filter.Field. This is because the query parameter contains just the ID value and no type information, and thus Felicity has no way of knowing which of the possible ID types it should parse the value to. This is one of the very few cases where Felicity will throw at runtime:

// Will throw at runtime, don't do this!

Instead, you have to use a custom parser as shown above:

Filter.Parsed(myPolyRel.Name, myPolyIdParser)

Possible options include:

  • Parse to a type that encompasses all the possible ID types, and let the rest of the code deal with the ambiguity. Using string will of course always work, or you could parse to another type like GUID or int if all resource types in the relationship use compatible ID types in the database. Note that if using anything else than a GUID ( e.g. int) this may not be feasible, since multiple resource types may have a resource with the specified ID.

  • Actually look up in the database during the parsing to see which resource type contains a match for the specified ID. This requires the IDs to be unique among all the types in the relationship. Depending on the use-case for the parsing, this may not give you much benefit over the previous method.

  • Require type information in another parameter, e.g. by using the higher-arity overloads of RequestParser.Add (or by requiring both parameters in RequestParser.For). Here is a very simple example that requires myArgsSetter to handle the case when the type filter is not set to a valid type:

        Filter.Parsed(myPolyRel.Name, id),
        Filter.Parsed(myPolyRel.Name + ".type", id)

    This will accept a query like ?filter[myPolyRel]=someId&filter[myPolyRel.type]=someTypeName where the string values "someId" and "someTypeName" are passed to myArgsSetter. This removes all ambiguity, but is more verbose for the API client.

    Here is a more sophisticated example the uses Query.Enum so that Felicity handles the case when the type is not valid:

    let setVehicleType resId parseResId args =
      VehicleArgs.setVehicleType (parseResId resId) args
    let vehicleTypeMap = [
      "car", CarId.fromString >> VehicleId.Car
      "truck", TruckId.fromString >> VehicleId.Truck
        Filter.Parsed(vehicle.Name, id),
        Query.Enum(sprintf "filter[%s.type]" vehicle.Name, vehicleTypeMap)

Parsing other query parameters

Much of what is said above about filter parameters are relevant here, too, and won’t be repeated.


The static Sort class is the entry point for parsing the JSON:API sort parameter.

Usually there would be a limited set of sorting options available. Use Sort.Enum for this. Section TODO contains relevant notes about enum parsing. You can also use Sort.Parsed to specify custom parsing behavior.

When parsed, you get a tuple with the parsed sort value and a boolean that indicates the sort direction. The boolean is false for ascending and true for descending. In other words, the boolean indicates whether the JSON:API - prefix was present on the sort column.


The static Page class is the entry point for parsing the JSON:API page[] parameter family.

There are predefined parsers for page[offset], page[limit], page[number], and page[size]. They are set up as int parsers with sensible limits, e.g. offset must be non-negative, limit must be positive, etc. To override the limits, append e.g. .Min(10) and .Max(20).

Custom query parameters

The static Query class is the entry point for parsing arbitrary query parameters. Query.Parsed is the general method, and there are convenience methods for parsing string, int, bool, float, and string enums.

Parsing headers

The static Header class is the entry point for parsing HTTP request headers. It works the same way as Query, described above.

Prohibiting parameters

You can also use the request parser to disallow certain parameters, i.e. return a generic “parameter not allowed” error if they are included in the request. For example, to allow normal users to list only their own articles, and admins to list all, you can do this:

let getCollection =
    .GetCollection(fun ctx parser ->
      match ctx with
      | { Principal = User u } ->
          parser.For(ArticleSearchArgs.createForUser u.AuthorId)
            .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))
      | { Principal = Administrator a } ->
          	.Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setAuthorId, Filter.Field(author))
            .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))

In the example above, if authenticated as a normal user and they include the filter[author] query parameter, they will get an error.

Conditional GET/HEAD (ETag/If-None-Match)

Felicity automatically hashes all success responses and sets an ETag header accordingly. This means that clients may use If-None-Match to potentially get a 304 Not Modified response if they already have an up-to-date version of the response to that particular request.

Note that this is not related to JSON:API resources; the ETag works on the HTTP level. It can therefore not be used for verifying preconditions before updating a particular resource (see below for more on that). It is only a way to avoid transferring (potentially large) response bodies the client has already seen.

Conditional POST/PATCH/DELETE (If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since)

You can define HTTP preconditions in a resource module:

let preconditions =
    .ETag(fun entity -> EntityTagHeaderValue.FromString false entity.ETag)
    .LastModified(fun entity -> entity.LastModified)

You can supply either ETag or LastModified or both.

Clients must then supply either the If-Match or the If-Unmodified-Since header in the request in order to perform requests that modify the resource.

These values must be communicated to the client as resource attributes (or meta). They will not be set as HTTP headers, because headers apply to the whole response, and preconditions as shown above are resource-specific.

You can also append .Optional in order to make the precondition validation optional. If so, clients may perform request without the precondition headers, but if present, they will be validated.

Conditional resource creation (If-Match/If-Unmodified-Since)

The preconditions described above apply to any non-GET request except resource creation (POST collection operations). In some cases, you may want to validate preconditions for resource creation, too. For example, you may have a parent and a child resource, and when creating a new child resource, you may want to validate the preconditions for the parent.

You can define preconditions for POST collection operations when using PostBackRef like this:

let post =
    .PeconditionsETag(fun (ctx, parent) -> ...)
    .PeconditionsLastModified(fun (ctx, parent) -> ...)

You can supply either ETag or LastModified or both. .PeconditionsOptional works the same way as .Optional as described in the previous section.

Custom POST operation

Resource locking

Even if you use preconditions as described above, resource operations may still conflict with each other due to thread safety. For example, if two requests for the same resource arrive at the same time, the same representation is fetched from the database and the preconditions for both requests pass. However, the operation that finishes last will overwrite the changes of the operation that finishes first.

This becomes even more problematic if persisting resources involve other non-atomic operations such as deleting or moving files on disk: The first operation may remove a file reference from your resource and delete the file, and the second operation may overwrite the newly updated DB row with conflicting data that still references the file, corrupting the system state. (Yes, I have experienced this very problem.)

To combat this problem, Felicity can easily take care of locking all write access to your resources. Only one non-safe ( POST/PATCH/DELETE) request will be allowed at a time for any given resource; other requests must wait and will get a 503 error if the lock times out.

In the simplest case, simply append .Lock() to your resource definition:

let resDef =
  define.Resource("article", resId)

Lock() optionally accepts a custom timeout. The default is 10 seconds.

External locking mechanisms

The locking demonstrated above is handled entirely within Felicity. However, you may need to plug into external locking system, e.g. because there are background operations being triggered for the same resources that are modifiable through the API, or because you need distributed locking across multiple instances of an API (see e.g. DistributedLock).

In this case, use the CustomLock method. Here, you must pass a getLock function. This function accepts the (strongly typed) resource ID, and should return None if the lock times out, or Some with an IDisposable that releases the lock when disposed.

Locking dependent resources

You may have resources that are “child” entities and belong to another resource (see section TODO). In this case, it is generally the “parent” resource that should be locked. For example, when modifying an orderline, the shared state that should be locked may be the parent order.

Felicity facilitates this by allowing you to easily delegate locking to the another resource. To set up this, simply use the LockOther() methods and pass in the following three arguments:

  • The resource definition of the parent resource to lock (the resource must have a lock specified)
  • Optionally a function that, given the child ID, returns the parent ID. This is used for any child resource other than a POST collection operation to create a child resource. If not specified, these requests will not be locked.
  • Optionally the relationship from the child resource to the parent resource. This is used to lock POST requests to create child resources. If not specified, these requests will not be locked.

Felicity then locks the specified parent resource instead of the child resource:

let order = define.Relationship.ToOne(Order.resDef)

let resDef =
  define.Resource("orderline", resId)
    .LockOther(Order.resDef, getOrderIdForOrderLine, order)

Above, getOrderIdForOrderLine typically has the signature OrderLineId -> Async<OrderLine option. If the ID lookup function returns None, no locking is performed (it is then likely that the resource doesn’t exist, which means the request will fail anyway).

Multiple locks

In certain cases, you may need to take multiple locks. You are able to specify as many locks as you want using CustomLock or LockOther (Lock may only be called once per resource). The locks will be taken sequentially ( to avoid deadlocks) in the order they are specified.

Note that if you take multiple locks, you will probably want to also call MultiLockTotalTimeout to set the total timeout across all locks. When multiple locks are taken and this timeout is reached, Felicity will 1) return an error to the client, 2) dispose any locks that were successfully taken (including in-progress locks that complete after the timeout), and 3) not attempt to obtain any additional further locks.

Note that multiple locks is an advanced feature that shouldn’t be needed often, and should take good care to avoid deadlocks by making sure the locks play nice with each other everywhere they are used.


Felicity locks the resource before fetching it from the database (to ensure that preconditions work correctly and that the up-to-date entity is used for all locked operations without requiring extra trips to the DB). Therefore, if you have polymorphic collections (see section TODO), Felicity doesn’t know which resource type any given ID corresponds to; it only knows the collection name and resource ID. As a consequence, you may only have one Lock or LockOther per collection name.

Furthermore, if you use LockOther, it is assumed that the related ID returned by getOtherIdForResourceOperation will never change. This function is first called to get the ID to lock. Then the operation is performed. If the output of the function changes between checking/locking and performing the operation, locking may not work:

  • If it changes between two different Some values, the incorrect resource is locked
  • If it changes from None to Some, no locking is performed
  • If it changes from Some to None, you’re probably fine

Resource field usage tracking

Felicity lets you track the usage of resource fields. This can help you determine whether it is safe to deprecate or remove a certain field.

You set up the feature like this:

// General example implementation to indicate tracking API possibilities. Called once per request.
let myFieldUsageCallback serviceProvider ctx fieldInfos =
  async {
    for info in fieldInfos do
      match info.Usage with
      | FieldUsage.Explicit -> do! myTrackExplicitFieldUsage info.TypeName info.FieldName
      | FieldUsage.Implicit -> do! myTrackImplicitFieldUsage info.TypeName info.FieldName
      | FieldUsage.Excluded -> ()

      if myIsDeprecated info.TypeName info.FieldName then
        let headerMsg =
          $"Field '{info.FieldName}' on type '{info.TypeName}' is deprecated and will be "
          + "removed soon. Exclude it using sparse fieldsets to remove this warning."
        return setHttpHeader "Deprecated" headerMsg
        return fun next ctx -> next ctx  // Pass-through HTTP handler

// Set it up using TrackFieldUsage
member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =

The different usage types are defined like this:

  • A field is considered explicitly used (FieldUsage.Explicit) if at least one of the following is true:

    • The field is specified in a sparse fieldsets ('fields[...]') parameter.
    • The field is used in a request body (e.g. POST or PATCH).
    • The field is a relationship and is included using the include parameter.
    • The field is a relationship and the request targets its self or related link.
  • A field is considered implicitly used (FieldUsage.Implicit) if none of the requirements for explicit usage are satisfied and there is no sparse fieldset parameter for the resource.

  • A field is considered excluded (FieldUsage.Excluded) if none of the requirements for explicit usage are satisfied and there is a sparse fieldset parameter for the resource.

Fields are tracked if they could potentially have been present in the response. It does not matter whether a collection or relationship is empty or null. For example, GET /articles?include=comments will track fields for the article and comment resources regardless of whether there is any primary or included data in the response.

Field tracking and polymorphism

For GET operations to polymorphic collections, as well as includes of or operations against polymorphic relationships, all possible resources are included in the tracking. For example, given a GET /vehicles?include=trailer operation where the vehicles collection can return both car and truck, and their trailer relationship contains resources of type carTrailer and truckTrailer, respectively, then fields for all four resources are tracked (regardless of which resources are actually returned).

For other operations to resources in polymorphic collections, only fields on the targeted resource (and any included resources) are tracked. For example, PATCH /vehicles/car1?include=trailer (assuming car1 is the ID of a car, not a truck) will only track fields for car and carTrailer.

For polymorphic GET collection operations, if at least one of the resource types that can be returned by the collection belongs to another collection (i.e., does not have the same collection name as the resource definition the GET collection operation belongs to), call the operation's RegisterResourceType method for each resource type that can be returned by the operation. Otherwise, field tracking won't work properly for that operation. For example:

let getColl =

The same applies for custom operations where you use the responder to return multiple resource types. In that case, call the responder's RegisterResourceType for each resource type before calling any With... method. It is not necessary to call this method if the responder is only used to return a single resource type. For example:

let customOp =
    .GetAsync(fun _ _ respond _ ->
      asyncResult {

A similar point applies to polymorphic relationships, where you have to add a suitable number of calls to AddIdParser (if not already done) to let Felicity know which resources the relationship may contain. For example:

let polymorphicRel =

Strict mode

If an API receives unknown fields (attributes/relationships) in the request body or unknown query parameters in the URL, that is often an indication of bugs in the client. It can be useful to return errors in this case, or log warnings.

You can enable strict mode (errors or warnings for unknown fields and/or unknown query parameters) like this:

// Set it up using TrackFieldUsage
member _.ConfigureServices(services: IServiceCollection) : unit =

By default, these methods will cause an error response to be returned if the request contains unknown fields or query parameters.

If you want warnings to be logged instead, set the warnOnly parameter to true:


You can also configure the logging level:

.EnableUnknownFieldStrictMode(true, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Information)
.EnableUnknownQueryParamStrictMode(true, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Information)

Exempting query parameters from strict mode

There may be cases where returning errors for a previously recognized query parameter is an unnecessary breaking change. You can exempt a query parameter from strict mode checking by using IgnoreStrictMode in the query parser:

  .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))

In the example above, filter[articleType] will be ignored by strict mode.

Caveats and limitations

Parameter usage is checked at runtime

Parameter usage is checked for each request at runtime. So if you use branching in the request parser, Felicity may consider some query parameters unknown. For example:

let getCollection =
  .GetCollection(fun ctx parser ->
    if ctx.HasFullSearchCapabilities then
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTypes, Filter.Field(articleType).List)
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setSort, Sort.Enum(ArticleSort.fromStringMap))
        .Add(ArticleSearchArgs.setTitle, Filter.Field(title))

In the example above, if ctx.HasFullSearchCapabilities is false but the request contains filter[articleType] or sort, Felicity will return errors (or log warnings) saying that these query parameters are not recognized for this operation.

An alternative is to use Prohibit (e.g. .Prohibit(Filter.Field(articleType))), which will return a slightly different error saying that the parameter is not allowed (instead of not recognized).

Always parse query parameters with RequestParser/RequestParserHelper

Only query parameters parsed with RequestParser/RequestParserHelper (as shown in the example above) are considered known/used. If you only read them manually from ASP.Net Core's HttpContext, Felicity does not know that they are used, and it will be caught by strict mode.

Limited query parameter validation for custom operations

To enable strict mode query parameter validation for custom operations (define.Operation.CustomLink), use the ValidateStrictModeQueryParams method and supply all allowed query parameters. For example:

let linkName =
    .ValidateStrictModeQueryParams("paramName1", "paramName2")

The reason Felicity can not automatically perform strict mode query parameter validation for custom operations, is because there is no place to perform the validation automatically and safely return an error: Before calling your code, query parameters have not been parsed yet, and after calling your code, the operation is complete and any changes are presumably committed, meaning an error response can not be returned.

Sparse fieldsets and include paths are not checked

Sparse fieldsets and include paths are not checked for validity, since this may cause unnecessary breaking changes.

  • Example 1: Consider a resource with a relationship that is only present in the response if the user is authorized to view that relationship for the resource. In other words, the client must handle the case where it is missing, even if it is present in include. It would then be a non-breaking change in itself to remove the relationship entirely, but if the server then starts returning errors if the (now non-existent) relationship is included in include or sparse fieldsets, that would be a breaking change.
  • Example 2: Consider an operation GET /vehicles that returns two types, truck and car. A truck has a relationship trailers, and a car does not. Clients send requests to GET /vehicles?include=trailers to search for both trucks and cars, including the trailer of any truck that happens to be returned. If the API changes so that GET /vehicles no longer return trucks, that in itself may not be a breaking change (from the client's perspective, the only change is that no trucks turn up when searching). However, if include paths were validated, the API would suddenly start returning errors since the include path trailers no longer exists for any resource in the collection.


You may encounter the need to have collections or resources that contain several resource types.

First, I would urge you to consider whether you can change your resource model to avoid it. Polymorphic collections/relationships is a complication both in implementation and conceptually.

If you do need to use it though, Felicity has you covered. This is an advanced use-case, though, and while I have tried to make the API both as simple and flexible as I can, compile-time safety can not be guaranteed in all cases.

Some fundamental notes

Up until now, we have considered the resource module as the fundamental unit of Felicity. We have considered each resource module in isolation, and an underlying assumption has been that each resource module has a unique collection name.

This need not be the case. There are good reasons (namely, simplicity) for making the public API of Felicity resource-centered, but in the Felicity internals, collections is the fundamental unit. This is needed since, generally, a collection may contain one or more resources.

There are three places where polymorphism enters the picture in Felicity.

  • Polymorphic GET collection operations. For example, consider a collection /vehicles with types truck and car, represented by correspondingly named domain types and with a common Vehicle discriminated union that wraps them. For GET /vehicles, Felicity must know how to “unwrap” each Vehicle returned by the search to Truck or Car, and whether to use the Truck or Car resource module for that unwrapped resource.

  • Polymorphic resource lookup for a collection. For GET /vehicles/123, Felicity must know how to parse 123 to VehicleId it can use in the lookup. Once it obtains the Vehicle with that ID, the same as above applies, too ( i.e., how to unwrap it and use the correct resource module).

  • Polymorphic relationships. This is kind of a combination of the points above. If the relationship is gettable, Felicity must know how to unwrap and select the correct resource module. If the relationship is settable, Felicity must know how to parse the IDs given the relationship data item’s type.

Polymorphic collections


Polymorphic resource lookup


Polymorphic relationships


Sideposting (a.k.a sideloading)

A common complaint against JSON:API is that it does not support “sideposting”, i.e. creating multiple related resources in a single POST request.

JSON:API will likely support this in a future version, but in the meantime, Felicity already supports this in a fairly straightforward fashion.

The request should contain the necessary related resources in the included member, and all relevant relationships should have resource linkage with temporary IDs to indicate “what goes where”. For example:

  "data": {
    "type": "parent",
    "relationships": {
      "child": {
        "data": {
          "type": "child",
          "id": "temporaryId"
  "included": [
      "type": "child",
      "id": "temporaryId",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "some value"

To parse such a request, simply use the request parser for the POST operation, and append .Included to a relationship that you want to have sideposted. This gives you access to a nested request parser for the related entity type. For example:

let post =
    .Post(fun ctx parser ->
        child.Included(fun childParser ->

Above, Parent.create has signature Child -> Parent, and child is the relationship to the child resource with entity type Child, and Child.create.

You can parse arbitrarily deep resource graphs this way (i.e., the included child resource above may have further sideposted relationships, and so on).

As with polymorphism, I would urge you to first consider whether you can change your resource model to avoid the need for sideposting. Sideposting as shown above is not covered by JSON:API, and the feature as implemented in Felicity does currently not support polymorphic relationships (there is currently no way to specify different parsers for different types).

Tips for use with “dependent” entities that are not DDD aggregate roots


  • In Define (and everywhere else), make 'entity be a tuple containing both the parent and sub-entity
  • Have a domain function Parent.withChild: 'childId -> 'parent -> 'parent * 'child that looks up a known child in the parent (and throws if not found)
  • If needed, use define.Operation.PostBackRef instead of Post to get access to the (pre-create) parent entity in AfterCreate

Current limitations


  • Sorting of relationships
  • Relationship meta
  • Resource meta
  • top-level jsonapi member
  • top-level links
  • top-level meta
  • sideposting for polymorphic relationships



  • Why Func
    • To help overload resolution so you don’t need as many type annotations
    • Slightly worse support for partial application (not much)