The existing code used for analysis of L1 Trigger:
- Adding a new plot or studying some new variable requires writing a lot of extra code
- Code is all written as ROOT “C++” macros which (in this case) cannot be compiled, making debugging rather hard
- L1 object efficiency (wrt gen, wrt RECO) as function of pT, eta, phi
- L1 object rate as function of threshold
- Object distributions in pT, eta, phi, isolation, other stuff (L1, gen, RECO objects)
- L1 object resolutions (wrt gen, wrt RECO) in pT, eta, phi
- Efficiency vs. Rate
Plots are typically "binned" by pile-up and other variables, so that in addition to binning along the X and Y axes, multiple plots are produced depending on a third variable, eg. number of reconstructed vertices in the event (pile-up). The final plots then contain multiple curves, one for each of these bins.
Current command for data or MC: From top-level of l1t-macros:
root -l -b -q MakePlots/makeRates.cxx'(0,1,1000,0)'
- Analysis tasks
- Produce ‘default’ or ‘standard’ set of plots for a new set of data
- Produce ‘default’ or ‘standard’ set of plots over a subset of data, where subset could be specified by a cut on a variable, a run number, trigger condition, etc
- Produce default plots, but recompute the objects entering it (eg. change an object algorithm, re-calibrate, change thresholds etc.)
- Add a new type of plot
- Inspect existing plots using different binning
- Change plot cosmetics some time after plots originally produced (eg. conferences)
- Produce hardware vs emulator comparisons for all L1 objects (for validation events)
- The input data consists of L1TNtuples
- The input data is typically stored under
[The current code seems to use xrootd to access these files from] - Typical number of events to process for a full analysis: > 1m
- May want to be able to read back in root plots
- User runs locally on lxplus
- User runs on HTCondor batch systems
- User runs locally from another institution’s login computer
- User runs on their laptop
- [Could consider batch systems, etc]
- Language:
- Python
- C++
- YAML / JSON-based config files
- Mixed approach -- analysis loop in c++, configuration via python wrapped command
- Output directory for plots etc
- Input data
- Plot binning
- [options] configfile.cfg
- [options[ options[ options]]]