If you want to query a contract you can (ensure the contract has the queries that match - we are using the cosmwasm-for-dummies example by Callum):
$BINARY q wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"get_count":{}}'
which returns:
count: 42
If we do:
$BINARY q wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"get_count":{}}' --output json
we get:
Now let's change the state of the contract (increment):
$BINARY tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"increment":{}}' --from test-user $TXFLAG
Now let's reset count to 0
$BINARY tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"reset":{"count": 0}}' --from test-user $TXFLAG
You can also list contracts by id
$BINARY q wasm list-contract-by-code 5
Contract addresses are larger than user addresses (32 vs 20)
If you want the latest contract you can run:
CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$($BINARY q wasm list-contract-by-code $CONTRACT_CODE --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
Then you can do: