title |
Applications |
{% comment %}
{% endcomment %}
The Cockpit Web Console is extendable. The Cockpit team and others have built applications that are easy to install.
Often, these applications are available to install with a click of a button on the "Applications" page, but command-line installation is also possible using the package name.
Help us expand this list! Also consider [developing]({{ site.baseurl }}/external/wiki/Contributing.html) [your own application with the Starter Kit]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/cockpit-starter-kit.html).
{% assign apps = site.data.applications %} {% assign grouped = apps | group_by_exp: 'item', 'item[1].official' %}
{% assign official = grouped[1].items %} {% include apps.html apps=official %}
{% assign unofficial = grouped[0].items %} {% include apps.html apps=unofficial %}
{% assign thirdparty = grouped[2].items %} {% include apps.html apps=thirdparty %}