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Michael Bodnarchuk edited this page Nov 2, 2019 · 22 revisions


  • Introduce @codecept-js/configure by default, to easily toggle headless mode
  • Enable retryFailedStep plugin for new setups.


  • Prepare meta-package or installer to install codeceptjs+codecept-ui
  • Use [ char to detect CSS locator. Current chars for CSS locators: . and #
  • Drop support for NodeJS < 11.7 (so we could use workers)


  • Shadow-DOM locator integration with webdriverio 5.x
  • Cypress integration
  • Reuse a single browser session while writing tests


To make those features implemented, consider sponsoring CodeceptJS.

  • GraphQL helper
  • Cypress-like Development mode:
    • UI for selecting and executing tests
  • Detox integration for React Native and mobile testing
  • TestCafe integration
  • Parallel execution via workers (improves CPU consumation, reporting)
  • Mock Request/Response in Puppeteer helper via PollyJS.
  • Update BDD/Gherkin support to Gherkin version 6 specification
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