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Setting up a Lion Dev Environment
web & file sharing on
key remap for macbook & pckeyboardhack -- apple q --> apple shift q -- caps lock --> backspace -- key repeat initial wait: 500 --> 250, wait 83 -> 30 -- don't show in menu bar
copy iTunes music (22gb)
finder -- add path icon to toolbar
Make hidden Dock icons transparent defaults write com.apple.Dock showhidden -bool true
todo in lion: remove spaces animation, save dialog animation
I use my shortcuts to move windows, and would never tolerate a feature that required waiting: Stop (slow down) Spaces from switching spaces if your mouse presses against the edge of the desktop: defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-edge-delay -float 60 && killall Dock
hot corners (BL: desktop, BR: mission, TR: windows)
macpilot -- system: disable downloaded file warning dialogs, use expanded save dialog by default
system prefs: disable guest user
dock: auto hide
- chrome -- google voice, lip sum generator
- notational velocity
- vlc
- skype
- xscope
- istat menus -- show multiple CPU cores as one item, -- memory/disk-usage/sensors/battery off, disk activity on
- dropbox
- unrarx
- alfred power pack.
-- global hotkeys, option `/1/2: terminal, chrome, ruby mine, iTunes, notational velocity -- scripts: flush dns, lipsum, external ip - simbl -- maximizer (to fullscreen rubymine)
- visor -- system keyboard shortcut to match tab hotkeys with chrome
- git
- rvm
- xcode
- homebrew
- firefox
- github
- postgres: (http://tammersaleh.com/posts/installing-postgresql-for-rails-3-1-on-lion or http://nextmarvel.net/blog/2011/09/brew-install-postgresql-on-os-x-lion/) prepend path: /usr/local/bin brew install postgresql initdb /usr/local/var/commonplace_development postgres -D /usr/local/var/commonplace_development rake db:setup gem install pg
- rubymine (auto installs java runtime)
- ruby-1.9.3 (required gcc from https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer)
- bash_profile -- list of aliases for common typos
- remap keys: home: /001, end: /005 to get unix-style beginning/end of line behavior
- add prompt color: http://jdcargile.com/blog/?p=280 and PS1="[\e[1;32m]\w[\e[0m] "
todo : colored output http://flori.github.com/term-ansicolor/