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File metadata and controls

379 lines (215 loc) · 10.1 KB


UberSelect is a fancy UI on top of a regular <select> element.


Tested on jQuery 1.11.x to 3.3.x


UberSelect is composed of two main parts, an UberSearch that does all the of searching and UI, and an UberSelect which is used to connect an UberSearch to a <select> element.


This is the object that allows an UberSearch and a <select> element to work together. The select element can be used to control the state of the UberSearch, and vice-versa. This means you can programmatically change the state of the select, and UberSearch will update. Users can interact with the UberSearch, and the select will update. This also means you can use UberSelect to gussy up forms, without changing any of the underlying inputs.




Attributes on the outermost element can be specified by setting the data-uber-attributes attribute on the <select> element. Values should be passed as a JSON string of key/value pairs where the key is the attribute name and the value is the attribute value.


Options can be specified by setting the data-uber-options attribute on the <select> element. Values should be passed as a JSON string. All options on the are passed to the underlying UberSearch, see UberSearch options.

  • prepopulateSearchOnOpen

    Determines whether the search input starts with the selected value in it when the pane is opened.

    Default: false

  • clearSearchClearsSelect

    Determines whether the select value should be cleared when the search is cleared.

    Default: false

  • placeholder

    Placeholder to show in the selected text area.

    Default: <select> element attributes <select placeholder="my placeholder" data-placeholder="my placeholder">

  • dataUrl

    A url to pre-fetch select options from. JSON response should be of the form [{text:'option with explicit value', value: 'some value'}, {text:'option with implicit value'}]. For a custom JSON response, use in conjunction with optionFromDatum.

    Default: null

  • dataFormatter

    A function that can modify the data from the dataUrl before it is used.

    The function signature is as follows:

      function(data) {
        // Modify the data
        return modifiedData

    See dataUrl for details about the expected format of data.

  • optionFromDatum

    A function that is used to customize the option's value and text built from a JSON response. datum is a single result returned from the JSON response.

    The function signature is as follows:

      function(datum) {
        return // a <option> element to represent the select

    Default: datum.value populates the <option> value, datum.text populates the <option> text.

  • value

    Initialize the UberSearch with this selected value

    Default: <select> element value property

  • ariaLabel

    Add an aria-label attribute with this value to the uber_select element.

Option Data Attributes

<option> elements can each use data-attributes to control datum properties. See UberSearch data.

  • data-match-value
  • data-visibility
  • data-selected-text

Events Triggered

  • uber-select:ready

    This fires when the UberSelect has initialized and is ready for user interaction

Events Observed

The <select> element observes the following events:

  • uber-select:refreshOptions

    The UberSearch options list will be updated to match the <select> element's <option> list.

  • uber-select:refresh

    The UberSearch will update its selected value to match the <select> element's. This handler also runs when the <select> element triggers a change event.


The UberSearch performs all of the heavy lifting. It creates the UI views, maintains state, and performs the searching. It can be instantiated without the use of an UberSelect, which can be useful for situations where the selected value is being used in purely in JS, and not being linked to a <select> element in a form.


new UberSearch(data, options);


Data is an array of objects. Each object may have the following properties:

  • text

    String shown to the user in the list of results. This value is required if value is not provided.

  • selectedText

    String shown to the user in the output container when this option is selected. optional

  • title

    Title text shown to the user when hovering over the result. optional

  • value

    This is matched against the value option passed UberSearch and will appear selected if it matches. It is also used to match against search input text when the user searches. This value is required if text is not provided.

  • matchValue

    This overrides the value used to match against search input text when the user searches. optional

  • visibility

    This is used to determine whether the option appears only when searching or only when not searching. Values accepted: query, no-query. optional

  • disabled

    This is used to determine whether the option appears disabled. optional

  • group

    This is used to visually group options. All options with the same group will appear together. optional


  • setData(data)

    Sets the data. data should be an Array conforming to the specifications described in Data

  • getValue()

    Returns the currently selected value.

  • getSelection()

    Returns the currently selected element from the search results.


Options can be specified by setting the data-uber-options attribute on the <select> element. Values should be passed as a JSON string.

  • value

    Sets the initially selected value of the UberSearch. This value should match the value property of the desired option data.

    Default: null

  • search

    Determines whether the search input be shown.

    Default: true

  • clearSearchButton

    Sets the text content of clear search button.


  • selectCaret

    Sets the text content of clear select caret.


  • hideBlankOption

    Sets whether blank options should be hidden automatically.

    Default: false

  • treatBlankOptionAsPlaceholder

    Determines whether the text property of an option with a blank value property should be used as the placeholder text if no placeholder is specified.

    Default: false

  • highlightByDefault

    Determines whether the first search result be auto-highlighted.

    Default: true

  • minQueryLength

    Sets minimum number of characters the user must type before a search will be performed.

    Default: 0

  • minQueryMessage

    Sets the message shown to the user when the query doesn't exceed the minimum length. true for a default message, false for none, or provide a string to set a custom message.

    Default: true

  • placeholder

    Sets the placeholder shown in the selected text area.

    Default: null

  • searchPlaceholder

    Sets the placeholder shown in the search input.

    Default: 'Type to search'

  • noResultsText

    Sets the message shown when there are no results.

    Default: 'No Matches Found'

  • noDataText

    Sets the text to show when the results list is empty and no search is in progress

    Default: 'No options'

  • searchInputAttributes

    An Object containing attributes to add to the search input element.

  • buildResult

    A function that is used to build result elements.

    The function signature is as follows:

      function(listOptionData) {
        return // HTML/element to insert into the the results list
  • resultPostprocessor

    A function that is run after a result is built and can be used to decorate it. This can be useful when extending the functionality of an existing UberSearch implementation.

    The function signature is as follows:

      function(resultsListElement, listOptionData) { }

    Default: No-op

  • onRender

    A function to run when the results container is rendered. If the result returns false, the default render event handler is not run and the event is cancelled.

    The function signature is as follows:

    function(resultsContainer, searchResultsHTML) { }
  • onSelect

    A function to run when a result is selected. If the result returns false, the default select event handler is not run and the event is cancelled.

    The function signature is as follows:

    function(listOptionData, resultsListElement, clickEvent) { }
  • onNoHighlightSubmit

    A function to run when a user presses enter without selecting a result. Should be used in combination with highlightByDefault: false.

    The function signature is as follows:

    function(value) { }
  • matchGroupNames

    Toggles whether or not to match results using their in addition to their datum.matchValue. When true the searches that match the group name will cause options within that group to appear.

    Default: false

  • alwaysOpen

    Toggles whether options page is always shown open. When true the pane will start open and will not close when a option is selected nor via any clicks on the select itself.

    Default: false

  • outputContainer (Deprecated)

    An object that receives the output once a result is selected. Must respond to setValue(value) and view(). This object serves to attach the result list to the DOM at the desired location.

Events Triggered

  • shown

    This fires when the UberSearch pane is opened.

  • renderedResults

    This fires each time the list of results is updated.

  • clear

    This fires when the user clicks the clear search button.

  • select

    This fires when the user selects a result.

    The handler function signature is as follows:

    function(event, [listOptionData, resultsContainer, originalEvent]) { }