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File metadata and controls

76 lines (44 loc) · 3.96 KB


Implements the loading page for VICE apps. It displays after the job is submitted and the URL has been generated, but before the application is fully up and running.



You will need the following installed to work on the UI along with the API:

  • npm - Version 6.4.1 or later should be installed.
  • kubectl - Version 1.11 or later Needs to be installed and configured to hit a deployed Discovery Environment namespace.


The server project uses dotenv to configure set of environment variables. The full list of environment variables is:

  • PORT - The port number the server will listen on for requests.
  • DB - The connection string for the DE database
  • VICE_DOMAIN - The public-facing base URL for VICE, used for extracting subdomain information.
  • APP_EXPOSER_HEADER - The HTTP Host header value for accessing the app-exposer service API.
  • INGRESS - The URL to the Kubernetes Ingress.
  • DEBUG - Optional, can contain a comma-separated list of modules in src for which to enable debug logging. Can also be set to *.

A sample .env file is provided at server/.env.example. All .env files should be blocked from being checked in by the .gitignore, but make sure you don't accidentally check in a file with sensitive info.

The .env file for the server project should be located in the server/ subdirectory.


You should start off by running npm install in the top-level directory. Then do one of the following:

  • Run from the top-level directory. It will go through each project directory and run npm install followed by npm run build.

  • Go into each of the projects and manually run npm install.


Each of the projects (client-loading, server) can be built individually by running npm run build while inside their corresponding project directories.

You can build everything at once by running 'npm run build-all` script from the top-level directory.

The result will be a build directory created in each of the project directories. Directories named build are ignored by Git.


The top-level package.json has a clean script defined, which clears out each project's build directory. You can run it with npm run clean.

Running everything during development

First, make sure everything is built. You only really need to build the UI up front, but it's easiest and pretty quick to just build everything: npm run build-all.

You can fire up everything (minus storybook instances) by executing npm run dev from the top-level directory. The built UIs will be served up by the server instance that's started. You can access the UI at: http://localhost:60000. Make sure you have your .env file created at server/.env.

The code for the server should auto-reload if a change is detected in its source files. That should only occur during development and not in the container created for deployment. If you make a change to a UI, you will need to rebuild it to see the change. Alternatively, you can dynamically preview changes to the UI with Storybook.


The client-landing and client-loading projects both have storybook support. You can start up storybook by running npm run storybook from their respective project directories.


GET /healthz - Always returns a 200 status for now. Meant for use with Kubernetes liveness/readiness probes.

GET / - Returns a 404 page/loading page for a running VICE app.

GET /api/url-ready?url= - Returns a JSON encoded object containing the result of checking whether the given URL returns a 200 series status code when hit with an HTTP client and whether the subdomain is configured as an Ingress in the Kubernetes cluster. The URL passed in must have a subdomain of the configured VICE domain. If the url query parameter is missing then a 400 will be returned.

The JSON returned in the response should look like the following:

  "ready" : true