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Symfony bundle for trait injection.


FermioTraitInjectionBundle is only supported on PHP 5.4 and up.


Add FermioTraitInjectionBundle in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "fermio/trait-injection-bundle": "1.0.*@dev"

Download the FermioTraitInjectionBundle

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:

$ php composer.phar update fermio/trait-injection-bundle

Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/fermio directory.

Enable the FermioTraitInjectionBundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\FermioTraitInjectionBundle(),


Add the following configuration to your config.yml file according to which services you want to be injected for a specific trait.

# app/config/config.yml
            # the FQCN of the trait a class has to use to trigger injection
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\ContainerAware
            method: setContainer # the method to call for service injection
            service: service_container # the id of the service to be injected

By default, all services implementing a specified trait will have a method call added to their definition, except:

  • the service is defined to be excluded in the configuration (see excludes)
  • the service is synthetic (runtime injection, container cannot build it)
  • the service has already an identical method call configured


The bundle ships with some traits useful for every Symfony application. Take a look in the Traits/ directory for a comprehensive list of available traits. Feel free to provide more useful traits via pull requests.

Advanced Usage

Besides the trait injection there are some options to gain a coarser-grained control over the bundle.

Enable default configuration

The bundle may use its default trait configuration - coordinated with the Symfony Standard Edition service names. Each trait shipped by the bundle will be configured and ready to use out of the box.

# app/config/config.yml
    defaults: true
        fermio.doctrine_aware: # add DoctrineAware if you use Doctrine
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\DoctrineAware
            method: setDoctrine
            service: doctrine # add SecurityAclProviderAware if you enabled ACL
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\SecurityAclProviderAware
            method: setAclProvider
            service: security.acl.provider

BEWARE: The DoctrineAware and SecurityAclProviderAware traits are not configured by default.

You can override each trait configuration at will, just use the same name for the trait configuration - it's enough to only provide the settings you want to override:

# app/config/config.yml
    defaults: true
        # the invalid default value is 'exception'
        fermio.container_aware: { invalid: ignore }

Advanced traits library

If simple service injection is not enough, you may want to use the advanced traits library. It's completely compatible with this bundle out of the box and replaces the traits of with more advanced ones, providing helper methods considering the Symfony Component interfaces.

Disable automatic injection

If you want to disable the trait injection for specific services (e.g. inject another implementation) you can do that by simply adding the service id to the excludes configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
    excludes: ['', '', ]

Invalid reference behavior

The dependency injection container itself can handle invalid service reference behaviors. The bundle considers same functionality.


Throws an exception if the referenced service does not exist. This is the default behavior.

# app/config/config.yml
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\ContainerAware
            method: setContainer
            service: service_container
            invalid: exception # default


Ignores the trait injection completely if the referenced service does not exist.

# app/config/config.yml
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\TranslatorAware
            method: setTranslator
            service: translator
            invalid: ignore


Injects null if the referenced service does not exist (for optional dependencies, e.g. like services that are not available in all environments).

# app/config/config.yml
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\LoggerAware
            method: setLogger
            service: logger
            invalid: null


If you're not familiar with automatic dependency injection please read this article about interface injection first. This feature is gone for several reasons and I do not want to argue about that (I liked it in the first place). Since PHP5.4 we have traits and the goal of this bundle is to solve the same problems like the interface injection once solved: keep service configuration simple and don't repeat yourself.

So here's a very basic example on how to use the bundle in the wild. Let there be a small controller with an action that needs several services. We might inject them via the constructor or via setters, the latter beeing somewhat useless because we do not have any optional dependency. We would usually prefer the constructor injection.

Constructor injection

// App/Controller/SomeController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use App\Events\SomeEvent;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

class SomeController
    // copy/paste starts

    private $doctrine;
    private $eventDispatcher;
    private $urlGenerator;
    private $securityContext;

    public function __construct(RegistryInterface $doctrine, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator, SecurityContextInterface $securityContext)
        $this->doctrine = $doctrine;
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
        $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
        $this->securityContext = $securityContext;

    // copy/paste ends

    public function someAction($id)
        if (!$this->securityContext->isGranted('ROLE_ANY')) {
            return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('homepage'));

        $entity = $this->doctrine->getEntityManager('Some:Entity')->getRepository('Some:Entity')->find($id);
        $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch('some.event', new SomeEvent($entity));

        return ['entity' = $entity];

Constructor injection would be configured as followed:

# App/Resources/config/services.yml
        class: App\Controller\SomeController
        # you shall not forget the constructor arguments,
        # service names, and correct sequence of order :)
            - '@doctrine'
            - '@event_dispatcher'
            - '@router'
            - '@security.context'

Setter injection

// App/Controller/SomeController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use App\Events\SomeEvent;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

class SomeController
    // copy/paste starts

    private $doctrine;
    private $eventDispatcher;
    private $urlGenerator;
    private $securityContext;

    public function setDoctrine(RegistryInterface $doctrine)
        $this->doctrine = $doctrine;

    public function setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher)
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;

    public function setUrlGenereator(UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator)
        $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;

    public function setSecurityContext(SecurityContextInterface $securityContext)
        $this->securityContext = $securityContext;

    // copy/paste ends

    public function someAction($id)
        if (!$this->securityContext->isGranted('ROLE_ANY')) {
            return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->generate('homepage'));

        $entity = $this->doctrine->getEntityManager('Some:Entity')->getRepository('Some:Entity')->find($id);
        $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch('some.event', new SomeEvent($entity));

        return ['entity' = $entity];

Setter injection would be configured as followed:

# App/Resources/config/services.yml
        class: App\Controller\SomeController
        calls: # you shall not forget a method and service name
            - { method: setDoctrine, arguments: ['@doctrine'] }
            - { method: setEventDispatcher, arguments: ['@event_dispatcher'] }
            - { method: setUrlGenerator, arguments: ['@router'] }
            - { method: setSecurityContext, arguments: ['@security.context'] }

Trait injection

// App/Controller/SomeController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use App\Events\SomeEvent;
use Fermio\Bundle\FermioTraitInjectionBundle\Traits;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

class SomeController
    use Traits\DoctrineAware;
    use Traits\EventDispatcherAware;
    use Traits\RouterAware;
    use Traits\SecurityContextAware;

    public function someAction($id)
        if (!$this->getSecurityContext()->isGranted('ROLE_ANY')) {
            return new RedirectResponse($this->getRouter()->generate('homepage'));

        $entity = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager('Some:Entity')->getRepository('Some:Entity')->find($id);
        $this->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch('some.event', new SomeEvent($entity));

        return ['entity' = $entity];

Instead of using constructor injection or setter injection we safely can rely on the trait injection (which indeed is a setter injection, but once configured it works for all services the same without configuring it again, again and again). It also saves a lot of time in the long run because we must implement common and shared functionality in traits only once and can re-use them everywhere.

# app/config/config.yml
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\DoctrineAware
            method: setDoctrine
            service: doctrine
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\EventDispatcherAware
            method: setEventDispatcher
            service: event_dispatcher
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\RouterAware
            method: setRouter
            service: router
            trait: Fermio\Bundle\TraitInjectionBundle\Traits\SecurityContextAware
            method: setSecurityContext
            service: security.context
        # ... even more traits

We can skip defining constructor injection (unless we have constructor arguments) and setter injection (unless we have setter to be called additionally). The bundle will add the correct method calls to the service configuration.

# App/Resources/config/services.yml
        class: App\Controller\SomeController
        # you shall concentrate on the code!