library used to evaluate points attribution in Hyperdrive pools. this attributes rewardable tvl to all users in hyperdrive at a given point in time.
create a .env to point to an RPC node, and set page size for querying events. see .env.example for an example.
most nodes can only query events across 2000 blocks at a time:
you can set PAGE_SIZE to a high number like 1000000 only when using Alchemy:
to test for a specific pool, run
modify this line to select the pool:
pool_to_test = instance_list[11] # 5 = ezETH, 3 = sUSDe/DAI, # 6 = eETH, 10 = sUSDS, 11 = sUSDe
sample output:
=== pool to test: 0x05b65FA90AD702e6Fd0C3Bd7c4c9C47BAB2BEa6b ===
POOL 0x05b65F (ElementDAO 182 Day sUSDe Hyperdrive) CONFIG:
baseToken = 0x4c9EDD5852cd905f086C759E8383e09bff1E68B3
vaultSharesToken = 0x9D39A5DE30e57443BfF2A8307A4256c8797A3497
linkerFactory = 0x08B40647714aC1E5742633fC2D83C20D61a199D2
linkerCodeHash = b'Mc\x91Kj3\xd8\x81:VT\xae-\xc9w\xf3~9\x88\x17\xdf%\x19\xd3tW:\xb8Q\xf9\xcb8'
initialVaultSharePrice = 1106568265667624251
minimumShareReserves = 1000000000000000
minimumTransactionAmount = 1000000000000000
circuitBreakerDelta = 75000000000000000
positionDuration = 15724800
checkpointDuration = 86400
timeStretch = 45400439402649528
governance = 0x81758f3361A769016eae4844072FA6d7f828a651
feeCollector = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
sweepCollector = 0x9eB168Ab44B7c479431681558FdF34230c969DE9
checkpointRewarder = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
fees = (10000000000000000, 250000000000000, 150000000000000000, 30000000000000000)
POOL 0x05b65F (ElementDAO 182 Day sUSDe Hyperdrive) INFO:
shareReserves = 83451168293025296882
shareAdjustment = 66474122431446937445
zombieBaseProceeds = 0
zombieShareReserves = 0
bondReserves = 85375999138556087124
lpTotalSupply = 90368465319106066473
vaultSharePrice = 1115144996344581378
longsOutstanding = 0
longAverageMaturityTime = 0
shortsOutstanding = 8150000000000000000
shortAverageMaturityTime = 1745539200000000000000000000
withdrawalSharesReadyToWithdraw = 0
withdrawalSharesProceeds = 0
lpSharePrice = 1115159980537443763
longExposure = 0
=== calculated values ===
base_token_balance = 0
vault_shares_balance = 90790332627728876006
lp_short_positions = 0
lp_rewardable_tvl = 82640332627728876006
short_rewardable_tvl = 8150000000000000000
=== ElementDAO 182 Day sUSDe Hyperdrive ===
for prefixes=(0, 3), check combined_shares == combined_rewardable (82640332627728876006 == 82640332627728876006) ✅
for prefixes=(2,), check combined_shares == combined_rewardable (8150000000000000000 == 8150000000000000000) ✅
vault_shares_balance == total_rewardable (90790332627728876006 == 90790332627728876006) ✅
User Type Prefix Timestamp Balance Rewardable
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LP 0 0 1000000000000000 914481974833944
0x9eB168Ab44B7c479431681558FdF34230c969DE9 LP 0 0 90367465319106068480 82639418145754042062
0x9eB168Ab44B7c479431681558FdF34230c969DE9 SHORT 2 1745539200 8150000000000000000 8150000000000000000
Total 98518465319106068480 90790332627728876006
points calculations using this logic:
- ethena: ethena-labs/ethena_sats_adapters#39
- defillama (javascript): DefiLlama/DefiLlama-Adapters#11859