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devonfw-core edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 14 revisions

How to use devon4net

Table of Contents


As you may know, devon4net is a framework that will assist you in getting started on your.NET applications and integrating high end configurable components.

This article contains information in the form of a step-by-step guide on how to do a variety of operations.

How to: Create a new devon4net project

In this part, you will learn you how to easily create a new project using devon4net libraries and start working on it. You can create a variety of applications thanks to the different templates available. There are also multiple ways to create a new project, we will show you the most common ways.

The configuration characteristics are not covered in this document. Please feel free to read the documentation for each component to discover how they work and the configuration options available.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

This is the fastest and most efficient way. You will be installing and starting a project thanks to the template available in the NuGet Gallery using CLI. For this part you will need to have .NET 6.0 SDK installed. You can run the following command to check your version:

> dotnet --version

If you don’t get any response please follow the installation guide provided by Microsoft to install the latest version of .Net SDK for your OS.

Step 1 - Install the Template

Open your favourite terminal (Windows/Linux/macOS) and run the command showed below to install the latest version of the the devon4net web API template:

> dotnet new --install Devon4Net.WebAPI.Template
The following template packages will be installed:

Success: Devon4Net.WebAPI.Template::6.0.3 installed the following templates:
Template Name                    Short Name    Language  Tags
-------------------------------  ------------  --------  ------------------------------
Devon4Net API solution template  Devon4NetAPI  [C#]      devonfw/Devon4Net/Devon4NetAPI

We recommend you updating the template to the latest version. However, using the following option, you can select the version of your interest:

> dotnet new --install Devon4Net.WebAPI.Template::6.0.3

Now you will have the template available in your Visual Studio 2022. Just type devon4net in the search bar when creating a new project!

api template ide
Figure 1. Devon4Net API template in VS2022

Step 2 - Create a new project

To create a new project run the following command:

> dotnet new Devon4NetAPI
The template "Devon4Net API solution template" was created successfully.

This will create a project with the default name in the actual directory. If you want to specify the desired name and output directory you can specify the following options:

> dotnet new Devon4NetAPI --name MyProject --output C:\Projects\MyProject
The template "Devon4Net API solution template" was created successfully.

You can do it also choosing the template when creating a new project in Visual Studio 2022 as shown in figure 1, and configuring the name and output directory as shown in figure 2.

api template configure
Figure 2. Devon4Net API template in VS2022

Step 3 - Run it

After running it with Kestrel you will be able to access to the swagger index.html and try the API in the following link: https://localhost.8085/swagger/index.html

Create it from scratch in Visual Studio 2022

This method is a little more time consuming, but it allows for a more customized configuration and project structure. You will be using Visual Studio 2022 to create the project and add everything you need by hand.

Step 1 - Create a new project

Create a new ASP.NET Core Web API project using the template provided by Visual Studio. You can type api in the search bar and select it as shown in figure 3.

api template create project
Figure 3. ASP.NET Core Web API template in VS2022

Once you go through all the initial configuration process, choosing a name, location and so on; you will find your project as shown in the next image.

images\api template initial structure
Figure 4. Default ASP.NET Core Web API template structure

You can delete both WeatherForecastController.cs and WeatherForecast.cs as they are an example in the template but we recommend you keeping them so you can try the API when done with all the steps.

Step 2 - Add the NuGet reference

To install the NuGet package for the API Configuration we will use the Visual Studio package manager console. To open it, go to View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console as shown in the figure below.

images\api template package manager
Figure 5. Package Manager Console location in menu

Now you can run the following command. It will take a minute to download and install all the packages:

PM> install-package Devon4Net.Infrastructure.WebAPI

Once its done, you should be able to see the dependency in the Package Dependencies of the project.

Step 3 - Set up your project

Now you will need to add some configuration in the Program.cs. The following lines will initialize the configuration for the WebHostBuilder and configure the components that were imported with the NuGet installation respectively, making use of extensions methods for the ServiceCollection and WebHostBuilder classes:


Now you’ll need to configure the middlewares included with the following line:

Don’t forget to import the package to be able to use this methods!

It is not necessary, but we recommend to also setup the logger so you can keep track of the trace running:


The Program.cs will end up looking like this:

using Devon4Net.Application.WebAPI.Configuration;
using Devon4Net.Application.WebAPI.Configuration.Application;
using Devon4Net.Infrastructure.Middleware.Middleware;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


// devon4net

var app = builder.Build();

// devon4net




Step 4 - Configure components

The lines added on the previous step will need some configuration in the appsettings.json:

  "devonfw": {
    "UseDetailedErrorsKey": true,
    "UseIIS": false,
    "UseSwagger": true,
    "UseXsrf": true,
    "UseModelStateValidation": true,
    "Environment": "Development",
    "ForceUseHttpsRedirection": false,
    "Kestrel": {
      "UseHttps": false,
      "HttpProtocol": "Http1AndHttp2", //Http1, Http2, Http1AndHttp2, none
      "ApplicationPort": 8085,
      "SslProtocol": "Tls12", //Tls12, Tls13, none. For Https2 Tls12 is needed
      "ExtraSettings": {
        "KeepAliveTimeout": 120, //in seconds
        "MaxConcurrentConnections": 100,
        "MaxConcurrentUpgradedConnections": 100,
        "MaxRequestBodySize": 28.6, //In MB. The default maximum request body size is 30,000,000 bytes, which is approximately 28.6 MB
        "Http2MaxStreamsPerConnection": 100,
        "Http2InitialConnectionWindowSize": 131072, // From 65,535 and less than 2^31 (2,147,483,648)
        "Http2InitialStreamWindowSize": 98304, // From 65,535 and less than 2^31 (2,147,483,648)
        "AllowSynchronousIO": true
    "IIS": {
      "ForwardClientCertificate": true,
      "AutomaticAuthentication": true,
      "AuthenticationDisplayName": ""

And also in the appsettings.Development.json:

  "ExtraSettingsFiles": [
    "Directory path",
    "Specific file name"
  "KillSwitch": {
    "UseKillSwitch": false,
    "EnableRequests": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 403
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": "Todos",
    "Employee": "Employee",
    "RabbitMqBackup": "Add your database connection string here for messaging backup",
    "MediatRBackup": "Add your databascere connection string here for messaging backup"
  "Certificates": {
    "ServerCertificate": {
      "Certificate": "",
      "CertificatePassword": ""
    "ClientCertificate": {
      "DisableClientCertificateCheck": true,
      "RequireClientCertificate": false,
      "CheckCertificateRevocation": true,
      "ClientCertificates": {
        "Whitelist": [
  "Headers": {
    "AccessControlExposeHeader": "Authorization",
    "StrictTransportSecurityHeader": "",
    "XFrameOptionsHeader": "DENY",
    "XssProtectionHeader": "1;mode=block",
    "XContentTypeOptionsHeader": "nosniff",
    "ContentSecurityPolicyHeader": "",
    "PermittedCrossDomainPoliciesHeader": "",
    "ReferrerPolicyHeader": ""
  "Cors": []

How to: Create and add certificates to a project

In this part, you will learn how to easily create a new certificate and properly add it to your devon4net project.

Create a certificate using OpenSSL

In order to create our own certificate for development purposes we will be using OpenSSL toolkit. To ensure correct behavior, make sure the tool is properly installed.

Please refer to the OpenSSL command documentation to learn more about the commands used in this guide and how to install the toolkit.

To run commands for OpenSSL, you will need to add OpenSSL to your environment, variables, or open a OpenSSL command prompt.

The working directory (directory where all files are created and readed) is the console actual path. Use cd command to go to your desired directory.

Step 1 - Create a Certificate Authority (CA)

First we will need to create a Certificate Authority to sign the certificate. For that, we will run the following command which will create the certificate RootCA.pem and the corresponding private key RootCA.key.

> openssl req -x509 -nodes -new -sha256 -days 1024 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout RootCA.key -out RootCA.pem -subj "/C=ES/ST=Valencia/L=Valencia/O=Certificates/CN=MyProjectCertificate.local"

Now we will create the public key RootCA.crt for the certificate by running the following command:

> openssl x509 -outform pem -in RootCA.pem -out RootCA.crt

If you want to export the certificate you can run the command:

> openssl pkcs12 -export -out RootCA.pfx -inkey RootCA.key -in RootCA.crt

Step 2 - Create a Certificate signed by the CA

To create a new certificate run the following command:

> openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.csr -subj "/C=ES/ST=Valencia/L=Valencia/O=Certificates/CN=localhost.local"

Before signing it, create a domains.ext that contains the following:

keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = localhost
DNS.2 = localhost.local
DNS.3 =
DNS.4 = fake1.local
DNS.5 = fake2.local

Once the files are created, you’ll need to sign the certificate with the CA we created earlier:

> openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 1024 -in localhost.csr -CA RootCA.pem -CAkey RootCA.key -CAcreateserial -extfile domains.ext -out localhost.crt

Run the next command to export the certificate:

> openssl pkcs12 -export -out localhost.pfx -inkey localhost.key -in localhost.crt

You will end up having something like this:

Figure 6. Certification Authority (left) and localhost certificate signed by CA (right)

Add certificates to a devon4net project

Once you have created a certificate or in case you already have yours, you can add it to your project thanks to devon4net tools.

Step 1 - Add it to your project

Locate the Certificates directory in your startup project. If it doesn’t exist, please create it and drop your certificate .pfx as shown in figure 2.

certificates add
Figure 7. Certificates directory in startup project

Step 2 - Configure your appsettings

Now configure your certificate in appsettings.Development.json. For that, you’ll need to specify the file name and the password you chose. Look for the ServerCertificate configuration and add something like this:

"Certificates": {
    "ServerCertificate": {
        "Certificate": "localhost.pfx",
        "CertificatePassword": "12345"
    "ClientCertificate": {
        "DisableClientCertificateCheck": true,
        "RequireClientCertificate": false,
        "CheckCertificateRevocation": true,
        "ClientCertificates": {
        "Whitelist": [


Here are some interesting references to continue learning about this topic:

How to: Setup JWT

As you may have learned at this point you can set up JWT component in a number of different ways according your needs. For that you’ll need to configure your appsettings.json.

Please read documentation about JWT component first to learn what you need to do to use it in your project.

Assuming that you already have the JWT component correctly installed and available in our project let’s start thinking about how we can put it to good use.


We can configure it to work either with a secret key or a certificate.

If you choose certificate, you will need to add a certificate to your project, and specify the password and the encryptionAlgorithm used. You can learn how to do it following the tutorial included in this document.

If you specify both, the secret key will take priority.

For example lets specify the next:

json jwt example
Figure 8. JWT configuration example
The property SecretKey needs to be an encrypted key using the algorithm specified.

This would create the following configuration:

  • A token with audience and issuer equal to devon4net.

  • It will expire in 60 minutes

  • It will validate the signature and if the token is valid in time

  • It will require tokens that are signed, and have both expiration time and audience specified.

  • It will use the secret key encrypted with SHA 512


Json Web Tokens work with claims. A Claim is a piece of information about a subject. It is similar to a key-value pair, where the value will be the claim type, such as the name or the role of an authenticated user. This claims are stored inside a JSON and then encrypted forming the JWT.

In .Net we can create Claims using the Claim class avaiable in System.Security.Claims. It has many constructors but the most important is the following one, where you can create a Claim based on two strings.

var nameClaim = new Claim(ClaimType.Name, "DevonUser");
var roleClaim = new Claim(ClaimType.Role, "Administrator");

You can choose between a variety of claim types thanks to the ClaimType class. As you can see in the previous piece of code, in this case we have asserted a name and a role in two claims. This could be for a user, for example.


In JWT component we have a handler that is cofigured on the installation of the package and can be injected for use in any wanted service. This is the JwtHandler. This handler will allow us to manipulate, encrypt and extract information from Json Web Tokens.

Return Type

Method Name





List<Claim> clientClaims

Returns the encrypted jwt given a list of claims.



string jwtToken

Returns a list of claims given an encrypted token.



List<Claim> claimList, string claim

Returns the value of a claim given a list of claims and the type of the claim to recover formatted as a string.



string token, string claim

Returns the value of a claim given an encrypted token and the type of the claim to recover formatted as a string.




Returns the issuer’s signing key.



string jwtToken, out ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal, out SecurityToken securityToken

Returns true if the token is valid.




Creates a refresh token for the JWT token.



Here are some interesting references to continue learning about this topic:

How to: Setup security and roles in API controllers

In this part of the document, you will learn to use the different attributes over the controller methods that manage end-points. This attributes are provided by .Net core libraries and can be used to specify the behavior of Web API controllers and action methods.


You can use a large number of attributes, some are optional, for example to define the route of end-points [Route("/GetSomething")] and other are required, like [ApiController] to indicate that the class is an API controller.

We will be explaining the security related attributes. Those that are specific to the controllers will not be mentioned.


This attribute identifies an API controller end-point that support the HTTP OPTIONS request. The HTTP OPTIONS method is used to get information about the communication options available for a specific URL or server.

Please do your research on this method if you are not familiar with it.


AllowAnonymous allows any type of user (authorized or unauthorized) to access the information provided by the end-point. This attribute can be specified for controller class or for individual end-points. Specifying it for individual end-points will override the controller attribute. An example could be:

public async Task<IActionResult> GetSomething()


Authorize only enables you to restrict access to requests with an authorization specified in the header. This attribute can be specified for controller class or for individual end-points. Specifying it for individual end-points will override the controller attribute. You can specify different properties to the attribute:






List of strings separated by comma

List of schemes from which user info is constructed

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")]



Policy name that determines access to the resource

[Authorize(Policy = "MyPolicy")]


List of strings separated by comma

List of roles allowed to access

[Authorize(Roles = "User")]

For example, lets create a controller that is authorized only for users with role 'Admin' and 'Tester' provided in 'Bearer' type authentication:

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Berarer", Roles = "Admin,Tester")]
public class DebugController: ControllerBase

[EnableCors] & [DisableCors]

Please refer to the CORS component documentation to learn everything about CORS.

You can enable a Cors policy for controller or individual end-points. Specifying it for individual end-points will override the controller attribute. You will need to specify the policy you want to enable. This policy will need to be described in the appsettings.{environment}.json.

For example, lets create a CORS policy named 'CorsPolicy' and enable it for a controller, and disable it for a method:

"Cors": //[], //Empty array allows all origins with the policy "CorsPolicy"
    "CorsPolicy": "CorsPolicy",
    "Origins": "http://localhost:4200,https://localhost:4200,http://localhost,https://localhost;http://localhost:8085,https://localhost:8085",
    "Headers": "accept,content-type,origin,x-custom-header,authorization",
    "Methods": "GET,POST,HEAD,PUT,DELETE",
    "AllowCredentials": true
public class MyController: ControllerBase
  public async Task<IActionResult> GetSomething()


Here are some interesting references to continue learning about this topic:

How to: Avoid cross-site request forgery (XSRF or CSRF) attacks

Every time you authenticate into a web app, your browser becomes trusted for an amount of time to that specific site. This way you can use the application without having to authenticate yourself each time you want to do an operation that requires authorization. This is achieved normally by providing authentication tokens that last a determinate amount of time.

Your browser includes in each request a token issued by the app at the moment of authentication, the app verifies it and then sends back the response. A cross-site request forgery is a type of attack where a malicious site can use your authentication token to issue requests through your browser.

This is done, without you even noticing and it works because browser requests automatically include all session cookies. So if the request is done from another site with all these cookies (including your authentication cookie) it wont be different from you actually doing the request.

For example, you enter the site and forget to log out after doing all of your operations. Now you are surfing the net and enter the site this site has a hidden script that performs the following request:

POST /transaction HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: SessionID = 1n4j0sd7uohpf13j98nh570923c48u


As all the session cookies are included in the request, the site will be allowed to process the transaction without you even noticing.

The most common way to prevent this vulnerability is by making use of anti forgery tokens. This token is placed in the headers and is issued with the request. The malicious-site cannot


To configure Anti-Forgery protection in a devon4net project, you must set UseXsrf property in devonfw configuration section to true. You will find this section in appsettings.json:

  "devonfw": {
    "UseXsrf": true

Setting this property to true will allow you to use IAntiforgery interface through the service provider and dependency injection in your project.


In the devon4net Web API Templaate you will be able to find an example of controller using this protection. You can inject the IAntiforgery interface in the controller constructor like so:

private readonly IAntiforgery _antiForgeryToken;

public AntiForgeryTokenController(IAntiforgery antiForgeryToken)
    _antiForgeryToken = antiForgeryToken;

Now you can access its methods to manage this special token. For creating one we can use GetAndStoreTokens(HttpContext httpContext) method available on IAntiforgery, and store it in the cookies as shown below:

var token = _antiForgeryToken.GetAndStoreTokens(HttpContext);
HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append(CustomMiddlewareHeaderTypeConst.XsrfToken, token.RequestToken);
Visit the documentation about this interface to find more information about IAntiforgery methods.

This will be done through a GET request. Now we can vaklidate this token in a controller thanks to the attribute [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]:

public ActionResult HelloSecured()
    return Ok("You have reached a secured AntiForgeryToken method!");


We will be using Postman to test the use of the controller, as you can see in the next figure, if we try to access the end-point protected by the antiforgery token validation we get an error:

anti forgery hellosecure error
Figure 9. HelloSecured end-point error

That is beacuse no valid token in XSRF-TOKEN header is specified. Lets access the end-point we created to provide an XSRF token:

anti forgery token
Figure 10. Get XSRF token end-point

Now that we have the token we can specify it in the request header as shown in the next figure:

anti forgery hellosecure xsrf
Figure 11. HelloSecured end-point access

How to: Import a database

In this part of the document you will learn how to easily import a database to your devon4net project or any .Net project. This process is known by a variety of different names: scaffolding, database first, reverse engineering…​ But they all refer to the process of creating entity models and/or database context automatically based on a database schema.


You can import a database in your favourite type of schema, but for this example we will be using SQL Server and Visual Studio 2022.

Ensure that you have a connection ready to your database and a correct installation of Visual Studio 2022.

For this example we used Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to create our database and provide us with a local database connection.

NuGet packages installation

Before starting with the scaffolding you will need to install the following NuGet packages in your destination project.

Open the Package Manager Console

To open the Package Manager Console, follow the next menu steps: View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console and then ensure that the default project in the console is set to the destination project as shown in the next figure.

If the destination project is not the same as the startup project, you may need to install some of the packages in the startup project too. The package manager console will warn you of that if it is necessary.
pacakge manager console
Figure 12. Package Manager Console default project

Install the packages

  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools

install-package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

install-package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
  • MIcrosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

    As we mentioned we will be using a SQL Server schema, we are installing the database provider for it. Please choose your own Database Provider.
    install-package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Scaffolding command

Run the following command to execute the scaffolding operation:

scaffold-dbcontext 'Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=DevonDatabase;' Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -Tables School,Teacher -ContextDir Domain\Database -OutputDir Domain\Entities
Your connection string and database provider may be different.
  • The first argument is the connection string.

  • The second argument is the Database Provider package for the used schema.

  • -Tables {Table list separated by comma} is the list of the tables you want to scaffold.

  • -ContextDir will specify the relative path for the context.

  • -OutputDir will specify the relative path for the models.

In our case, before doing the scaffolding we had something like this:

before scaffolding
Figure 13. Directory tree before scaffolding

And the scaffolding produced the following directory tree:

after scaffolding
Figure 14. Directory tree after scaffolding

If you do not specify -Tables, -ContextDir and -OutputDir all of the tables will be scaffolded and the default directories will be the project directory.

Add the context for Dependency Injection

Now that we have our context we will need to add it either in Program.cs or SetupDatabase method in DevonConfiguration class.

As we are using Devon, we will need to go to Devon4Net.Application.WebAPI.Implementation.Configuration.DevonConfiguration and add the folowing line in SetupDatabase method:

services.SetupDatabase<DevonDatabaseContext>(configuration,"DevonDatabase", DatabaseType.SqlServer).ConfigureAwait(false);





Database context you want to add


Available IConfiguration instance


Name of the connection string defined at ConnectionString section in the appsettings.{environment}.json configuration file


Database schema available in devon (see the following list).

List of supported databases:

  • SqlServer

  • Sqlite

  • InMemory

  • Cosmos

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySql

  • MariaDb

  • FireBird

  • Oracle

  • MSAccess

How to: Use LiteDb

In this part you will learn how to easily start using a LiteDb database in your project.

Please read the documentation of this component to learn more about how to set it up and use it.


As you will find all the information in the component documentation, we prepared a video using LiteDb in a very short example:

How to setup and use LiteDb component
Your browser does not support the video tag.

How to: Customize Headers

HTTP headers let the client and the server provide additional information with an HTTP request or a response. As this headers provide information about either the client or the server, it can be dangerous if this information lands in the wrong hands.

As Owasp explains in great detail, proper HTTP headers can help prevent security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting, Clickjacking, Information disclosure and more.

In devon we take security very seriously, that’s why we developed a very easy form of customizing HTTP headers. You will be able to do it configuring the headers in the appsettings.{environment}.json file. A middleware will be configured with those options and will modify each HTTP response according to the specified options.


"Headers": {
    "AccessControlExposeHeader": "Authorization",
    "StrictTransportSecurityHeader": "",
    "XFrameOptionsHeader": "DENY",
    "XssProtectionHeader": "1;mode=block",
    "XContentTypeOptionsHeader": "nosniff",
    "ContentSecurityPolicyHeader": "",
    "PermittedCrossDomainPoliciesHeader": "",
    "ReferrerPolicyHeader": ""

The following table shows the options that can be configured.

Please refer to the links provided to learn more about each header and what can be done with it.






Indicates which headers may be exposed as part of the response by listing their names.



Allows a website to tell browsers that it should only communicate with HTTPS instead of using HTTP.



Can be used to indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>, to prevent attacks such as click-jacking.



Prevents the loading of a page when it detects cross-site attacks.



It is a flag used by the server to indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed or followed.



Allows the administrators of a website to control the resources that the User-Agent can upload to a page.



Grants a web client ermission to handle data across domains.



Determines which referrer data, among those sent with the Referer header, should be included with the requests made.

If the response header does not have a value or does not appear in the optons, it will not be added to the response headers.

How to: Specflow

In this part of the document you will learn to use Specflow in your projects for defining, managing and automatically execute readable acceptance tests in .NET.

SpecFlow is a.NET test automation tool based on the BDD (Behavior-driven development) paradigm. Specflow tests use the Gherking language to write test cases that are then bound to your application code through bindings, allowing you to run the tests using your preferred testing framework.

Before going into detail on how to use Specflow and how you can use it to implement your tests, you will need know Gherking syntax. It is used to write tests in a form that can be readed perfectly as a sentence. For example:

Feature: Calculator
  Scenario: Sum two numbers
    Given the first number is 10
    And the second number is  5
    When the two values are added
    Then the result is 15

As you can see, thanks to Gherkin we have written a test for a calculator, which makes sure that when the values ​​10 and 5 are added, the result is 15. Because is a natural-language friendly language you can read the test, and understand the statement.

The following table shows the keywords used in Gherkin syntax:




Provides high level description of a software feature that wants to be tested and group related scenarios.


Represents one business rule that should be implemented.

Scenario or Example

List of steps that ilustrates a business rule.


Each step starts with Given, When, Then, And or But.


Scenario context run before the Scenario tests but after Before Hooks.

Scenario Outline or Scenario Template

It is used to run the same Scenario multiple times, with different combinations of values.

Scenarios or Examples

Keyword used to define the variables of Scenario Outline in a table.









For example:

# Test for the calculator
Feature: Calculator
  Scenario Outline: Sum two numbers
    Given the first number is <first>
    And the second number is  <second>
    When the two values are added
    Then the result is <result>

    | first | second | result |
    |    10 |   5    |   15   |
    |    20 |   5    |   25   |
Please refer to the Cucumber Documentation or Specflow Documentation to learn more about the keywords used in Gherkin.

Specflow Installation

To use specflow you will need to add the Specflow extension to your Visual Studio 2022. This way you can use it in any of your projects. For that open visual studio and navigate to Extensions > Manage Extensions.

This will open the extension manager, where you will have to search for the 'SpecFlow' extension and hit download:

specflow extension
Figure 15. SpecFlow for VS 2022 in Extension Manager

Hitting download will schedule the extension installation. At the time when you close VS2022, you will be able to install the extension by clicking Modify in the pop-up window shown below:

specflow installation
Figure 16. SpecFlow installation

Create specflow project

To create a specflow project for testing, first we will need to have something to test. In this example we will test a Calculator class that we created inside a class library project in an empty solution like shown in the following image:

specflow directory tree
Figure 17. SpecFlowTest solution directory tree

Where, the Calculator class implementation is:

public class Calculator
    public int FirstNumber { get; set; }
    public int SecondNumber { get; set; }

    protected int Add()
        return FirstNumber + SecondNumber;

Once we have the Calculator ready, we need to create a Specflow project. For that you can Right click on the solution > Add > New Project…​. This will open a window where you can search the specflow project as shown in the next image:

new specflow project
Figure 18. Add new SpecFlow project

When creating the project you will be able to choose the .Net version that you are using, the library for the tests and if you want to use FluentAssertions library. For this example we will use the configuration shown below:

new specflow options
Figure 19. Choose the project options

The specflow template comes with a calculator test implemented, this is their example. But we will create the files from scratch so you know how to complete your testing project.

specflow project structure
Figure 20. Initial project structure

As you can see also the template comes with a folder structure defined, you can redifine it as you want but this is the recommended one.

Create specflow tests

To create a new test using specflow, you can add a new item to your project by Right click in any directory on the project > Add > New item…​:

new specflow feature
Figure 21. Initial project structure

You can type specflow in the search bar to look for the items available thanks to the library and select Feature File for Specflow. You can create a test there in Gherkin syntax:

Feature: Calculator

A short summary of the feature

Scenario: Add two numbers
	Given the first number is 50
	And my favourite number is 70
	When the two numbers are added
	Then the result should be 120

Once you have your test created you can build the project by navigating to Build > Build Solution. You will see that the test appears in a purple color, this is because it is not mapped to a definition yet. You can automatically create the definition by Right clicking inside the feature file > Define Steps.

This will open the following window:

define steps
Figure 22. Define SpecFlow Steps

Once you press Create the test will no longer appear in purple and will be shown in a white color. This is because now they have a definition. You can also do this manually creating a class and marking it with the [Binding] attribute.

This class will need to define the test steps such as Gherkin syntax can be transformed into C# code. You can implement this class as follows to test the Calculator:

using SpecflowCalculator;

namespace SpecFlowProject.StepDefinitions
    public class CalculatorStepDefinitions
        private Calculator _calculator;
        private int _result;

        public CalculatorStepDefinitions()
            _calculator = new Calculator();

        [Given(@"the first number is (.*)")]
        public void GivenTheFirstNumberIs(int p0)
            _calculator.FirstNumber = p0;

        [Given(@"my favourite number is (.*)")]
        public void GivenMyFavouriteNumberIs(int p0)
            _calculator.SecondNumber = p0;

        [When(@"the two numbers are added")]
        public void WhenTheTwoNumbersAreAdded()
            _result = _calculator.Add();

        [Then(@"the result should be (.*)")]
        public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(int p0)
            // xUnit assertions
            Assert.Equal(_result, p0);

            // FluentAssertions

Now build the solution again to be able to run the tests.

Please revise the Specflow Documentation to learn more about feature bindings.

Run the tests

To run the tests you can navigate to Test > Test Explorer:

specflow test explorer
Figure 23. VS2022 Test Explorer

By clicking the green play button you can run the tests and see the results as shown in the image above.

Living documentation

SpecFlow Living Documentation is a set of tools that allows you to share and collaborate on Gherkin Feature Files. It gives you the option to generate and share an html interactive file. You can do this directly for Azure DevOps or using a CLI (Command Line Interface). In this guide you will learn how to do this with the CLI continuing with the Calculator example.

Please refer to the Specflow+LivingDoc documentation to learn more.

Step 1 - Install CLI

Install the tool by running the following command in your preferred terminal:

dotnet tool install --global SpecFlow.Plus.LivingDoc.CLI

Step 2 - Navigate to the build output directory

Now we need to navigate to the build directory of the Specflow Project taht contains the tests. In our case we can navigate to this path by running the following command:

cd C:\Projects\devon4net\samples\SpecflowTest\SpecFlowProject\bin\Debug\net6.0
Your path may be different depending on the root directory, the file structure of the solution and the .Net version you are using.

Step 3 - Run command to generate results

To generate the file run the following command:

livingdoc test-assembly SpecFlowProject.dll -t TestExecution.json

Step 4 - See html results

The file generated can be seen with your favorite browser and will look like this:

specflow html
Figure 24. Specflow LivingDoc results

How To: Circuit breaker communication with Certificates

In this section we are going to configure two services communication for using certificates, and Circuit Breaker Pattern.

Please refer to the component documentation for more information about how to configure CircuitBreaker in devon4net and other projects


We have to setup two services in order to implement Circuit Breaker pattern, in this scenario, we’re creating a basic application that connects two services that are similar.


In the appsettings.{development}.json you must use the following configuration:

"CircuitBreaker": {
    "CheckCertificate": false,
    "Endpoints": [
        "Name": "ServiceB",
        "BaseAddress": "https://localhost:5055",
        "Headers": {
        "WaitAndRetrySeconds": [
        "DurationOfBreak": 0.0005,
        "UseCertificate": true,
        "Certificate": "localhost.pfx",
        "CertificatePassword": "localhost",
        "SslProtocol": "Tls12", //Tls, Tls11,Tls12, Tls13, none
        "CompressionSupport": true,
        "AllowAutoRedirect": true

As an example, we call the HttpClientHandler in the controller, however it is preferable to do it in the service class:

    public class PingController : ControllerBase
        private IHttpClientHandler HttpClientHandler { get; }

        public PingController(IHttpClientHandler httpClientHandler)
            HttpClientHandler = httpClientHandler;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returs Ping!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
        public IActionResult Ping()
            return Ok("Ping!");

        /// <summary>
        /// Returs Ping!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
        public async Task<IActionResult> RemotePing()
            var result = await HttpClientHandler.Send<string>(HttpMethod.Get, "ServiceB", "/v1/pong", null, MediaType.ApplicationJson);
            return Ok(result);

As shown in the code above, we inject the HttpClientHandler, and on the RemotePing() function, we use the HttpClientHandler’s Send method to communicate ServiceA with ServiceB.

The CircuitBreaker setup method must be added to Program.cs:


Also, remember to install the certificate and add the folder containing the certificate to the project.


ServiceB is implemented in the same way as ServiceA. You only have to change the name of the service and the base address in the appsettings.{environment}.json, and in the controller method you must change the service name and the endpoint:

appsettings.Development.json :

 "CircuitBreaker": {
    "CheckCertificate": false,
    "Endpoints": [
        "Name": "ServicioA",
        "BaseAddress": "https://localhost:9091",
        "Headers": {
        "WaitAndRetrySeconds": [
        "DurationOfBreak": 0.0005,
        "UseCertificate": true,
        "Certificate": "localhost.pfx",
        "CertificatePassword": "localhost",
        "SslProtocol": "Tls12", //Tls, Tls11,Tls12, Tls13, none
        "CompressionSupport": true,
        "AllowAutoRedirect": true


public async Task<IActionResult> RemotePong()
    var result = await HttpClientHandler.Send<string>(HttpMethod.Get, "ServicioA", "/v1/ping", null, MediaType.ApplicationJson);
    return Ok(result);


The preceding example is covered in detail in this video lesson:

How to setup Circuit Breaker with certificates
Your browser does not support the video tag.

How to: RabbitMQ

Configure the Server

There are several methods to configure the RabbitMQ server, depending on your operating system.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to run a server via Docker, for testing purposes. If you want further information on how to configure and install the RabbitMQ server in a specific operating system, please consult the official RabbitMQ documentation

First you must have docker installed on your machine. Run the following command to start the server:

docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.9-management

This command shows several options parameters:

  • -it: To create an interactive container

  • --rm: To automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits.

  • --name: The name of the container

  • -e: Environment variables

  • -p: To expose a container’s internal port

The server will listen on port 5672, and you may access the management plugin at the following url:

rabbit management
Figure 25. RabbitMQ Management Plugin

You may customize your Docker container as you like, please see the official Docker image documentation for more information.

Configure the Client

  1. Install the package in your solution using the Package Manager Console:

    Install-Package Devon4Net.Infrastructure.RabbitMQ
  2. Create a Configuration static class in order to add the RabbitMqHandler services, for example:

     public static class Configuration
            public static void SetupDependencyInjection(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
                var rabbitMq = serviceProvider.GetService<IOptions<RabbitMqOptions>>();
                if (rabbitMq?.Value != null && rabbitMq.Value.EnableRabbitMq)
            private static void SetupRabbitHandlers(IServiceCollection services)
  3. Add the following lines in the Program.cs class:

  4. Configure the component in the file appsettings.{environment}.json, for example:

      "RabbitMq": {
        "EnableRabbitMq": true,
        "Hosts": [
            "Host": "",
            "Port": 5672,
            "Ssl": false,
            "SslServerName": "localhost",
            "SslCertPath": "localhost.pfx",
            "SslCertPassPhrase": "localhost",
            "SslPolicyErrors": "RemoteCertificateNotAvailable" //None, RemoteCertificateNotAvailable, RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors
        "VirtualHost": "/",
        "UserName": "admin",
        "Password": "password",
        "Product": "devon4net",
        "RequestedHeartbeat": 10, //Set to zero for no heartbeat
        "PrefetchCount": 50,
        "PublisherConfirms": false,
        "PersistentMessages": true,
        "Platform": "localhost",
        "Timeout": 10,
        "Backup": {
          "UseLocalBackup": true,
          "DatabaseName": "devon4netMessageBackup.db"


    • EnableRabbitMq: True for enabling the RabbitMQ component

    • Hosts: Host configuration, which might be a list of multiple hosts

    • VirtualHost: Virtual host’s name

    • UserName: User’s name

    • Password: password for connecting

    • RequestedHeartbeat: The heartbeat timeout setting specifies how long the peer TCP connection should be considered unreachable by RabbitMQ and client libraries. Should be set to zero for no heartbeat.

    • PrefetchCount: The amount of messages transmitted by RabbitMQ before EasyNetQ sends a response.

    • PublisherConfirms: True for enabling Publisher confirms that simply speaking is an AMQP extension that sends a callback when your message is successfully received by the broker.

    • PersistentMessages: When set to true, RabbitMQ will retain messages to disk and survive server restarts. When set to false, performance increases might be expected.

    • Platform: The value given here will be shown in the RabbitMQ management interface.

    • TimeOut: Range from 0 to 65535. Format is in seconds. For infinite timeout please use 0. Throws System.TimeoutException when value exceeded.

    • Backup: Configuration of Message’s BackUp. Its default database is LiteDB.

Check the RabbitMQ Component section for examples of the component’s implementation and essential classes.

How to: Kafka

In this part of the document you will learn how to use kafka component and create and use Producers and Consumers for your application. You will also learn to use the different Handlers available in the Devon4Net.Infrastructure.Kafka component and how to configure them.

Previous steps

To use Kafka you need to have an active Kafka server. There are multple ways to use a kafka server, we are using a docker image but you can choose any desired form.

We recommend you to go through Kafka Documentation to learn how to get started with Apache Kafka.

Once you have an Apache Kafka Server up and running you will need to create a project using the Devon4Net template or add Devon4Net.Infrastructure.Kafka NuGet package reference to your project.

You can learn how to set up the component in your project by reading the component documentation.


When you have both things ready, you can start by adding the following line in your Program.cs


Now is the time to configure all the producers and consumers you will be using in the application. You will later be relating this configuration to the Consumer and Producer Handler classes. For that you will need to complete the following configuration in appsettings.{environment}.json file with your preferred parameters.

"Kafka": {
    "EnableKafka": true,
    "Administration": [
        "AdminId": "Admin1",
        "Servers": ""
    "Producers": [
        "ProducerId": "Producer1",
        "Servers": "",
        "ClientId": "client1",
        "Topic": "devonfw",
        "MessageMaxBytes": 1000000,
        "CompressionLevel": -1,
        "CompressionType": "None",
        "ReceiveMessageMaxBytes": 100000000,
        "EnableSslCertificateVerification": false,
        "CancellationDelayMaxMs": 100,
        "Ack": "None",
        "Debug": "",
        "BrokerAddressTtl": 1000,
        "BatchNumMessages": 1000000,
        "EnableIdempotence": false,
        "MaxInFlight": 5,
        "MessageSendMaxRetries": 5,
        "BatchSize": 100000000
    "Consumers": [
        "ConsumerId": "Consumer1",
        "Servers": "",
        "GroupId": "group1",
        "Topics": "devonfw",
        "AutoCommit": true,
        "StatisticsIntervalMs": 0,
        "SessionTimeoutMs": 10000,
        "AutoOffsetReset": "Largest",
        "EnablePartitionEof": true,
        "IsolationLevel": "ReadCommitted",
        "EnableSslCertificateVerification": false,
        "Debug": ""
Please refer to the component documentation to learn more about the configuration.


After defining the configuration in the appsettings.{environment}.json now you can create your handlers extending the ones available in the Kafka component.

For the producer you can do something as the following:

public class MessageProducerHandler : KafkaProducerHandler<string,string>
    public MessageProducerHandler(IServiceCollection services, IKakfkaHandler kafkaHandler, string producerId) : base(services, kafkaHandler, producerId)

You will need to add this handler to your dependencies. For that you can use the following method, and include the Id of the configuration as a parameter:


Now you can use the handler in any constructor via dependency injection:

public class KafkaController : ControllerBase
    private MessageProducerHandler MessageProducer { get; }

    public KafkaController(MessageProducerHandler messageProducer)
        MessageProducer = messageProducer;

    [ProducesResponseType(typeof(DeliveryResult<string,string>), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
    public async Task<IActionResult> DeliverMessage(string key, string value)
        Devon4NetLogger.Debug("Executing DeliverMessage from controller KafkaController");
        var result = await MessageProducer.SendMessage(key, value).ConfigureAwait(false);
        return Ok(result);

For example, in the previous piece of code, you can see how we are delivering a message to the Kafka server using a POST method in our API. This is done thanks to the SendMessage method.


The consumer is a little different, as you can see in the following piece of code, you will need to override the HandleCommand method. This will handle the process of consuming new messages to which the consumer is subscribed.

public class MessageConsumerHandler : KafkaConsumerHandler<string, string>
    public MessageConsumerHandler(IServiceCollection services, IKakfkaHandler kafkaHandler, string consumerId, bool commit = false, int commitPeriod = 5) : base(services, kafkaHandler, consumerId, commit, commitPeriod)

    public override void HandleCommand(string key, string value)
        Devon4NetLogger.Information($"Consumed message key: {key} | value: {value}");

Similar to the producer, the Consumer also needs to be related to a configuration via the Id as follows:


How to: Protocol buffers

Protocol buffers are Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. You can see it as a JSON or a XML file, but smaller, faster and with an easier syntax.

Protocol buffers are ideal for any situation in which you need to serialize data in a neutral language. Very useful when defining communications such as gRPC protocol.

In this guide you will learn how to create a protocol buffer using proto3 language.

The .proto file starts with a package declaration, which helps to prevent naming conflicts between different projects.

syntax = "proto3";

option csharp_namespace = "Devon4Net.Application.GrpcClient.Protos";

package greet;

Also for C#, you can specify the csharp_namespace option. If it wasn’t specified, the generated classes would be placed in a namespace matching the package name.


You also have message definitions, which is an aggregate containing a set of typed fields:

message Person {
  string name = 1;
  int32 id = 2;
  string email = 3;

The previous example defines a type Person with name, id and email. Each field needs a unique identifier, which is the number shown after the =. The data types are the standard ones including bool, int32, float, double, and string.

Let’s say that this Person can have many phone numbers, we could do something like:

message Person {
  string name = 1;
  int32 id = 2;
  string email = 3;
  repeated PhoneNumber phoneNumbers = 4;

message PhoneNumber {
  string number = 1;
  PhoneType type = 2;

enum PhoneType {
  MOBILE = 0;
  HOME = 1;
  WORK = 2;

As you can see, if a field is repeated, the field may be repeated any number of times, including 0. You can also define enum types if you want one of your fields to have one of a predefined list of values.


If you want to use your message types with an RPC system, you may specify an RPC service interface in a.proto file, and the protocol buffer compiler will create code and stubs in your preferred language.

For example you could define the following contract:

service SearchService {
  rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse);

In this case we will have a SearchService class with a Search method that accepts a SearchRequest and returns a SearchResponse. Both (SearchRequest and SearchResponse) need to be mapped to a message.

The following example shows the complete .proto file used in the devon gRPC templates.

syntax = "proto3";

option csharp_namespace = "Devon4Net.Application.GrpcClient.Protos";

package greet;

// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
  // Sends a greeting
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply);

// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings.
message HelloReply {
  string message = 1;
Please revise the template documentation and the component documentation to learn more about gRPC

How to: AWS Lambda Function

In this part of the document you are going to learn how to develop and deploy AWS Lambda functions using devon4net.

We will make use of the devon4net AWS template. So please make sure you have read its documentation to know where everything is placed.

What is a Lambda Function?

A Lambda Function is a function or piece of code that runs in AWS without having to configure or manage a server. You can setup your code and deploy it to the AWS Lambda Service and can trigger and be triggered from other AWS Services.

It supports numerous programming languages ​​among which is .NET.

Install the AWS template and Visual Studio AWS tools

In devon4Net you have some AWS templates available, to install them you can run the following command.

dotnet new --install Devon4Net.AWS.Template

After this you will be able to create a project using the template provided by devon4net that include the components you need to start developing your first lambda function.

You will also need to install the AWS tools for Visual Studio. Run the following command to install the tools:

dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools

Or check if a new version is available in case you have already installed it:

dotnet tool update -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools

Create a project using the template

Now that everything is installed you can start by creating your project using the template, for that:

  1. Open Visual Studio 2022 and select create a new project.

  2. Look for the devon4net AWS Template, select it and click next.

    aws template 1
    Figure 26. Create a new AWS project using devon4net
  3. Choose a name and project location and create it.

    aws template 2
    Figure 27. Create a new AWS project using devon4net

This three steps will create the project where we will develop our function. For this tutorial, we will focus in the Lambda part of the template. That means, that we will only be using the Devon4Net.Application.Lambda project present in the template:

aws template lambda
Figure 28. Devon4Net.Application.Lambda file structure

As you can see in the screenshot above, you already have some example functions that are already working:

  • SnsManagement: Example with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

  • SqsManagement: Example with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

  • StringManagement: Example processing some operations over strings

Each directory has the following subdirectories:

  • Handlers: Implementation of the functions.

  • Functions: Function definition for the services.

  • Dto: Objects used to input and output the data in the functions.

If you want to learn more about what this part of the template includes you can read the Template Documentation.

Develop your first function

We will follow the same file structure than the examples that are already in the template. For the example we will create a Calculator that will do a mathematical division of two numbers, dividend and divisor; and will produce two other numbers, quotient and remainder.

Step 1 - Create Input and output class

As the example says, we will need to input dividend and divisor, and output quotient and remainder, so lets create CalculatorInputDto and CalculatorOutput objects in CalculatorManagement/Dto.

public class CalculatorInputDto
    public int Dividend { get; set; }
    public int Divisor { get; set; }
public class CalculatorOutputDto
    public int Quotient { get; set; }
    public int Remainder { get; set; }

Step 2 - Create Function Handler

To create the function handler you will need to implement the FunctionHandler method available thanks to ILambdaEventHandler<TInput, TOutput> interface from Devon4Net.Infrastructure.AWS.Lambda component.

To learn more about it, please read the component documentation.

This method will contain all the logic necessary that will be aplied to TInput to produce TOutput, being CalculatorInputDto and CalculatorOutputDto respectively.

To follow the structure it will be placed in CalculatorManagement/Handlers.

public class CalculatorFunctionEventHandler : ILambdaEventHandler<CalculatorInputDto, CalculatorOutputDto>
    public Task<CalculatorOutputDto> FunctionHandler(CalculatorInputDto calculatorInput, ILambdaContext context)
        CalculatorOutputDto output = new()
            Quotient = calculatorInput.Dividend/calculatorInput.Divisor,
            Remainder = calculatorInput.Dividend%calculatorInput.Divisor
        return Task.FromResult(output);

Step 3 - Add Function to Services

Now we need to create our Function class that will inherit from LambdaFunction<TInput, TOutput> also available thanks to the Devon4Net.Infrastructure.AWS.Lambda component.

And we will also need to implement the abstract method ConfigureServices as follows:

public class CalculatorFunction : LambdaFunction<CalculatorInputDto, CalculatorOutputDto>
    protected override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            .AddTransient<ILambdaEventHandler<CalculatorInputDto, CalculatorOutputDto>, CalculatorFunctionEventHandler>();

It will be placed in CalculatorManagement/Functions to follow the same structure.

Step 4 - Configure it in serverless.template

After the previous three steps we will have something like this:

aws template calculator
Figure 29. Calculator function file structure

Now we need to configure it so that the function is interpreted by AWS Lambda service as a Lambda function. For that we have a template defined as serverless.template. In that file we will find the configuration for all the functions, where we will need to add the following configuration for the CalculatorManagementFunction:

"CalculatorManagementFunction": {
  "Type": "AWS::Serverless::Function",
  "Properties": {
    "Handler": "",
    "Runtime": "dotnetcore6.0",
    "CodeUri": "",
    "MemorySize": 512,
    "Timeout": 30,
    "Role": null,
    "Policies": [
    "Environment": {
      "Variables": {}
    "Events": {
      "ProxyResource": {
        "Type": "Api",
        "Properties": {
          "Path": "/{proxy+}",
          "Method": "ANY"
      "RootResource": {
        "Type": "Api",
        "Properties": {
          "Path": "/",
          "Method": "ANY"

Before trying everything, as we are not using neither AWS Secrets Manager nor AWS Parameter Store, navigate to appsettings.json and make sure the following variables are set to false:

  "AWS": {
    "UseSecrets": false,
    "UseParameterStore": false,
    "Credentials": {
      "Profile": "",
      "Region": "eu-west-1",
      "AccessKeyId": "",
      "SecretAccessKey": ""

Step 5 - Try it

To try that everything works fine in our local we will be using Mock Lambda Test Tool 6.0 from the AWS toolkit that we installed earlier.

For that, right click in the project (1) and select it as startup project (2). Then execute it by pressing the green button which says Mock Lambda Test Tool 6.0 (3).

aws template execute
Figure 30. Execute the lambda function

Now navigate to http://localhost:5050/ using your favorite web browser (1) and select the CalculatorFunction in the UI (2). You can put your desired numbers in the form of a JSON in the box (3), press Execute (4) and check the results (5).

aws template test
Figure 31. Try it
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