- Java app running on Apache Tomcat server in Docker container
- Shippable for CI
- Maven for unit tests and compilation
- Pull/deploy Java artifacts to Artifactory instance
- Push Docker images to Docker Hub
- Shippable for CD with pipeline configuration to deploy to a Test and Prod cluster
Instructions to run this yourself:
Fork this repo
Create an account on Shippable
Enable your forked repo as a project on Shippable
Create Account Integrations to store your authentication credentials for third party services
- Assign the integrations for use by your project for the following:
- Your GitHub or Bitbucket integration (e.g. ttrahan-gh)
- Your Docker Hub integration (e.g. ttrahan-dh)
- Your Amazon ECS integration (e.g. ttrahan-aws)
- Your Google GKE integration (e.g. ttrahan-gke)
- Update the following in shippable.resources.yml
- Change all integration names to match the integrations you created in 5) above
- Change all resource locations to match your locations, e.g. change the image resource of type 'image' to point to your Docker Hub repo instead of 'ttrahan/javahelloworld'
- Seed your pipeline with your configuration
- Navigate to your subscription (select from hamburger dropdown menu in upper left)
- Select the 'SPOG' tab
- Select the 'Resources' tab and click 'Add Resource'
- Select your source control integration from the list and complete remaining fields
- NOTE: upon saving, you should see your pipeline configuration now appear on the SPOG tab
- Create an Account Integration to link your CI runs to the image resource in your pipeline
- Go to Account Integrations (gear icon in upper right)
- Select Integrations and click Add Integration
- Select Event Trigger from the dropdown
- Name your integration (e.g. ttrahan-trigger-javahello-pipeline)
- Assign the integration to your subscription like in 5) above (e.g. trigger- javahello-pipeline)
Update the .m2/settings.xml file with the URL location of your Artifactory instance
Update the following in shippable.yml
- The secure variable in shippable.yml with your Artifactory login password using the form ' PASSWORD=yourPassword '
- The Docker Hub locations in the 'docker tag' and 'docker push' commands
- The integrationName values under the Integrations section
- Now commit a change to the repository
- Your pipeline should activate and you should be able to see it execute