A repository containing all of our code into building a Hospitality Robot using Raspberry Pi and Dialogflow, a Google API. qr_encoder.py and qr_decoder.py, were used to Translate user information into a secure QR code in order to unlock him room which was protected by the same unique QR code. A socket server was attempted to be established, using the files client.py and pycam2.py. send_mail.py is a python file used to send the unique QR code generated to the user's email id. read_csv.py is a python file used to read the email id of the user in a database of all the people staying in the hotel. test.xls is a mock database of people staying in a hotel. Its parameters were Name, Phone Number, and E-mail Address. Room_2.jpg is a test QR code generated to store information that reads, "Room 2".