The most convenient way of running the software is through a docker image
a. Pull the docker image
docker pull wzhou88/saige:0.36.2
docker run -it wzhou88/saige:0.36.2
The docker image is at
Note: if you are compiling from the source code, take into account that the program is built for a Linux x86 machine
Try calling these functions to see if the program works
step1_fitNULLGLMM.R --help
step2_SPAtests.R --help
createSparseGRM.R --help
b. Run the docker image and share folders (container-data) with the host machine to upload input data
mkdir container-data
(make sure the host has read-write permission to this folder)docker run --name test -dit -P -v ~/container-data:/home wzhou88/saige:0.36.2
(--name followed by the name of the new container, -dit: d is detached mode, it ensures that bash or sh can be allocated to a pseudoterminal, -P: publishes the containers ports to the host, -v says that what follows is to be the volume, wzhou88/saige:0.36.2 is the image to be used for the container). After using this command you will be given the container id, make sure you remember the first 4 characters.- You can also use
docker ps -a
to see a list of all running containers and get the container ID - Access the newly deployed container using
docker attach ID
(ID is the four first characters of the container ID. You should now find yourself at the bash prompt within the container. You can also use this command to start the containerdocker start -i ID
a. Move data to be analyzed to ~/container-data folder which is shared between host and docker image. b.Plink files: genotype file binary format (.bed, .bim, .fam) for constructing the Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) Phenotype File: contains the non-genetic covariantes (e.g. sex). File can be space or tab delimited with header (IID: individual ID, x1: covariate 1 (sex), x2: covariate 2 (race), y_binary: binary trait (obesity), y_quantitative: quantitative trait (BMI). Current version of SAIGE does not support categorical variables with more that 2 categories.
Rscript step1_fitNULLGLMM.R \
--plinkFile=/home/SAIGE_data/CEU_genotypes_hg19 \
--phenoFile=/home/SAIGE_data/pheno_CEU_hg19_BMI_Obesity.txt \
--phenoCol=y_binary \
--covarColList=x1 \
--sampleIDColinphenoFile=IID \
--traitType=binary \
--outputPrefix=/home/SAIGE_data/example_binary_CEU \
--nThreads=4 \
Rscript step1_fitNULLGLMM.R \
--plinkFile=/home/SAIGE_data/CEU_genotypes_hg19 \
--phenoFile=/home/SAIGE_data/pheno_CEU_hg19_BMI_Obesity.txt \
--phenoCol=y_quantitative \
--covarColList=x1 \
--sampleIDColinphenoFile=IID \
--traitType=quantitative \
--invNormalize=TRUE \
--outputPrefix=/home/SAIGE_data/example_quantitative \
--nThreads=4 \
a. Model file
* Open R
* load("./output/example_quantitative.rda")
Result: 1.245839 (dispersion parameter estimate) 0.000000 (variance component parameter estimate)
b. Association result file for the selected markers
more example_quantitative_30markers.SAIGE.results.txt
c. Variance ratio file
more example_quantitative.varianceRatio.txt
Result: 0.802671694014824
- Saddle point approximation (SPA) to control for case-control inbalance
- You can use different file formats for dosage/genetic variant input: VCF, BGEN, SAV and plain text
- Use
bgzip CEU.exon.2010_03.genotypes.hg19.vcf
to compress the vcf file and thentabix -p vcf CEU.exon.2010_03.genotypes.hg19.vcf.gz
to create the index file.
a. Input files
- vcf file: genotypes or dosages --> .vcf.gz and .vcf.gz.tbi
- Sample file: contains one column with the sample IDs corresponding to the order in the dosage file, no header
- Model file from step 3: example_binary_CEU.rda
- Variance ratio file from step 3: example_binary_CEU.varianceRatio.txt
#perform the single-variant association tests
#for binary traits, --IsOutputAFinCaseCtrl=TRUE can be specified to output allele frequencies in cases and controls
Rscript step2_SPAtests.R \
--vcfFile=/home/SAIGE_data/CEU.exon.2010_03.genotypes.hg19.vcf.gz \
--vcfFileIndex=/home/SAIGE_data/CEU.exon.2010_03.genotypes.hg19.vcf.gz.tbi \
--vcfField=GT \
--chrom=1 \
--minMAF=0.0001 \
--minMAC=1 \
--sampleFile=/home/SAIGE_data/sampleID.txt \
--GMMATmodelFile=/home/SAIGE_data/example_binary_CEU.rda \
--varianceRatioFile=/home/SAIGE_data/example_binary_CEU.varianceRatio.txt \
--SAIGEOutputFile=/home/SAIGE_data/example_binary_CEU.SAIGE.vcf.genotype.txt \
--numLinesOutput=2 \
Note: to view a .gz file in MacOs use gzcat CEU.exon.2010_03.genotypes.hg19.vcf.gz | less -S