All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed an issue with artifact download, which was not working on windows, because a wrong download URL was generated.
- Finding daml.yaml in multi-module maven project.
- Don't download dependencies if they exist.
- Added
setting to the plugin if the daml project is not the same as the maven project directory.
- Updated bulid dependencies
- Updated code and tests to work with the latest daml versions (2.7.x)
- Download daml finance dependencies. If a project depends on daml finance lib in their daml.yaml file, the daml compile target will download these dependencies to the specified location.
- The daml.yaml file can be in a parent directory relative to the pom.xml of the daml project, the plugin will find it.