curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i k8sgpt_amd64.deb
Ensure K8sGPT is installed correctly:
k8sgpt version
To set up the K8sgpt backend, we will use the LocalAI service as an inference provider which will use the model Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
k8sgpt auth add --backend localai --model ${MODEL_NAME} --baseurl http://${IP_LOCALAI}/v1
k8sgpt auth default --provider localai
You can list your backends with the following command, which should return something like this:
k8sgpt auth list
> localai
> localai
> openai
> azureopenai
> noopai
> cohere
> amazonbedrock
> amazonsagemaker
To make a query to the model hosted in LocalAI, use the following command. It should return something like this:
k8sgpt analyze --explain
100% ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| (2/2, 3 it/min)
AI Provider: localai
0 default/pod-test-invalid(pod-test-invalid)
- Error: Back-off pulling image "nonexistentimage123"
Error: Unable to pull image "nonexistentimage123" due to back-off.
1. Check the image name and ensure it exists in the Docker registry.
2. Verify the Docker registry is accessible and running.
3. Pull the correct image using `docker pull nonexistentimage123` command.
1 default/miotropod(miotropod)
- Error: Back-off pulling image "noexistetampoco"
Error: Unable to pull non-existent Docker image "noexistetampoco".
1. Check the image name for spelling mistakes.
2. Verify the image exists in Docker Hub or local registry.
3. Update the pod configuration with the correct image name.
To view all the commands provided by K8sGPT, use the --help
k8sgpt --help