The following are required to install and run Deluge. They are separated into sections to distinguish the precise requirements for each module.
All modules will require the common section dependencies.
- Python >= 3.6
- setuptools
- intltool - Optional: Desktop file translation for *nix.
- closure-compiler - Minify javascript (alternative is rjsmin)
- Twisted >= 17.1 - Use
extras forservice_identity
. - OpenSSL >= 1.0.1
- pyOpenSSL
- rencode >= 1.0.2 - Encoding library.
- PyXDG - Access standards for *nix.
- xdg-utils - Provides xdg-open for *nix.
- zope.interface
- chardet - Optional: Encoding detection.
- setproctitle - Optional: Renaming processes.
- Pillow - Optional: Support for resizing tracker icons.
- dbus-python - Optional: Show item location in filemanager.
- ifaddr - Optional: Verify network interfaces.
- distro - Optional: OS platform information.
- libtorrent >= 1.2.0
- GeoIP or [pygeoip] - Optional: IP address country lookup. (Debian:
- GTK+ >= 3.10
- PyGObject
- Pycairo
- librsvg >= 2
- ayatanaappindicator3 w/GIR - Optional: Ubuntu system tray icon.