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317 lines (200 loc) · 10.8 KB

C# 10 Demo Script


  1. Open Program.cs.
  2. Build and run (Ctrl+F5) to show the program output.

Record Improvements

Record Structs

Record structs have the same features and very similar semantics as record classes. They provide the full machinery for value equality, including an implementation of IEquatable<T> and ==/!= operators. They also support with expressions.

  1. Add the class keyword after record for Person. It should now read as record class Person.
  2. Change class to struct for Person. It should now read as record struct Person.
  3. Build and run (Ctrl+F5) to show that the program output is unchanged.

With Expressions for Non-Record Structs

with expression support has been added for vanilla non-record structs. This works seamlessly because structs are copy-by-value.

  1. Remove the record keyword from Person. It should now read as struct Person.

With Expressions for Anonymous Types

Semantically, anonymous types are really "anonymous records". So, we've made with expressions work with them as well.

  1. Remove Person from var person = new Person on line 4. It should now read as var person = new.
  2. Hover over var to show that person is now an anonymous type.

Other Struct Improvements

We've added several other features to vanilla non-record structs. First, it is now possible to declare public, parameterless constructor.

  1. Add a public, parameterless constructor to Person that initializes both the FirstName and LastName properties.

    struct Person
        public Person()
            FirstName = "John";
            LastName = "Doe";
        public string FirstName { get; init; }
        public string LastName { get; init; }
        public void WriteToFile(string filePath)
            => File.WriteAllText(filePath, ToString());

This represents a change in philosophy for C# with regard to structs. Previously, we chose not allow public, parameterless constructors because it means that default(SomeStruct) may result in a different value than new SomeString(). So, the following code results in different Person values.

  1. Add the following lines above the declaration of Person struct

    Person p1 = default;
    Person p2 = new();

In addition, it is now possible to use field and property initializers in structs, which weren't previously allowed for the same reason.

  1. Remove the constructor that was just added and use initializers for the properties.

    struct Person
        public string FirstName { get; init; } = "John";
        public string LastName { get; init; } = "Doe";

Removing Clutter

File-Scoped Namespaces

Our project is starting to grow, so let's move Person into a separate file. Fortunately, the IDE has several refactorings that can help with that.

  1. Move editor caret to Person and press Ctrl+. to bring up the list of available refactorings.
  2. Choose "Move type to Person.cs" to move the Person struct to a new file.
  3. Click on a reference to Person and press F12 to go to the definition of Person in Person.cs.
  4. Move the editor caret to Person and press Ctrl+. to bring up the list of available refactorings.
  5. Choose "Move to namespace..." and type "Model" to move Person into a namespace named Model.

It's unfortunate that namespaces have forced nearly every C# class to be indented. With file-scoped namespaces, that's no longer a concern.

  1. Remove the curly braces for the Model namespace and add a ; after Model.
using System.IO;

namespace Model;

struct Person
    public Person(string firstName, string lastName)
        FirstName = firstName;
        LastName = lastName;

    public string FirstName { get; init; } = "John";
    public string LastName { get; init; } = "Doe";

    public void WriteToFile(string filePath)
        => File.WriteAllText(filePath, ToString());

Global Usings

Another bit of C# clutter that has "infected" every C# file is the block of using directives. In C# 10, this can be cleaned up with global using directives, which are essentially using directives that apply throughout the project.

  1. Open Usings.cs.
  2. Move the editor caret before the first using and press Shift+Alt+Down until there is a vertical selection in front of all the using directives.
  3. Type global before the using directives to transform all of them into global usings.

We should go ahead and add a global using directive for Model, since we expect to use that namespace throughout our project.

  1. Immediately before the last global using, and one one more: global using Model;.

    global using System;
    global using System.Collections.Generic;
    global using System.IO;
    global using System.Linq;
    global using System.Text;
    global using System.Threading.Tasks;
    global using Model;
    global using static System.Console;

And now we can clean up the using directives in our other files, since they're declared globally here.

  1. Use the "Remove Unnecessary Usings" code fix at the top of both Person.cs and Program.cs.

Implicit Usings

For .NET 6, we've built a tooling feature that allows global using directives to be generated from information in the project file. We call this feature "implicit usings". This feature is enabled by default for new projects created with .NET 6 SDK, and it's easy to enable it for existing projects.

  1. Open the project file (CSharpTen.csproj) and add <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings>.

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

We can easily add our Model namespace here as well.

  1. Add a new <ItemGroup> containing <Using Include="Model"/>.

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <Using Include="Model" />
  2. Open Using.cs and delete all of the using directives except for global using static System.Console;.

Lambda and Method Group Improvements

Let's take a look at a few other features of C# 10, such as improvements to lambda expressions and method groups.

  1. Open OtherStuff.cs.

Natural Types for Lambdas

At long last, we've defined natural types for lambda expressions, which are the Func and Action delegates that were first introduced in C# 3.0.

Now, we can can correctly infer a delegate type for a lambda expression if there is enough type information.

  1. On line 9, change Func<string, int> to var.

    var parse = (string s) => int.Parse(s);

Of course, if there isn't enough information to infer a delegate type, the C# compiler will produce an error.

  1. Change (string s) => to s.

    var parse = s => int.Parse(s);

It's also legal to assign a lambda to a type that is convertible from the inferred delegate type, such as object or Delegate.

  1. Change var to object.

    object parse = (string s) => int.Parse(s);
  2. Change object to Delegate.

    Delegate parse = (string s) => int.Parse(s);

Similarly, it is possible to assign a lambda to a legal Expression type.

  1. Change Delegate to Expression and press Ctrl+. to add a using directive for System.Linq.Expressions.

    Expression parse = (string s) => int.Parse(s);
  2. Change Expression to LambdaExpression.

    LambdaExpression parse = (string s) => int.Parse(s);

Return Types for Lambdas

In this case, not enough information is provided by the lambda expression to infer a return type. So, the compiler produces an error.

  1. On line 11, change Func<bool, object> to var.

    var choose = (bool b) => b ? 1 : "two";

In C# 10, it's possible to add return types for lambda expressions, which allows Func<bool, object> to be inferred.

  1. Add object after = to give the lambda expression a return type.

    var choose = object (bool b) => b ? 1 : "two";

Natural Types for Method Groups

Finally, C# 10 will infer delegate types for method groups if possible.

  1. On line 20, change Func<int> to var.

    var read = Console.Read;

In this case, there are multiple overloads, so a delegate type can't be inferred.

  1. On line 21, change Action<string> to var.

    var write = Console.Write;

    Notice that this will cause an error.

Interpolated String Handlers

  1. Open OtherStuff.cs.

C# 6 introduced an incredibly powerful and useful feature: interpolated strings. At a high level, interpolated strings are highly readable string.Format(...) calls. Unfortunately, they bring a lot of costs in the form of hidden allocations. In addition, interpolated strings are built eagerly,

In C# 10, we've introduced a new library pattern that allows APIs to be written that work directly with interpolated strings and can make the code that we're already writing far more efficient. Several of APIs that take advantage of this pattern have been added in .NET 6.

  1. Show the interpolated string usage on line 32.
public string BuildString(object[] args)
    var sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.Append($"Hello {args[0]}, how are you?");

    return sb.ToString();

In C# 6, this interpolated string would result a string.Format(...) call which would use a different StringBuilder to produce a string. Then the string would be added to sb. In C# 10, the interpolated string is handled specially and is added directly to sb without requiring another StringBuilder. So, the code that we were already writing is just faster.

Hovering over the StringBuilder.Append call on line 32 reveals that the overload of Append that is being called takes a StringBuilder.AppendInterpolatedStringHandler rather than a string. This allows the API to perform custom processing of the interpolated string arguments.

  1. Show the interpolated string usage on line 39.
public void DebugAssert(bool condition)
    Debug.Assert(condition, $"{DateTime.Now} - {ExpensiveCalculation()}");

In C# 6, the interpolated string passed to Debug.Assert is always created, even if condition is true. In C# 10, the arguments to the interpolated string won't be evaluated unless condition is false.