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Read-Only Delegatecall

Delegatecalls can be used to extend the functionality of your contract by executing different bytecode/logic inside its state context. It's also an efficient way to get around code size limits. Unfortunately, delegatecall() has no "static" (read-only) version that reverts on state changes like staticcall() is to call(). So, by nature, delegatecalls are free to modify your contract's state or perform state-altering operations elsewhere while impersonating your contract 😱! For this reason, you definitely would never perform a delegatecall() into arbitrary bytecode... right?

Well, what if you could guarantee that the code being executed results in no state changes? In that case, your contract could happily delegatecall() into arbitrary bytecode with no consequences to itself. This could unlock new, read-only functionaility that make on-chain and off-chain integrations easier or more efficient.

All we have to do is figure how to emulate a "static" delegatecall(), or two 🤗.

Case Study: Permisionless, Arbitrary, Read-Only Delegatecalls

Our end goal will be to create a public function on our contract that lets anyone pass in the address of a logic contract and call data to delegatecall() into. This could be used to "fill in" missing or unexpected view functions on a contract after deployment. It'll look something like:

function exec(address logic, bytes memory callData) external view;

It should also return exactly whatever the delegatecall() returns. But we won't declare that in our hypothetical function because we can't actually know ahead of time what the return data for an arbitrary call looks like. But even without declaring it, we can (and will) use some low level assembly tricks to simply bubble up the return data without having to understand its structure. So this is fine.

Method 1: Wrapping it in a staticcall()

staticcall() reverts if anything that occurs inside of it attempts to alter state. This protection also extends to nested call()s and even delegatecall()s at any depth! So if we make an external staticcall() to the function that actually perofrms the delegatecall() we can force the delegatecall() to also revert if any code it executes attempts to alter state.

So we'll need to define 2 external functions, staticExec() (permissionless) and doDelegateCall() (restricted), which work together like this:

  1. User calls staticExec(logic, callData) on our contract.
  2. staticExec() performs a staticcall() to this.doDelegateCall(logic, callData) (on our own contract).
  3. doDelegateCall() delegatecalls into logic, calling a function with callData.
  4. We bubble up the result/revert back to the user.

Let's work our way up by writing the function that actually performs the delegatecall, doDelegateCall(). If it reverts, we'll just bubble up (re-throw) the revert, but if it succeeds, we'll return the result as bytes.

Note that even though the function is not intended to be called by the user, it still needs to be declared external so staticExec() can actually call it through this semantics. Also, this function doesn't inherently have any staticcall() protection on it (that comes next) so it's super important that this function is not callable from outside the contract by anyone but the contract itself!

function doDelegateCall(address logic, bytes memory callData)
    returns (bytes memory)
    require(msg.sender == address(this), 'only self');
    (bool success, bytes memory returnOrRevertData) = logic.delegatecall(callData);
    if (!success) {
        // Bubble up reverts.
        assembly { revert(add(returnOrRevertData, 0x20), mload(returnOrRevertData)) }
    // Return successful return data as bytes.
    return returnOrRevertData;

Next we define the function users will actually interact with, staticExec(). It calls the doDelegateCall() function we just defined but through a staticcall context, then bubbles up the raw return bytes as if it returned it itself. Recognize that simply doing this.doDelegateCall() will perform a call() instead of a staticcall() because doDelegateCall() is not declared as view or pure, which is not what we want. However, if we re-cast this into an interface that does declare doDelegateCall() as view then it will be called via staticcall() 🧙!

interface IReadOnlyDelegateCall {
    function doDelegateCall(address logic, bytes memory callData)
        external view
        returns (bytes memory returnData);


function staticExec(address logic, bytes calldata callData)
    external view
    // Cast this to an IReadOnlyDelegateCall interface where doDelegateCall() is
    // defined as view. This will cause the compiler to generate a staticcall
    // to doDelegateCall(), preventing it from altering state.
    bytes memory returnData =
        IReadOnlyDelegateCall(address(this)).doDelegateCall(logic, callData);
    // Return the raw return data so it's as if the caller called the intended
    // function directly.
    assembly { return(add(returnData, 0x20), mload(returnData)) }

And that's it! This approach is elegant because it just relies on a standard, familiar EVM construct (staticcall) to enforce immutability.

But for some contracts the mere existence of the doDelegateCall() function is too risky even though it's shielded by a msg.sender == this check. If your contract can make arbitrary external calls passed in by users, or if it performs delegatecalls elsewhere, it may be possible to trick the contract into calling doDelegateCall() outside of the safety of staticExec(). Because doDelegateCall() itself doesn't enforce a staticcall() context, any unauthorized calls to it can make actual, lasting state changes. For these situations, the next approach offers more robust protection.

Method 2: Delegatecall and Revert

Instead of assuming that our delegatecall function will always be called inside of a staticcall context, we can enforce that no state changes inside of it persist even without a staticcall(). We do this by simply reverting after the delegatecall(), which undoes everything that happened inside the current execution context. We transmit information, i.e., the delegatecall()'s revert message or return data, inside the payload of our revert. This means the function will always revert, undoing any state changes that occurred during execution, and the contents of the revert will reveal the result of that execution.

And because this function cannot possibly alter state, we no longer have to worry about guarding against who can call it. So here's our new, always-reverting delegatecall function, doDelegateCallAndRevert():

function doDelegateCallAndRevert(address logic, bytes calldata callData) external {
    (bool success, bytes memory returnOrRevertData) = logic.delegatecall(callData);
    // We revert with the abi-encoded success + returnOrRevertData values.
    bytes memory wrappedResult = abi.encode(success, returnOrRevertData);
    assembly { revert(add(wrappedResult, 0x20), mload(wrappedResult)) }

Technically that function performs and returns all the information a user needs, but expecting and having to parse a revert is non-intuitive. So we'll still implement a top-level revertExec() function that calls doDelegateCallAndRevert(), decodes the revert, and either returns or throws its result, like a normal function behaves.

interface IReadOnlyDelegateCall {
    function doDelegateCallAndRevert(address logic, bytes memory callData)
        external view;


function revertExec(address logic, bytes calldata callData) external view {
    try IReadOnlyDelegateCall(address(this)).doDelegateCallAndRevert(logic, callData) {
        revert('expected revert'); // Should never happen.
    } catch (bytes memory revertData) {
        // Decode revert data.
        (bool success, bytes memory returnOrRevertData) =
            abi.decode(revertData, (bool, bytes));
        if (!success) {
            // Bubble up revert.
            assembly { revert(add(returnOrRevertData, 0x20), mload(returnOrRevertData)) }
        // Bubble up the return data as if it's ours.
        assembly { return(add(returnOrRevertData, 0x20), mload(returnOrRevertData)) }

Compared to the first method, this one is a bit less intuitive (who writes a function that always reverts?) but provides stronger safety guarantees. Neither is really that much code so if you're unsure of which one you need, take this one. 😉

The Example

The example code is a simple (pointless) contract that has a single, private storage variable _foo. Because _foo is private, external contracts wouldn't normally be able to read its value. But since it implements both staticExec() and revertExec() you can use either to pass in a logic contract that is able to read that storage slot through the magic of delegatecall(). In a realistic application, you would also take the opportunity to perform additional computation on that state. The tests demonstrate how to use it and what happens if the logic function tries to alter state in both approaches (which fails, obviously).

In The Real World

  • (Gnosis) Safe uses the delegatecall-and-revert approach to simulate the effect of transactions executed from the context of the safe contract.
  • The Party Protocol also uses delegatecall-and-revert to forward unhandled functions to an upgradeable component of their Party contracts in a read-only manner.