As the Product Owner, you are always looking for ways to accelerate Time to Market. Constantly changing market dynamics always keep you on your toes while juggling various priorities.
Your engineering teams struggle to keep pace with the dynamic market demands, hyper active agile sprints and management of DevOps pipelines. Often, automation takes a backseat and does not achieve the expected coverage.
Design Studio enables Automation Driven Development. You can accelerate Time to Market with up to three times faster automation development and significantly high automation coverage.
Collaboration platform for Business Analysts with UX, Dev, and QA. Whether it is feasibility, missed use cases or need for more details, get feedback at the right time, rather than after the fact.
Identify common workflows and reuse the Business Rules and Activities across User Stories. Design Studio automatically helps QA avoid duplicate efforts.
Get complete dependency matrix for any reused Activity before making edits – accidently or planned. QA gets complete visibility into change requests and makes their own decisions to accept the changes or wait for the next developer drop.
Track automation coverage. Figure out areas that are most unstable. Check application progress for your own user stories.