I want to send a user a url to a resource that requires authentication. The application should see that the user hasn't authenticated, re-direct to a login page and then return to the original url having successfully logged in. That's just polite.
When the user fails the is_logged_in()
method, save the URL of the page in the session cookie
using a parameter I'm calling calling_page and return a false value (the bare return;
after the $self->render
is false).
sub is_logged_in {
my $self = shift;
return 1 if $self->session('logged_in') && $self->session('username') =~ /$allowed_user_re/;
$self->session(calling_page => $self->req->url);
inline => '<h2>Unauthorized access</h2>Please <a href="/login">login</a> first.',
format => 'html',
status => 401,
On successful authentication, check for the parameter calling_page and redirect_to
that page
instead of the default welcome page.
sub on_user_login {
my $self = shift;
if (check_credentials($username, $password)) {
$self->redirect_to($self->session('calling_page')) if $self->session('calling_page');
$self->render(template => 'tutorial/welcome', format => 'html');
In my real application, I stored calling_page in the flash
but I couldn't replicate the behaviour in this simplified application,
likely because I don't fully understand the routing lifecycle.
Storing the calling_page in the cookie sounds like it will work in more cases.
Better for beginners?
Logout if you have authenticated and then try to access a protected page and see how you are directed to the Login page. After authenticating successfully, you should be returned to the protected page, not the welcome page.
TODO - I have trouble testing the redirect
script/session_tutorial test
Let's take a look back at authentication for a minute.
Instructions continue in Authenticate2.
- Mojo::Template
- Test::Mojo element_exists for checking style.
And in various examples in the Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook
TODO - add link to HTTP re-directing