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Please add alt text to your posts

Please add alt text (alternative text) to all of your posted graphics for #TidyTuesday.

Twitter provides guidelines for how to add alt text to your images.

The DataViz Society/Nightingale by way of Amy Cesal has an article on writing good alt text for plots/graphs.

Here’s a simple formula for writing alt text for data visualization:

Chart type

It’s helpful for people with partial sight to know what chart type it is and gives context for understanding the rest of the visual. Example: Line graph

Type of data

What data is included in the chart? The x and y axis labels may help you figure this out. Example: number of bananas sold per day in the last year

Reason for including the chart

Think about why you’re including this visual. What does it show that’s meaningful. There should be a point to every visual and you should tell people what to look for. Example: the winter months have more banana sales

Link to data or source

Don’t include this in your alt text, but it should be included somewhere in the surrounding text. People should be able to click on a link to view the source data or dig further into the visual. This provides transparency about your source and lets people explore the data. Example: Data from the USDA

Penn State has an article on writing alt text descriptions for charts and tables.

Charts, graphs and maps use visuals to convey complex images to users. But since they are images, these media provide serious accessibility issues to colorblind users and users of screen readers. See the examples on this page for details on how to make charts more accessible.

The {rtweet} package includes the ability to post tweets with alt text programatically.

Need a reminder? There are extensions that force you to remember to add Alt Text to Tweets with media.

SF Rents

The data this week comes from Kate Pennington,, Vital Signs.

If using Dr. Pennington's data, please cite:

Pennington, Kate (2018). Bay Area Craigslist Rental Housing Posts, 2000-2018. Retrieved from

Her methodology can be found at her website.

What impact does new housing have on rents, displacement, and gentrification in the surrounding neighborhood? Read our interview with economist Kate Pennington about her article, “Does Building New Housing Cause Displacement?:The Supply and Demand Effects of Construction in San Francisco.” - Kate Pennington on Gentrification and Displacement in San Francisco

All building permits can be found at the Socrata API endpoint.

Does Building New Housing Cause Displacement?: The Supply and Demand Effects of Construction in San Francisco, Kate Pennington

Get the data here

# Get the Data

# Read in with tidytuesdayR package 
# Install from CRAN via: install.packages("tidytuesdayR")
# This loads the readme and all the datasets for the week of interest

# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2022-07-05')
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2022, week = 27)

rent <- tuesdata$rent

# Or read in the data manually

rent <- readr::read_csv('')
permits <- readr::read_csv('')
new_construction <- readr::read_csv('')

Data Dictionary


variable class description
post_id character Unique ID
date double date
year double year
nhood character neighborhood
city character city
county character county
price double price in USD
beds double n of beds
baths double n of baths
sqft double square feet of rental
room_in_apt double room in apartment
address character address
lat double latitude
lon double longitude
title character title of listing
descr character description
details character additional details


variable class description
permit_number character permit_number
permit_type double permit_type
permit_type_definition character permit_type_definition
permit_creation_date double permit_creation_date
block character block
lot character lot
street_number double street_number
street_number_suffix character street_number_suffix
street_name character street_name
street_suffix character street_suffix
unit double unit
unit_suffix character unit_suffix
description character description
status character status
status_date double status_date
filed_date double filed_date
issued_date double issued_date
completed_date double completed_date
first_construction_document_date double first_construction_document_date
structural_notification character structural_notification
number_of_existing_stories double number_of_existing_stories
number_of_proposed_stories double number_of_proposed_stories
voluntary_soft_story_retrofit character voluntary_soft_story_retrofit
fire_only_permit character fire_only_permit
permit_expiration_date double permit_expiration_date
estimated_cost double estimated_cost
revised_cost double revised_cost
existing_use character existing_use
existing_units double existing_units
proposed_use character proposed_use
proposed_units double proposed_units
plansets double plansets
tidf_compliance logical tidf_compliance
existing_construction_type double existing_construction_type
existing_construction_type_description character existing_construction_type_description
proposed_construction_type double proposed_construction_type
proposed_construction_type_description character proposed_construction_type_description
site_permit character site_permit
supervisor_district double supervisor_district
neighborhoods_analysis_boundaries character neighborhoods_analysis_boundaries
zipcode double zipcode
location character location
record_id double record_id
date double date


variable class description
cartodb_id integer ID
the_geom logical type of geom
the_geom_webmercator logical variable
county character Country
year integer Year
totalproduction integer Total production of housing
sfproduction integer Single family production
mfproduction integer multi family production
mhproduction integer mobile home production
source character source

Cleaning Script


raw_df <- read_csv("2022/2022-07-05/")

url <- "*%20FROM%20nyee_uw6v%20ORDER%20BY%20county%2C%20year"

raw_json <- url |>
  httr::GET() |>

new_construction <- tibble(data = raw_json$rows) |>

new_construction |>

permit_url <- ""

permit_url <- "$where=filed_date > '2000-01-01T12:00:00'"

download.file("$where=filed_date%20%3E%20%272000-01-01T12:00:00%27&$limit=800000", "2022/2022-07-05/permits.csv")

permits_raw <- read_csv("2022/2022-07-05/permits.csv")

permit_build <- permits_raw |>
  filter(permit_type %in% c(1, 2, 3, 6)) |>
  mutate(date = lubridate::date(permit_creation_date)) |>
  filter(date <= as.Date("2018-12-31"))

permit_build |>