A MCPE server plugin for servers running on ImagicalMine or PocketMine builds. Player gets a higher rank as reward for voting or after some time playing on the server. Player can also start/stop jobs.
For mcpe 0.12.1 / 0.13.1 with api 1.12.0 / 1.13.0
RankUp requires PurePerms v1.1.12 or higher on your server
##Download and Install
and copy the file into your plugins folder.
restart your server.
modify the config.yml
restart again
##Usage / Command
###vote / get next rank for voting
###check time played / time to play for next rank
own status
/tr check
status of other players
/tr check <playername>
###start / stop jobs
job list
/job list
start job
/job start <jobname>
stop job, player will reseted to his actual AutoRank Group
/job stop
# API key; Can be found on your server settings page (minecraftpocket-servers.com)
APIKey: ""
# URL where players can vote for this server;
VoteURL: ""
# list of ranks that can be reached. cutomize this with your server ranks
# ranks must have the same name like the group in pureperms
# add all groups that exists, and add the order by giving them a value from 1 to X
# where 1 is the lowest rank and X the highest
Guest: 1
rank2: 2
rank3: 3
rank4: 4
rank5: 5
job1: 6
job2: 7
job3: 8
Admin: 20
Owner: 50
OP: 100
job1: 5
job2: 5
job3: 5
# the fallback rank if a player stop the job, for cases where players
# reached a rank by voting but dint reached the required time in autoranks
id: 5
title: "rank5"
Guest: 1
rank2: 2
rank3: 3
# time to reach this rank, ranks must have the same name like in pureperms
Guest: true
rank1: 20
rank2: 60
rank3: 120
rank4: 240
rank5: 720
command-in-game: "Command must be used in-game."
error-fetching-vote: "[RankUp] Error fetching vote status! Try again later."
no-permission: "You do not have permission to vote."
pureperms-loaded: "Successfully loaded with PurePerms"
pureperms-notfound: "Dependency PurePerms not found"
rank-new: "You are now rank ##rank##"
rank-failed: "RankUp failed with rank: ##rank##"
vote-nextday: "You've already voted today! Come back tomorrow to vote again."
vote-success: "##player## voted with /vote and got a higher rank!"
vote-open: "You haven't voted yet!\n +++ ##voteurl## +++ \nVote to get higher rank!"
timer-usage: "Use /tr check ##player##"
timer-neverplayed: "Player ##player## never played on this server"
timer-newplayer: "##player## has played less than 1 minute on this server"
timer-newrank: "##player## reached new Rank: ##rank##"
timer-rankis: "Rank is: ##rank##"
timer-timeplayed: "You have played ##timeplayed## minutes on this server.\n ##timetoplay## minutes until next rankup"
timer-timeplayer: "Has played ##timeplayed## minutes on this server"
job-list: "You can choose one of this jobs: ##joblist##"
job-choose: "Please choose one of the jobs: ##joblist##"
job-rank-low: "You can't choose this job, your rank is to low"
job-rank-error: "Upps there is an ERROR, try again later"
job-usage: "list jobs: /job list\nchoose job: /job start <jobname>"
job-no-stop: "You do not have a job to stop, use /job start <jobname> to start a job"
description: "rankup a player as vote reward"
default: true
description: "check time to play for next rank"
default: true
description: "list or choose jobranks"
default: true