defmodule Dwarf do
use Ecstatic.Entity
@default_components [Age,{health: 20})]
defmodule Health do
use Ecstatic.Component
@default_state %{health: 10}
defmodule Poison do
use Ecstatic.Component
@default_state %{health_loss: 2}
defmodule Age do
use Ecstatic.Component
@default_state %{age: 1}
defmodule AgingSpell do
use Ecstatic.Component
@default_state %{modifier: 1.2}
defmodule Poisoned do
use Ecstatic.Aspect
entity_with [Health, Poison]
entity_without [ImmuneToPoison]
defmodule PoisonSystem do
use Ecstatic.System
aspect Poisoned
def dispatch(entity) do
health = Entity.find_component(entity, Health)
%Ecstatic.Changeset{changed: [%{health | points: health.points - 1}]}
defmodule Watchers do
use Ecstatic.Watcher
watch Poison do
run PoisonSystem, every: :timer.seconds(6)
watch Health do
run PanicSystem, when: fn(pre, post) -> (pre.points - post.points) > 30 end
run BleedingSystem, when: fn(_pre, post) -> post.points == 0 end
run DeathSystem, when: fn(_pre, post) -> post.points == -10 end
A valid change to an entity is pushed to the queue (by a producer). All entities (consumers) that care about this change receive the change and the entity to which the change applies. Entities process their changes through the relevant systems, then push out whatever changes may have been generated as a new event to the queue.
So the player types “west”: this is gathered by the input processor and becomes a produced event (changed: location component). It gets consumed by the entity, which calls the system for location component being changed, which actually applies the change. No new change is produced. The player needs to know this change got applied. So.. The system applying the change also notifies observers of the entity? In this case, “you move west”? If Ι want to “arrive from the east” as well, then the system may send multiple messages - that does seem like it belongs to the system. So.. I think some systems may want to know what the change was… And we need to summon the system before the change is applied so we have both pre and post states