An example of "Netflix" implemented in Angular for study purposes.
This example application uses 2 services:
- Youtube Data API (served with a public key, with quota limit)
- A mock server from postman (also with quota limit, they are responses mocked from a legacy backend)
Be sure you have Node.js installed in a stable or LTS version.
install the dependencies using
npm install
run the application with:
ng serve
wich opens a project in localhost:4200
Create a dist for production using:
ng build --prod
To you use commit lint, follow the pattern below
feat: text your commit
feat(text): text your commit
This command create a new tag and change version package.json
npm run release
this command create a new tag but not change version package.json
npm run release -- --first-release
There are so much space for improvements in this code, so feel free to fork it or send your PR :) (smile)