Suppose that and artifact has been build, published and uploaded and all tests in a test case has finished and as a result an TestCaseFinishedEvent is received as follow:
The next step is to fetch the rules for this event and they are:
"IdentifyRules":"links | [?type=='TEST_CASE_EXECUTION'].target",
"ExtractionRules":"{, testCaseFinishedTime:meta.time, outcome:data.outcome}",
"ProcessRules":"{testCaseDuration : diff(testCaseExecutions | [?testCaseStartedEventId=='%IdentifyRulesEventId%'].testCaseFinishedTime | [0], testCaseExecutions | [?testCaseStartedEventId=='%IdentifyRulesEventId%'].testCaseStartedTime | [0])}",
With help of identifyRule:
links | [?type=='TEST_CASE_EXECUTION'].target
The following object’s id is selected:
Following aggregated object is extracted by using the identify rules:
The event EiffelTestCaseFinishedEvent is aggregated. The required content is extracted from the event as specified in the rule:
"ExtractionRules":"{, testCaseFinishedTime:meta.time, outcome:data.outcome}"
And is put in to the object in the way as it is specified in this rule:
Note the use of a placeholder for an unknown Eiffel event id. The "%IdentifyRulesEventId%" is a placeholder which Eiffel Intelligence will replace with the Eiffel event id extracted from the IdentifyRules. You can read more about this here.
"IdentifyRules":"links | [?type=='TEST_CASE_EXECUTION'].target"
The above mentioned IdentifyRule set will result in an Eiffel event id which is inserted into the other rules; MergeResolverRules and ProcessRules. Below we see the ProcessRules:
"ProcessRules":"{testCaseDuration : diff(testCaseExecutions | [?testCaseStartedEventId=='%IdentifyRulesEventId%'].testCaseFinishedTime | [0], testCaseExecutions | [?testCaseStartedEventId=='%IdentifyRulesEventId%'].testCaseStartedTime | [0])}",
The processRules in this case makes a calculation where id calculates the difference from testCaseStartedTime and testCaseFinishedTime this calculated time is the time it took for the test case to execute and is put in a key called testCaseDuration.
JSON object with requested data will be put into array and stored in aggregated object with key “testCaseExecutions”. Data in correct format will look like:
Finally, you will be able to find the fully aggregated object that may contain information about one or several executed test cases:
"name":"My composition",
"name":"Jane Doe",
"email":"[email protected]"
"name":"John Doe",
"email":"[email protected]",
"group":"Team Gophers"
"name":"Other composition",
"identity": "pkg:maven/com.othercompany.otherproduct/[email protected]"
"identity": "pkg:maven/com.internalcompany.internalproduct/[email protected]"
"tracker":"My Other Test Management System",
"identity": "pkg:maven/com.mycompany.myproduct/[email protected]",
"identity": "pkg:maven/com.othercompany.secondproduct/[email protected]"