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Try InfraWallet in Docker

Though InfraWallet is a plugin for Backstage, you can explore it quickly using its Docker image. Run the following command and access InfraWallet via http://localhost:7007:

docker run --rm -p 7007:7007 opensourceelectrolux/infrawallet:latest

This image contains a Backstage instance with InfraWallet installed. It uses a Mock client to generate cloud costs. If you would like to try InfraWallet with your cloud credentials, you can create a app-config.infrawallet.yaml file (see example here) according to the following instructions, and then run the following command instead:

docker run --rm -p 7007:7007 -v <path_to_your_config_file>:/app/app-config.infrawallet.yaml opensourceelectrolux/infrawallet:latest

Default Settings for Frontend

Site admins can configure the default view for InfraWallet, including the default group by dimension, and the default query period. Add the following configurations to your app-config.yaml file if the default view needs to be changed.

# note that infraWallet exists at the root level, it is not the same one for backend configurations
    defaultGroupBy: none # none by default, or account, provider, category, service, tag:<tag_key>
    defaultShowLastXMonths: 3 # 3 by default, or other numbers, we recommend it less than 12

Customizing the InfraWalletPage Title and Subtitle

By default, the InfraWalletPage component is configured in the packages/app/src/App.tsx file as follows:

<Route path="/infrawallet" element={<InfraWalletPage />} />

To customize the title and subtitle of the InfraWalletPage, you can modify the route in the same file as shown below:

<Route path="/infrawallet" element={<InfraWalletPage title="Custom title" subTitle="Custom subTitle" />} />

Defining Provider Integrations

InfraWallet's configuration schema is specified in in plugins/infrawallet-backend/config.d.ts. To set up provider integrations, users must configure them in the app-config.yaml file located in the root directory.

AWS Integration

InfraWallet uses an IAM role to retrieve cost and usage data via the AWS Cost Explorer APIs. Before configuring InfraWallet, you must set up the necessary AWS IAM role and policy.

For Management Accounts

If you have a management account, this setup only needs to be done once within the management account. InfraWallet will then be able to retrieve cost data across all member accounts.

For Non-Management Accounts

If you're not using a management account, you'll need to create a role in each AWS account and configure trust relationships individually.

Required IAM Role Permissions

The IAM role must have the following permissions to access cost and usage data:

  "Statement": [
      "Action": ["ce:GetCostAndUsage", "ce:GetTags"],
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Sid": ""
  "Version": "2012-10-17"


Once the IAM roles and policies are in place, add the following configuration to your app-config.yaml file:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          accountId: '<12-digit_account_ID>' # quoted as a string
          assumedRoleName: <name_of_the_AWS_IAM_role_to_be_assumed> # optional, only needed if you want to assume a role
          accessKeyId: <access_key_ID_of_AWS_IAM_user_that_assumes_the_role> # optional, only needed when an IAM user is used. if assumedRoleName is also provided, this user is used to assume the role
          accessKeySecret: <access_key_secret_of_AWS_IAM_user_that_assumes_the_role> # optional, only needed when an IAM user is used. if assumedRoleName is also provided, this user is used to assume the role

InfraWallet's AWS client is built using the AWS SDK for JavaScript. If both accessKeyId and accessKeySecret are provided in the configuration, the client will use the specified IAM user. If assumedRoleName is set, the client will assume that role (if accessKeyId and accessKeySecret is also provided, that IAM user will assume the role). Otherwise, it follows the default credential provider chain.

When your environment already has the AWS auth in-place, the configuration will look like this:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          accountId: '<12-digit_account_ID>' # quoted as a string

Azure Integration

To manage Azure costs with InfraWallet, you need to register an application in Azure. Note that InfraWallet has been tested with subscription-level cost data only.


  1. After registering the application, navigate to the Subscriptions page and select the target subscription.
  2. Go to the Access control (IAM) section and assign the Cost Management Reader role to the newly created application.
  3. Generate a client secret for the application.

Add the following configurations to your app-config.yaml file:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          subscriptionId: <Azure_subscription_ID>
          tenantId: <Azure_tenant_ID>
          clientId: <Client_ID_of_the_created_application>
          clientSecret: <Client_secret_of_the_created_application>

GCP Integration

InfraWallet relies on GCP Big Query to fetch cost data. This means that the billing data needs to be exported to a big query dataset, and a service account needs to be created for InfraWallet. The steps of exporting billing data to Big Query can be found here. Then, visit Google Cloud Console and navigate to the IAM & Admin section in the billing account. Click Service Accounts, and create a new service account. The service account needs to have BigQuery Data Viewer and BigQuery Job User roles. On the Service Accounts page, click the three dots (menu) in the Actions column for the newly created service account and select Manage keys. There click Add key -> Create new key, and use JSON as the format. Download the JSON key file and keep it safe.

After setting up the resources above, add the following configurations in app-config.yaml:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          keyFilePath: <path_to_your_json_key_file> # if you run it in a k8s pod, you may need to create a secret and mount it to the pod
          projectId: <GCP_project_that_your_big_query_dataset_belongs_to>
          datasetId: <big_query_dataset_id>
          tableId: <big_query_table_id>

Confluent Cloud Integration

To manage Confluent Cloud costs, you need to create an API key (Service account) for your Organization with the 'Cloud resource management' resource scope, you can find the documentation here. Once you have your API key details, add the following settings to app-config.yaml:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          apiKey: <your_api_key>
          apiSecret: <your_api_key_secret>

MongoDB Atlas Integration

To manage MongoDB Atlas costs, you need to create an API key for your Organization with Organization Billing Viewer permission, you can find the documentation here. Once you have your API key details, add the following settings to app-config.yaml:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          orgId: <id_organization_mongo_atlas>
          publicKey: <public_key_of_your_api_key>
          privateKey: <private_key_of_your_api_key>

Datadog Integration

To manage Datadog costs, you need to create an API key and an Application Key for your Organization, or Parent Organization (if you have Multiple-Organization Accounts), with usage_read permission. You can find the documentation here. Add the following settings to app-config.yaml:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          apiKey: <your_api_key>
          applicationKey: <your_application_key>
          ddSite: <your_site> # e.g.

Datadog doesn't provide daily costs. Current daily costs are calculated by monthly costs/number of days in that month.

Integration Filter

When integrating InfraWallet with your billing account, you have the ability to retrieve and display costs for all sub-accounts. However, if you want to limit the visibility of certain accounts, you can apply filters. Below is an example of how to configure this for AWS:

        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          accountId: '<12-digit_account_ID>' # quoted as a string
            - type: include # 'include' or 'exclude'
              attribute: account
              pattern: <regex_for_account_names> # Use a valid regex pattern to specify accounts

Currently, only AWS and Datadog integrations support filters.

Install the Plugin

If Backstage New Backend System is enabled

  1. add InfraWallet frontend
# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/app add @electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet

modify packages/app/src/App.tsx and add the following code

import { InfraWalletPage } from '@electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet';
    <Route path="/infrawallet" element={<InfraWalletPage />} />
  1. add InfraWallet backend
# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet-backend

modify packages/backend/src/index.ts and add the following code before backend.start();

// InfraWallet backend
  1. add cloud account credentials to app-config.yaml Here is an example of the configuration for AWS and Azure accounts:
        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          subscriptionId: ...
          tenantId: ...
          clientId: ...
          clientSecret: ...
        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          subscriptionId: ...
          tenantId: ...
          clientId: ...
          clientSecret: ...
        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          accountId: '<12-digit_account_ID_as_string>'
          assumedRoleName: ...
          accessKeyId: ...
          accessKeySecret: ...
        - name: <unique_name_of_this_integration>
          accountId: '<12-digit_account_ID_as_string>'
          assumedRoleName: ...
          accessKeyId: ...
          accessKeySecret: ...
  1. add InfraWallet to the sidebar (optional)

modify packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx and add the following code

import { InfraWalletIcon } from '@electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet';
      <SidebarGroup label="Menu" icon={<MenuIcon />}>
  1. integrate InfraWallet with Backstage catalog (optional)

modify packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx and add the following code

import {EntityInfraWalletCard, isInfraWalletAvailable } from '@electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet';

      <EntitySwitch.Case if={isInfraWalletAvailable}>
        <Grid item md={6}>
          <EntityInfraWalletCard />

Note that the EntityInfraWalletCard only shows up when an entity has at least one of the following annotations:


These annotations are used to filter the costs, similarly to the Filters component in the InfraWallet main page. takes a string like "key-x: value-x, key-y: value-y" as its input while the others take a single string value. When there are multiple annotations, the fetched costs data will meet all of the given filters.

If the legacy Backstage backend system is used

The 2nd step above (adding the backend) is different and it should be like the following.

# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet-backend

create a file infrawallet.ts in folder packages/backend/src/plugins/ with the following content.

import { createRouter } from '@electrolux-oss/plugin-infrawallet-backend';
import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';

export default async function createPlugin(env: PluginEnvironment): Promise<Router> {
  return await createRouter({
    logger: env.logger,
    config: env.config,
    cache: env.cache.getClient(),
    database: env.database,

then modify packages/backend/src/index.ts

import infraWallet from './plugins/infrawallet';
async function main() {
  const infraWalletEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('infrawallet'));
  apiRouter.use('/infrawallet', authMiddleware, await infraWallet(infraWalletEnv));