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363 lines (273 loc) · 13.2 KB


File metadata and controls

363 lines (273 loc) · 13.2 KB


Version 1.5.3 - 2024/10/17

  • Added new optional field link_name to Card model;

Version 1.5.2 - 2024/10/05

    • When true it allows whitespace in Feature value so it can contains multiple CSS classnames divided by a whitespace like cell col-md-12 red;
    • When false the whitespaces in Feature value are considered invalid;
    • On default this settings is false so whitespaces in value are considered invalid;
    • Uniqueness is now enforced on scopes values from property scoped_features;
    • Importation correctly validate this behavior so you won't be able to import Features including whitespaces if the setting does not allow it;
    • Exportation does not care about this behavior and will indifferently dump Feature values whether they include whitespace or not;
  • Fixed Accordion template in sandbox;
  • Added more explicit error messages for invalid items in Feature import form;
  • Made some minor improvements on Feature admin;
  • Updated PO and MO files for last Feature changes;
  • Enabled "todo" extension module in documentation;

Version 1.5.1 - 2024/09/30

  • Fixed migrations 0008, 0009, 0011 and 0012 that were still using harcoded choices. This was an issue for projects that were changing value of settings BLOCKS_ACCORDION_TEMPLATES and BLOCKS_FEATURE_PLUGINS, Django would detect pending useless migrations from this package.

    This is safe to upgrade except if you blindly followed the Django warning and created then applied these pending automatic migrations, which you should never do. If so, you will have to remove these created migrations from your package installation and clean your migration history.

  • Updated script to freeze local dependencies;

  • Finally removed Django version restriction and added support for Django 5.1 since DjangoCMS won't officially support it but it still basically works;

  • Added minimal requirement versions to help Pip resolving;

Version 1.5.0 - 2024/09/03

Removed SmartMedia purge signals from every model since it is not compatible with DjangoCMS plugin system and caused erratic issues of lost media files. You will have to manage purge yourself if neeeded.

Version 1.4.0 - 2024/08/30

  • Added new plugin Accordion;
  • Disabled annoying Carousel autoplay in Slider template for sandbox;
  • Relaxed versions for requirements furo and sphinx-copybutton;
  • Restricted Django requirement version to <5.1, since DjangoCMS 3 is not compatible with Django>=5.1 and for now this application is not yet planned to support DjangoCMS 4;

Version 1.3.2 - 2024/07/12

  • Updated documentation to a new theme;

  • Added logo from SVG Repo;

  • Restructured and improved documentation;

  • Improved Makefile;

  • Removed remaining usage of os.path module in profit of pathlib;

  • Removed setting BLOCKS_ALLOWED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS in profit of django-smart-media setting SMARTIMAGE_ALLOWED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS. You can safely remove the first one from your settings;

  • Moved documentation Django settings into sandbox;

  • Fixed warnings about for Django>=5.0;

  • Update PO catalogs for new translation strings;

  • Internal allowed plugin names in Features have been renamed and a data migration is in charge to automatically update your data. However this won't work for your previously exported dumps, you will need to rename these names your in your dumps with the following changes:

    • AlbumMain becomes Album;
    • CardMain becomes Card;
    • ContainerMain becomes Container;
    • HeroMain becomes Hero;
    • SliderMain becomes Slider;

    Also remember than since v1.3.1 the names AlbumItem and SliderItem are no longer valid.

  • Refactored feature getters:

    • The old method get_features() has been renamed to a property flat_features with the same behavior (a simple string with ordered classnames without any duplicate classname):

      >>> foo = Card(...)
      >>> foo.flat_features
      "bar foo ping"
    • A new property scoped_features has been introduced, it return a dict indexed on scopes:

      >>> foo = Card(...)
      >>> foo.scoped_features
          "size": ["bar", "foo"],
          "color": [],
          "extra": ["foo", "ping"],
    • Getters now enforce scope and plugins filtering so you should never have "orphan feature" (like when you change the scope of a feature to extra but it was already used in Card.size_features) returned from getters;

Version 1.3.1 - 2024/07/09

This finalize transition to the new Feature system.

  • Implemented new feature system on Album, Container and Slider;
  • Album item and Slider item no longer have features;
  • Old feature is definitively removed from code and data;

Version 1.3.0 - 2024/07/08

This is an early release for the new Feature system, a new 1.3.x release will come soon to implement it on every plugin and totally drop the old one.

  • Added support for Django 5.0;
  • Pinned DjangoCMS to <4.0 since we don't support DjangoCMS 4.X yet;
  • Cleaned Tox config from some environment versions to only keep supported bounds (and speed up Tox suite);
  • Moved history changelog from documentation to root repository;
  • Added custom templates in sandbox for better demonstration using Bootstrap components;
  • Added a new field image_alt on every plugin model that have a image field. This is to improve SEO and accessibility. Note than some shipped default template like for Hero are not using this new field since they embed image as a background without a <img/> tag;
  • Backward incompatible Added a new way to manage features:
    • They are splitted into three scopes: size, color and extra;
    • Each scope has its own select input;
    • Features management is centralized in a single model with a scope (size, color and extra) and a list of allowed plugins;
    • Allowed plugins for a feature can select it in the proper scope;
    • Plugin model method 'get_features' merge all feature scopes in a single string without duplicate classname;
  • New features system has currently been implemented for the following plugins:
    • Card;
    • Hero;
  • The other plugins are still using the old feature system for now;
  • Previous features system will be totally removed and there is no way to migrate their data, you will need to create again your features;

Version 1.2.1 - 2023/08/18

A minor version only to update .readthedocs.yml file to follow service deprecations changes.

Version 1.2.0 - 2023/07/05

  • Card.content field is no longer required to be filled and empty value is allowed;

Version 1.1.0 - 2023/05/21

  • Upgraded to django-smart-media>=0.3.0 to fix plugin form layout on file inputs, close #20;
  • Cleaned Sass sources from old useless fileinput sources;
  • Updated PO and MO files, added missing blank locale for 'en';
  • Fixed plugin form to use the proper features field label;
  • Removed all signal receiver auto_purge_files_on_change usage from all plugins to remove a misbehavior with file purge and page publication. This means files related to deleted plugin won't be automatically removed anymore, close #22;

Version 1.0.0 - 2023/04/26

Major release to upgrade to modern backend supports and some other improvements. Your project need to upgrade to the new requirements supports to be able to migrate to this version and further.

  • Removed support for Python less than 3.8;
  • Removed support for Django less than 3.2;
  • Removed support for DjangoCMS less than 3.11.x;
  • Added support for Python from 3.8 to 3.10;
  • Added support for Django from 3.2 to 4.1;
  • Added support for DjangoCMS from 3.11.x;
  • Added new field features on every block, this field won't be showed on default installation since there is no defined features. User have to define them in respective plugin settings;
  • Added new plugin container;
  • Updated default plugin templates, it just inherits from the test one. User will have to copy the respective plugin test template to create their own and define them in settings;
  • Upgrade package setup, Makefile, documentation configuration, Tox configuration;
  • Removed included SmartMedia stuff in profit of django-smart-media requirement;
  • Rewrited tests;
  • Renamed default settings module from settings to defaults;
  • Documentation has been updated for the new plugin Container and for installation document. A next version should comes further to restructurate documentation for improvements;
  • Added modern sandbox frontend with bootstrap=^5.1.3 built with Node.js;

Version 0.7.1 - 2020/06/06

Release fix for package and documentation publishing on ReadTheDoc.

Manifest file was not accurate and package has been wrongly built and so was missing the templatetags modules.

The resulting package was incorrect and ReadTheDoc could not build the documentation.

Version 0.7.0 - 2020/06/06

Better plugin forms ergonomy and documentation.

  • Added new setting BLOCKS_ENABLED_PLUGINS which list plugins to enable for usage. Disabled plugins won't be visible but their models are still created in your database. WARNING: You need to update your project settings to add this new setting if you don't include the app settings;
  • Added missing field title for Slide item form;
  • Added FileInputButton widgets to use instead FileInput;
  • Added ClearableFileInputButton widgets to use instead ClearableFileInput;
  • Added custom stylesheets for every plugin admin forms to improve their ergonomy;
  • Added Boussole to development requirement to build CSS from Sass sources;
  • Mute the RemovedInDjango40Warning warning until DjangoCMS has fixed its usage of ugettext_lazy;
  • Added missing default settings SMART_FORMAT_AVAILABLE_FORMATS;
  • Added documentation in docs with Sphinx and livereload;

Version 0.6.0 - 2020/05/11

This is a major refactoring which may involve breaking changes for some custom usages.

  • Added full test coverage;
  • Added tox configuration;
  • Modified every plugin templates to be cleaner and flawless;
  • Added title attribute to SlideItem model;
  • Use FileField instead of ImageField for image fields in every plugin so we can use SVG;
  • Add a new template tag media_thumb with smart format guessing instead of Sorl tag thumbnail on images in every plugin templates;

Version 0.5.2 - 2019/05/18

  • Dropped support for Django<1.11;
  • Add 'on_delete=models.CASCADE' on Foreign key fields to be compatible with Django>=2.0;
  • Fixed changelog;

Version 0.5.1 - 2018/12/19

  • Added AlbumItem.order field;
  • Updated readme;
  • Cleaned album template from brief field, close #9;
  • Fixed TextEditorWidget which did not use CMS config, close #7;
  • Removed django-cms constraint '<3.5'.

Version 0.5.0 - 2018/03/09

  • Moved zip file validation to utils.validate_zip method;
  • Use sorl thumbnail in default Album template;
  • Added basic image file validation from mass upload, close #4;
  • Added mass upload file size limit, close #3;
  • Added translation catalog for french language;
  • Added some CSS in template for Album inline admin form;
  • Better README.

Version 0.4.3 - 2018/02/25

  • Better plugin form for Album and Card.

Version 0.4.2 - 2018/02/24

  • Adjusted 'blank' and 'max_length' field attribute for every models (migrations have been rebooted again).

Version 0.4.1 - 2018/02/24

  • Remove long text 'brief' and 'content' field from Album and AlbumItem, replace with a simple 'title' field;
  • Added 'order' field to AlbumItem to be able to order ressources list;
  • Added mass upload field to AlbumForm;
  • Renamed every 'background' fields to 'image' for better naming consistency.

Version 0.4.0 - 2018/02/19

  • Added Album plugin.

Version 0.3.0 - 2018/02/19


  • Better Makefile;
  • Added dev requirements;
  • Updated '' requirements;
  • Removed establishment opening plugin (too much specific for now);
  • Reset initial migrations (totally backward incompatible);
  • Moved Banner to Hero;
  • Moved Diptych to Card;
  • Added template field to every plugin.

Version 0.2.0 - 2017/10/19

  • Added establishment_opening model/form/plugin/template;
  • Cleaned template from private integration to basic HTML.

Version 0.1.2 - 2017/10/18

  • Renamed Diptych background field to image;
  • Use Diptych alignment field value in its template.

Version 0.1.1 - 2017/10/17

  • Removed useless basic models and forms from development.

Version 0.1.0 - 2017/10/17

  • First commit for banner, slider and diptych blocks.