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Kolmogorov axioms:

  • Ω: set of elementary events (exclusive outcomes)

  • F: set of events; σ-algebra (closed set of all subsets) of Ω

  • prob: function from F to [0,1]

  • prob(Ω) = 1

  • prob(∪Ai) = Σ prob(Ai) if Ai disjoint (= exclusive) (partition of a disk)

  • prob(∅) = 0

  • prob(Ω-A) = 1 - prob(A)

  • prob(A) = |A| ÷ |Ω| if Ω countable and ∀e∈Ω, prob({e}) = 1÷|Ω|

  • prob(A∪B) = prob(A) + prob(B) - prob(A∩B) (think overlapping disks)

  • prob(∪Ai) ≤ Σ prob(Ai)

  • prob(∪Ai) = Σr∈{1…n} (-1)r+1 Σ{i1≤ir} prob(Ai1∩…∩Air)

  • prob(∩Ai) = 0 ⇔ Ai disjoint (non-overlapping disks)

  • A1⊂A2⊂… ⇒ prob(An) → prob(∪Ai), prob(Ai) < prob(Ai+1)

  • A1⊃A2⊃… ⇒ prob(An) → prob(∩Ai), prob(Ai) > prob(Ai+1)

  • prob(A|B) ≝ prob(A∩B) ÷ prob(B) (think of |B as assuming Ω = B)

  • A, B independent ⇔ prob(A|B) = prob(A)

  • prob(∩Ai) = Π prob(Ai) if Ai independent

  • prob(∩Ai) = Π{i=2…} prob(Ai|A1∩…∩A{i-1}) prob(A1)

  • A∈∪Bi ⇒ prob(A) = Σ prob(A∩Bi)

  • prob(A|B) = prob(B|A) prob(A) ÷ prob(B) (Bayes' theorem)

  • Ai partition of Ω ⇒ prob(Ai|B) = prob(B|Ai) prob(Ai) ÷ (Σj prob(B|Aj) prob(Aj))


A random variable (RV) is a function from Ω to ℝ. (eg. winnings)

The indicator function is a RV such that I(A) = 1 if A, otherwise 0.

A mass function for a RV X is fX: x → prob(X=x).

  • fX(x) ≥ 0
  • ∫ℝ fX(x) dx = 1

The expected value E[X] = Σ x fX(x).

  • E[g(X)] = Σ{x∈X} g(x) fX(x)
  • E[aX+b] = a E[X] + b
  • (E[X])^2 ≤ E[X^2] (Cauchy-Schwarz inequality)
  • prob(X=a) = 1 ⇒ E[X] = a
  • prob(a < X ≤ b) = 1 ⇒ a < E[X] ≤ b
  • if X∈ℕ, r≥2, E[X] < ∞:
    • E[X] = Σ prob(X≥x)
    • E[X(X-1)…(X-r+1)] = r Σ{x=r…∞} (x-1)…(x-r+1) prob(X=x)

The variance var(X) = E[(X-E[X])^2].

  • var(aX+b) = a^2 var(X)
  • var(X) = 0 ⇒ X constant

The covariance cov(X,Y) = E[XY] E[X] E[Y]

  • cov(X,Y) = E[(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])]
  • cov(X,Y) = cov(Y,X)
  • cov(constant,X) = 0
  • cov(a+bX+cY,Z) = b cov(X,Z) + c cov(Y,Z)
  • cov(X,Y)^2 ≤ var(X) var(Y)

A few families of distribution.

  • Bernouilli: RV from Ω to {0,1}. Take p = prob(X=0).
    Number of 1s from a 1/p dice throw (a dice with 1/p faces).
    • E[X] = p
    • var(X) = p (1-p)
  • Binomial "X ~ B(n,p)": RV such that fX(x) = (n choose x) p^x (1-p)^(n-x).
    Number of 1s from n throws of a 1/p dice.
    • E[X] = n p
    • var(X) = n p (1-p)
  • Geometric "X ~ Geom(p)": RV such that fX(x) = p (1-p)^(x-1)
    Number of throws before a 1/p dice yields a 1.
    • E[X] = 1/p
    • var(X) = (1-p)/p^2
    • prob(X > n+m | X > m) = prob(X > n) (memory loss)
  • Negative binomial "X ~ NegBin(n,p)": RV such that fX(x) = (x-1 choose n-1) p^n (1-p)^(x-n).
    Number of throws before a 1/p dice yields n 1s.
    • E[X] = n p / (1-p)
    • var(X) = n p / (1-p)^2
  • Hypergeometric: RV such that fX(r) = (N choose r) (N-R choose n-r) / (N choose n)
    Number of red socks got from n blind picks without replacement from a drawer with N socks of which R are red.
    • E[X] = R n/N
    • var(X) = R n/N (N-R)/N (N-n)/(N-1)
  • Poisson: RV such that fX(x) = λ^x/x! exp(-λ), with x∈{0,1,…,λ}.
    Number of ticks per second when averaging λ ticks per second, if ticks are independent.
    • E[X] = λ
    • var(X) = λ
  • Uniform: RV such that fX(x) = constant with x∈[a,b].
    Result of dice throw.
    • E[X] = (a+b)/2
    • var(X) = (b-a)^2/12, or ((b-a+1)^2-1)/12 if discrete
  • Normal (Gaussian) "X ~ N(μ,σ^2)": RV such that fX(x) = exp(-(x-μ)^2/(2σ^2)) / (σ sqrt(2π))
    Infinite random walk starting at μ with step variance σ^2.
    • E[X] = μ
    • var(X) = σ^2