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Zune-Python: Python Bindings to zune-image


  • Decoding from multiple image formats antagonistically while preserving image information (no implicit conversions)
  • Support for some basic image processing functionalities (transformations, sobel, e.t.c)
  • Support for conversion between image modes (RGB->Grayscale)
  • Support for image filters (gaussian blur, sharpening)
  • Support for image transparency
  • Multiple depths and bit types(f32,u16, u8)
  • Support for numpy arrays (outputting image to numpy,creating an image from numpy array)


  • The image library is performant with some processes taking advantage of multiple threads (e.g sobel uses multiple threads per channel)
  • The routines are written in a safe and perfomant manner with care being given to ensure optimal assembly is generated for performance sensitive functions
  • The library contains various benchmarks to compare it with other libraries (opencv, vips, image-rs), and internal benchmarks to keep track of operations.



  • To build the library, you need the following



  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. cd into the repo and into the zune-python repository
shell cd ./zune-image/zune-python
  1. Create a virtual environment for the repo
python -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate 
  1. Install maturin
pip install maturin
  1. Call maturin build --release This will build the project with optimizations turned
maturin build --release

Wait until you see

📦 Built wheel for CPython 3.11 to ./target/wheels/zune_image-0.4.0-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_34_x86_64.whl
  1. Navigate to {CRATE_DIR}/target/wheels/
  2. Call pip install with the local built package
 pip install --force-reinstall ./zune_image-0.4.0-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_34_x86_64.whl
  1. call python or ipython to get an interactive shell.
  2. Import zil from there and decode an image
# Import the package
import zil
IMAGE_FILE = "image.png"
# Returns the image pixels as numpy
numpy_pix = zil.imread(IMAGE_FILE);
# or manipulate the image in Rust
im_rust =;
# eg carry out sobel