The parsing of a notebook consists of a number of stages, with each stage separated into a separate module:
- The configuration is set (from a file or CLI)
- The parser is called with an input string and source
- The parser reads the input string to a notebook node
- The notebook is converted to a Markdown-It tokens syntax tree
- The notebook code outputs are potentially updated, via execution or from a cache
- The syntax tree is transformed to a docutils document AST (calling the renderer plugin)
- The docutils document is processed by docutils/sphinx, to create the desired output format(s)
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.config.NbParserConfig :members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.docutils_.Parser :members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.sphinx_.Parser :members:
.. autoclass:: :members:
.. autofunction::
.. autofunction::
.. autofunction::
.. autofunction:: myst_nb.core.execute.create_client
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.execute.base.NotebookClientBase :members:
.. autoclass::
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.execute.cache.NotebookClientCache
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.execute.inline.NotebookClientInline
.. autoexception:: myst_nb.core.execute.base.ExecutionError
.. autoexception:: myst_nb.core.execute.base.EvalNameError
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.execute.base.ExecutionResult :members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.render.MimeData :members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.render.NbElementRenderer :members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.render.MimeRenderPlugin :members: :undoc-members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.render.ExampleMimeRenderPlugin :members: :undoc-members:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.lexers.AnsiColorLexer :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.loggers.DocutilsDocLogger :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: myst_nb.core.loggers.SphinxDocLogger :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: