User workflow:
- Open Lasersaur Webpage
- Click on "import", select file.
- get rid of DPI settings? They don't seem to work and are only confusing
- Select wich colors should be imported, see preview with colors en/disabled
- Click on "Add to Laser Queue"
- rename to "Continue"?
- Select Material, Service, Comment and User.
- make the User fiele clickable, opening the login modal
- remove quantity field
- Show cookie'd user, if available
- use variants to split up the materials in two lists?
- See preview, select passes/colors, assign cutting parameters
- Click on "Send to LaserSaur"
- make the button change colors/grey out if the laser is not ready
- rename button to "Start Laserjob"?
- disable button when laser not ready? -Quantity Modal opens, asks how much material is used. -Laser job gets started, parameters get sent to backend
- confgurable work area (for modded lasersaurs)
- out of bounds checks before sending jobs
- visual feedback on color selection
- zoom preview added
- about modal reporting LasaurApp and firmware version
- shortcut keys for tabs, jogging, pause, stop, goToOrigin
- manual numerical entry widget for jogging and offsets
- new internal job data handling (json-based 'lsa' files)
- export for gcode and .lsa files
- passes configurable on stored jobs
- laser job tab optimized for more flexibility
- clear queue button added
- quick import button added
- long line segmentation for snappier pause
- pin P8:46 connected to avr reset would prevent the BBB from booting
- solution: disconnect pin and use P8:44
- to make this backward compatiple switch both pins in software
- also the uart1 mux settings error on the BBB
- bbox send always sends global bbox
- status incorrect when lasersaur is switched off/disconnects
- gcode import support, and lsa
- z-axis ui buttons
- importing progress bar
- login/claim, single user restriction, keep login alive signal
- dial in widget
- shortcut keys, e.g 1,2,3 for tabs, arrors for direct control
It appears that inkscape uses px internally.
The scaling factor from a mm dxf to px in inkscape is: 0.2822222222
This is derived from: 25.4/90
25.4 being the mm/in and 90 being the default dpi of inkscape
1220px = 344.31111108mm 620px = 174.97777776mm
for 90 dpi "1pt" equals "1.25px" (and therefore 1.25 user units) "1pc" equals "15px" (and therefore 15 user units) "1mm" would be "3.543307px" (3.543307 user units) "1cm" equals "35.43307px" (and therefore 35.43307 user units) "1in" equals "90px" (and therefore 90 user units)
Intaglio sets the width/height attribute to the document dimensions. 3456,1728 => 72dpi
Illustrator sets both the width/height and the viewport attributes of the svg tag. Unfortunately it does not set this to the document dimensions but to the bounding box of all the geometry. This makes it completely useless to figure out the dpi scaling factor for pixels to in/mm conversion.
3460.472 x 1736.945