This app allows users to play an attribute-based game based on Top Trumps.
We defined the following user stories:
As a user, I want to:
- See my card
- Submit an alien skill from my card
- View the computers response
- Receive feedback depending on scores
- Take a mininimum of 5 turns
- See the computer the computer taking their turn
We created a basic wireframe to show the core design and functionality of our game
Currently, we have a limited version of the game running:
On 'start game', the cards are shuffled and shared into user and computer decks
The user can choose an attribute and battle the opponent's card
The user receives feedback and the score is updated
A new round is launched for the user to battle again
Currently the game crashes after 5 rounds - a future iteration would include a restart button to deal again
git clone
npm install
npm run dev
And finally navigate to http://localhost:5173/ to see the site.
OR view our deployed site
- Alien pictures 👽
- Add computer turns
- Create intro screen before game start and return to this screen at game end
- Add full Top Trumps deck functionality i.e. loser gives their card to winner's deck, game is won when all cards are held
- Score user scores in local storage
- Add other decks / themes for user to choose from