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[Timeouts][Timeout] allow you to fail an execution with TimeoutExceededException
if it takes too long to complete:
Timeout<Object> timeout = Timeout.of(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
You can create a Timeout that [interrupts][interrupt] execution if it times out:
Timeout<Object> timeout = Timeout.builder(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).withInterrupt().build();
If a cancellation is triggered by a Timeout
, the execution is completed with TimeoutExceededException
. See the [execution cancellation][execution-cancellation] page for more on cancellation and interruption.
When a Timeout
is [composed][policy-composition] outside a RetryPolicy
, a timeout occurrence will cancel any inner retries:
When a Timeout
is [composed][policy-composition] inside a RetryPolicy
, a timeout occurrence will not automatically cancel any outer retries:
When an async executions times out, Failsafe still waits until the execution completes, either through interruption or naturally, before recording a TimeoutExceededException
. This avoids the risk of retrying while the original execution is still running, which ultimately could lead to numerous abandoned executions running in numerous threads.
[Timeouts][Timeout] support the standard [policy listeners][PolicyListeners] which can notify you when a timeout is exceeded:
builder.onFailure(e -> log.error("Connection attempt timed out", e.getException()));
Or when an execution completes and the timeout is not exceeded:
builder.onSuccess(e ->"Execution completed on time"));
Since the [async integration][async-integration] methods involve external threads, which Failsafe has no knowledge of, these executions cannot be directly cancelled or interrupted by a Timeout. But, these executions can still [cooperate][cooperative-cancellation] with a Timeout cancellation.
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