- We need a durable endpoint and a factory for one. Initially, they might just have a single implementation, for Kafka.
type Step = u64;
/// Just like `InputFactory`.
trait DurableInputFactory {
fn name(&self) -> Cow<'static, str>;
fn new_endpoint(
name: &str,
config: &YamlValue
) -> AnyResult<Box<dyn DurableInputEndpoint>>;
trait DurableInputEndpoint {
/// Requests that the endpoint retrieves `step`, feeds it to `consumer`,
/// and then signals completion by calling `consumer.eoi()`. When the
/// step has been durably recorded, the endpoint should also call the
/// (new) function `committed()` on `consumer`.
/// The requested `step` must either be in the range returned by `steps()`
/// or just beyond it. In the latter case, the endpoint should wait until
/// `commit()` is called before it signals completion.
fn read(step: Step, consumer: Box<dyn InputConsumer>);
/// Requests that the endpoint commits `step`, which must be the step
/// previously passed to `read()`.
fn commit(step: Step);
/// The range of steps that the endpoint has available without blocking.
fn steps() -> Range<Step>;
/// Notifies the endpoint that steps less than `step` aren't needed
/// anymore. It may optionally discard them.
fn expire(step: Step);
- What kinds of fault tolerance do we support?
- Upgrade for single-node case
- How do we distinguish compatible and incompatible upgrade?
- What about Kafka/RedPanda upgrade?
Can we do this entirely from the database? without adding more state to the Kafka input adapter?
Kafka transactions: do we need them?
type Step = u64;
trait OutputEndpoint {
/// Notifies the output endpoint that data subsequently written by `push_buffer`
/// belong to the given `step`. If data for the given step has been written
/// before, the endpoint should discard it up to the previously written length.
/// Optionally, the endpoint may compare the previous version to the new version
/// and log a warning if it differs. Beyond the previously written length,
/// the endpoint should append to it if `step` is the last step in the output,
/// or log a warning if the output already contains steps beyond `step`.
fn start_step(step: Step) -> AnyResult<()>;
/// Notifies the output endpoint that it no longer needs to track the positions
/// of steps before `step`. It may optionally discard that tracking metadata.
fn expire_step(step: Step);