A Flask SMS app that replies to texts with one of Jenny Holzer's "Truisms" (1978-1987). https://www.moma.org/collection/works/63755
This project uses Python 3.6.2. To use the Twilio webhook during development, you will need to spin up an introspected tunnel to your localhost. I recommend using ngrok. You will need to create a Twilio developer account to configure a phone number to receive messaging requests from your tunnel's URL route.
All dependencies are declared in install_requires
and pulled from PyPi on installation. To install the project with all requirements, run:
$ python setup.py develop
After installing requirements, activate the virtualenv.
$ source venv/bin/activate
Configure your tunnel to forward to localhost:5000. To run the development server, run:
$ python app.py
When you text the phone number you associated with your local tunnel, you should see the following output:
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) - - [09/Nov/2017 10:54:31] "POST /sms HTTP/1.1" 200 -
The unit tests use the nose library. Test behavior and avoid coupling to implementation details. To run the tests:
$ nosetests
You should see output something like this:
Ran 34 tests in 1.440s
The live version of truiSMS is hosted on Heroku. To push deploys directly from the command line, you will need to install the Heroku CLI.
brew install heroku/brew/heroku
- Flask - The web framework used
- Twilio - Programmable SMS API
- Heroku - Application build and deployment
- Jenna Feldman - Initial work - feljen
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details