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215 lines (189 loc) · 11.4 KB

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215 lines (189 loc) · 11.4 KB


This doc is about testing Perceval's backend for Taiga API.


Using unittest's terminology, has its tests organized in following TestCases:

  • TestTaigaCommand
  • TestTaigaBackend
  • TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer (this one is disabled by default)
  • TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer
  • TestsUnderConstruction (disabled draft testcases)
  • Utilities (disabled by default)

Basic regression Testing

As its name states, TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer mocks the Taiga server. As stated in Perceval's we use httpretty for that, and expect it to be preinstalled. If you have pip installed (docker image grimoirelab/full has it) you can install httpretty with

$ sudo pip install httpretty

You should get something like this:

Collecting httpretty
  Downloading (399kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 399kB 3.6MB/s 
Building wheels for collected packages: httpretty
  Building wheel for httpretty ( ... done
  Created wheel for httpretty: filename=httpretty-1.0.2-cp35-none-any.whl size=26458 sha256=6bacdb422233ebfeecbe484a9ec7aa3e0cfaa5bff6b09a1c93482d2214f3d792
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/43/b3/cd/38dad43e9a47119274e56dd1574be05973bd6020e79f0846d3
Successfully built httpretty
Installing collected packages: httpretty
Successfully installed httpretty-1.0.2
WARNING: You are using pip version 19.3.1; however, version 20.1.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

To run all enabled tests: $ ./

As it is configured in 2020-07-08, this will run 41 tests in scant seconds and report OK with 14 skipped tests:

Debug: Executing test_taiga as __main__ (called as ./ or as python3
Testing Taiga v0.11.0-20200625A
test_categories (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
No exception raised when accessing that member. ... 
./ DeprecationWarning: Please use assertEqual instead.
  self.assertEquals( 7 , len(Taiga.CATEGORIES) )
test_classified_fields (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
No exception raised on accessing that member. ... 
test_fetch_items (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
Fech_items response contains expected items. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 60 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 81 items out of 81.
test_has_archiving (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
Expect False, for the moment. ... 
test_has_resuming (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
Expect False, for the moment. ... 
test_init_missing_arguments (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
Calling init with missing expected arguments is wrong and raises exceptions. ... 
test_metadata_category (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
Each item category is identified. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 60 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 81 items out of 81.
test_tag (__main__.TestTaigaBackend)
Feched items will and can be tagged. ... 
test_init_with_token (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
A token-born client... ... 
test_init_with_user_and_pswd (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
A client is created without token. ... 
test_init_without_expected_arguments_causes_exception (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Raises exception if client is requested without expected arguments. ... 
test_initialization (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga Client initializations. ... 
test_login_fail (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga denies permission. ... 
ERROR:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.login failed:
ERROR:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.login Rq.headers : {'Connection': 'close', 'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.21.0', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Content-Length': '64'}
ERROR:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.login Rq.body : bytearray(b'{ "type": "normal", "username": "a_user", "password": "a...d" }')
ERROR:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.login Rs.status_code : 401
ERROR:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.login Rs.text:
{ "etc":"etc" }
test_no_permission (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga denies permission. ... 
test_pj_epics (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga Project Epics. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 37 items out of 37.
test_pj_issues_stats (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
proj_issues_stats retrieves the expected elements. ... 
test_pj_stats (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
proj_stats retrieves the expected elements. ... 
test_pj_tasks (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga Project Tasks. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 38 items out of 38.
test_pj_userstories (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga Project User Stories. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 38 items out of 38.
test_pj_wiki_pages (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga Project Wiki Pages. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 36 items out of 36.
test_proj (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga Project data. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 60 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 81 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 38 items out of 38.
test_rq_max (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Rq stops paginating on user limit. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 60 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 60 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 81 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 60 items out of 81.
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:TaigaMinClient-20200621A.rp_pages got yet 81 items out of 81.
test_throttling (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga blocks reporting throttling. ... 
INFO:perceval.backends.core.taiga:Sleeping for 2 seconds...
test_wrong_token (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstMockServer)
Taiga rejects wrong token. ... 
test_init_with_user_and_pswd (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
A pswd-born client is created without token. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_initialization (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Test Taiga Client initializations. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_pj_epics (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project Epics. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_pj_issues_stats (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project Issues Stats ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_pj_stats (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project Stats ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_pj_tasks (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project Tasks. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_pj_userstories (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project User Stories. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_pj_wiki_pages (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project Wiki Pages. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_proj (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga Project data. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_proj_export (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga export doesn't work due to permissions. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_wrong_token (__main__.TestTaigaClientAgainstRealServer)
Taiga rejects wrong tokens. ... skipped 'Tests against real server disabled by default to avoid annoying the real taiga service.'
test_backend_class (__main__.TestTaigaCommand)
It's backend is the expected one. ... ok
test_setup_cmd_parser (__main__.TestTaigaCommand)
The parser object is correctly initialized. ... ok
test_api_command (__main__.TestsUnderConstruction) ... skipped 'This case is a draft or under construction.'
test_under_construction (__main__.TestsUnderConstruction)
This test is under construction. ... skipped 'This case is a draft or under construction.'
test_capture (__main__.Utilities)
Runner for testing utilities. ... skipped 'This utility runner is disabled by default'
test_http_codes (__main__.Utilities) ... ok

Ran 41 tests in 2.435s

Unit testing and test development

Running isolated TestCases

While developing it is a good practice to separate the stable tests from the ones being developed, so there's a TestCase named TestsUnderConstruction for that. You can run that TestCase alone as follows:

$ ./ TestsUnderConstruction


You'll probably want to mock other API responses. Among the Utilities class test_capture, in combination with capture*_ methods helps you to capture series of responses (Taiga API returns paginated results). This class isn't really meant as a pure TestCase but as a collector of utilities. However, it contains tests for these utilities, so it indeed plays the TestCase role.

Full regression Testing

All tests against a real server are skipped by default to avoid annoying the real Taiga service. In order to run them you need to comment out the @unittest.skip decorator in line 249 and get a valid API token for your Taiga instance and edit the test_taiga.cfg file to feed it at the Token entry (at line 11).

# Testing data


User     = ledamc-izubiaurre
Password = xxxcensoredxxx

Token    = xxxcensoredxxx


The tests against a real server are configured to call Taiga,io service. If you have an own Taiga instance you also need to adapt the API_URL entry (at line 5) accordingly.

And there's at least two tests that get a token from Taiga's API with a set of valid credentials. If you want to run them, you also need to adapt the User and Password entries a (at lines 8 and 9) to feed the valid credentials.

Specific test data and expected results are provided in the same test_taiga.cfg file. They might have become obsolete since they were captured and you use them again. You should re-baseline them in your first runs.