Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which encourages participation across experience levels, coding language fluency, technology choices*, and scientific disciplines.
*though sometimes we try to expand your options
- Avoid discussions between a few people on a narrow topic
- Provide time for people who haven't spoken to speak/ask questions
- Provide time for experts to share wisdom and discuss
- Work together to make discussions accessible to novices
- If comfortable, please keep video on so we can all see each other's faces.
- OK to break in for quick, clarifying questions.
- Use Raise Hand feature for new topics or for more in-depth questions.
- Please stay muted if not speaking. (Host may mute you.)
- We are recording. Link will be posted on #sciware Slack.
- Please keep questions for the speaker in the Zoom chat.
- Nov 4: Flatiron Clusters (for everyone who uses the cluster)
- Suggest topics and vote on options in #sciware Slack
- Demo 1: Catalog rendering
- Examples from CCA
- Questions / Break
- Demo 2: Datacube rendering
Here are a few preliminary renders produced by Kaze Wong from CCA using simulations generated by others in CCA.
Feel free to reach out to Kaze Wong ([email protected]) to learn about these visualizations or how to do headless render on the Flatiron cluster.
If you have a Blender question/topic you'd like to discuss in a future session, please add it to this Google list.